Starting Monday, June 5, TTC track crews are replacing worn rail at three streetcar stops on Queen Street West. They’ll work at just one location at a time for about four days at each stop.
- at Triller Avenue - westbound stop, starting June 5.
- at Dunn Avenue - eastbound stop, soon after work at Triller ends.
- at Dufferin Street - eastbound, soon after work at Dunn ends.
The TTC is also conducting preventative and corrective rail welding maintenance at the intersection of Queen Street West and Dufferin Street from Sunday, June 11 until Friday, June 16. Crews work overnight (after midnight) when traffic volumes are at their lowest and they can establish a safe work zone. They’ll clear the work zone of traffic-management signs and pylons before 5:30 a.m. each day.
The TTC has planned this work while buses operate along the 301 Queen overnight and 501 Queen routes. It’s maintaining bus service through each work zone. (Usually, it would divert the streetcars during this type of maintenance work.)
The work restricts traffic to just one lane in each direction through the work zones. The City of Toronto is temporarily prohibiting on-street parking near each site to create a safe work zone for the crew.
At each stop, crews typically work from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. every day. They may work occasionally overnight to keep the project on schedule and to complete it as quickly as possible.
At each site, crews:
- use a milling machine to remove most of the concrete in the track area near the streetcar stop. Then, they chip the remaining concrete to completely expose the rails. Other TTC crews deliver pre-welded new strings of rail to the work area, so that the track crew can get ready to install them at each streetcar stop. Crews store the new rails on the track allowance until they can install them.
- replace old rail with the new rail. This involves cutting, welding and grinding.
- place new concrete in the track area and set it to cure until the crews remove the work zone and vehicles can travel over the area.