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King West sewer work:
TTC detour, November 25

The City of Toronto is closing:

  • King Street West between Bay and Yonge Streets

early Friday morning to accommodate crews who are maintaining the sewers.

The TTC is detouring streetcars operating along these routes, while the street is closed:

  • 304 King overnight;
  • 504 King; and
  • 514 Cherry.

Shuttle buses replace the cars between Spadina Avenue and Church Street.


514 Cherry
504 King
304 King overnight

From 12:01 until 5 a.m. Friday, November 25, eastbound cars operate along their regular route to King Street West and Spadina Avenue, then detour:

northward along Spadina;
eastward along Queen Streets West and East; and then
southward along Church Street to King East,
resuming their regular route eastward along Church.

Eastbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on King Street West at Blue Jays Way, John Street, University Avenue and York, Bay and Yonge Streets and
  • on King Street East at Church Street.

Instead, eastbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Spadina Avenue north of King Street West and at Richmond Street West,
  • on Queen Street West at Peter and John Streets, University Avenue and York, Bay and Yonge Streets,
  • on Queen Street East at Victoria and Church Streets and
  • on Church Street at Richmond, Adelaide and King Streets East.

Shuttle buses replace the cars, operating between Bathurst and Jarvis Streets. Eastbound streetcar passengers may transfer to eastbound buses at stops on King Street West between Bathurst Street and Spadina Avenue.

Westbound cars operate along their regular route to King Street East and Church Street, then detour:

southward along Church;
westward along Wellington Streets East and West; and then
northward along York Street to King West,
resuming their regular route westward along King.

Westbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on King Street East at Yonge Street and
  • on King Street West at Bay and York Streets.

Instead westbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Church Street at Wellington Street East,
  • on Wellington Street East at Yonge Street,
  • on Wellington Street West at Bay and York Streets and
  • on York Street at King Street West.

Shuttle buses replace the cars, operating between Jarvis and Bathurst Streets. Westbound streetcar passengers may transfer to eastbound buses at stops on King Street East at Jarvis and Church Streets.

304 / 504 King shuttle buses

From 12:01 until 5 a.m. Friday, November 25, buses replace streetcars operating along the 304 King overnight and 504 King routes between Spadina Avenue and Church Street.

(Note that the TTC has not announced details about how the buses loop at either end of their route.)

Eastbound buses start their trips on King Street West and Bathurst Street, then proceed:

eastward along King Streets West and East to Jarvis Street,
ending their trips.

Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on King Street West at Bathurst and Portland Streets, Spadina Avenue, Blue Jays Way, John Street, University Avenue and York, Bay and Yonge Streets and
  • on King Street East at Church and Jarvis Streets.

Eastbound bus passengers may transfer to eastbound streetcars at stops on King Street East at Church and Jarvis Streets.

Westbound buses start their trips on King Street East at Jarvis Street, then proceed:

westward along King Streets East and West to Bathurst Street,
ending their trips.

Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on King Street East at Jarvis, Church and Yonge Streets and
  • on King Street West at Bay and York Streets, University Avenue, John and Peter Streets, Spadina Avenue and Portland and Bathurst Streets.

Westbound bus passengers may transfer to westbound streetcars at stops on King Street West between York and Bathurst Streets.

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