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Dundas West / Bathurst overhead wiring upgrades:
TTC detours, November 29 to December 2

TTC crews are installing new overhead streetcar wiring at the intersection of Dundas Street West and Bathurst Street early tomorrow, Wednesday, November 29, until early Friday, December 2.

From 12:01 until 5 a.m. each night, the crews work with two to three overhead trucks with hydraulic equipment. You may hear beeping when the trucks are backing up or notice bright lights from the equipment.

Upgrading the overhead wiring is necessary so the TTC can operate its new accessible Toronto Flexity streetcars through the intersection. Over the past few years, electrical crews have been upgrading the overhead wire system along all streetcar routes in the city.

Crews may block some traffic lanes while they work.

The TTC is detouring streetcars operating along this route, while work proceeds:

It is also operating shuttle buses to replace the cars between Lansdowne and Spadina Avenues.

Since the TTC has temporarily replaced streetcars with buses along the 511 Bathurst route, the work will not affect service along that route or along the 307 Bathurst overnight route.

The TTC originally scheduled this work for overnight from early Wednesday, November 23 until Saturday, November 26.


505 Dundas

From 12:01 until 5 a.m. and from Wednesday, November 29 until Friday, December 2, eastbound cars operate along their regular route to Dundas Street West and College Street, then detour:

eastward along College; and then
southward along Spadina Avenue to Dundas West,
resuming their regular route eastward along Dundas.

Eastbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on Dundas Street West at Lansdowne, Brock and Sheridan Avenues, Dufferin Street, Gladstone Avenue, Lisgar Street, Dovercourt Road, Ossington Avenue and Shaw Street, across from Grace Street, at Bellwoods and Euclid Avenues, Bathurst Street and Denison and Spadina Avenues.

Instead, eastbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on College Street at Lansdowne and Brock Avenues, Dufferin Street, Rusholme Park Crescent, Dovercourt Road, Ossington Avenue, Crawford, Grace and Clinton Streets, Euclid Avenue, Bathurst and Borden Streets and Augusta and Spadina Avenues and
  • on Spadina Avenue south of College Street and at Nassau Street.

Shuttle buses replace the cars, operating between Dundas West Station and Beverley Street.

Westbound cars reverse the eastbound detour routing.

Westbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on Dundas Street West at Spadina and Denison Avenues, Bathurst Street, Euclid Avenue, Grace and Crawford Streets, Ossington Avenue, Dovercourt and Rusholme Roads, Gladstone Avenue, Dufferin Street and Sheridan, Brock and Lansdowne Avenues.

Instead, westbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Spadina Avenue north of Dundas Street West and across from Nassau Street and
  • on College Street at Major, Borden and Bathurst Streets, Euclid Avenue, Clinton, Grace and Crawford Streets, Ossington Avenue, Dovercourt Road, Havelock and Dufferin Streets and Brock and Lansdowne Avenues.

Shuttle buses replace the cars, operating between Beverley Street and Dundas West Station. Westbound streetcar passengers may transfer to westbound buses at stops on Dundas Street West between Beverley Street and Spadina Avenue.

505 Dundas shuttle buses

From 12:01 until 5 a.m. and from Wednesday, November 29 until Friday, December 2, the TTC replaces streetcar service between Lansdowne and Spadina Avenues with buses.

Eastbound buses start their trips in Dundas West Station terminal, then proceed:

eastward along Edna Avenue; and then
south- and eastward along Dundas Street West to Beverley Street,
ending their trips.

(The TTC has not announced how the buses loop at the east end of their route. However,on previous occasions that the TTC has operated shuttle buses to and from Beverley Street, they have proceeded:

(northward along Beverley; (eastward along College Street; (southward along McCaul Street; and then (westward along Dundas Street West to Beverley.)

Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops:

  • in Dundas West Station terminal,
  • on Edna Avenue at Dundas Street West,
  • on Dundas Street West east of Roncesvalles Avenue, at Howard Park and Sorauren Avenues, across from Sterling Road, at Lansdowne, Brock and Sheridan Avenues, Dufferin Street, Gladstone Avenue, Lisgar Street, Dovercourt Road, Ossington Avenue and Shaw Street, across from Grace Street, at Bellwoods and Euclid Avenues, Bathurst Street, Denison and Spadina Avenues and Huron and Beverley Streets.

Eastbound bus passengers may transfer to eastbound streetcars at stops on Dundas Street West between Spadina Avenue and Beverley Street.

Westbound buses start their trips on Dundas Street West at Beverley Street, then proceed:

west- and northward along Dundas West; and then
westward into Dundas West Station,
ending their trips.

Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Dundas Street West at Beverley and Huron Streets, Spadina and Denison Avenues, Bathurst Street, Euclid Avenue, Grace and Crawford Streets, Ossington Avenue, Dovercourt and Rusholme Roads, Gladstone Avenue, Dufferin Street and Sheridan, Brock and Lansdowne Avenues, Sterling Road, across from Sourauren Avenue, at Morrow Avenue, across from Roncesvalles Avenue and at Bloor Street West and
  • in Dundas West Station terminal.
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