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Finch West Station: Turn restrictions
during construction affects TTC service

Update — Monday, October 10, 7:48 a.m.*: Construction resulting in turning restrictions at Keele Street and Finch Avenue West ends Monday, October 10. That same day, buses operating along the 107B Keele North route resume regular service through the intersection.

TTC contractors continue working on the project to extend the Line 1 Yonge - University subway northwest to Vaughan.

Construction at Finch Avenue West and Keele Street, near the site of the future Finch West Station is blocking part of the intersection and restricting turns.

During this phase of the project, buses cannot turn from westbound Finch onto northbound Keele.

Starting Wednesday, February 1, the TTC is detouring buses operating along this route:

  • 107B Keele North via Chesswood.

Buses operating along the 107C and 107D branches of the route continue to follow their regular path.

Subway construction near the site of the future Finch West Station and the TTC detour continue until further notice.

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107B Keele North via Chesswood

Starting Wednesday, February 1, southbound buses operate along their regular route to Keele Street and Murray Ross Parkway, then detour:

eastward along Murray Ross; and then
southward along Tangiers Road to Finch Avenue West,
resuming their regular route eastward along Finch West.

Southbound buses skip their regular stops

  • on Keele Street at Four Winds Drive and
  • on Finch Avenue West at Tangiers Road.

Northbound buses reverse the southbound detour routing.

Northbound buses skip their regular stops

  • on Finch Avenue West east of Keele Street and
  • on Keele Street north of Finch Avenue West and at Murray Ross Parkway.
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