The week of Monday, August 14, the TTC starts a long-term project to upgrade the lighting infrastructure in the open-air sections of the Line 2 Bloor - Danforth subway between Victoria Park and Warden stations. Crews start from Victoria Park Station and work eastward along the line towards Warden Station.
Crews only work in the subway right-of-way by:
- installing new electrical feeds and duct banks;
- building new light pole bases in the right-of-way by digging with a hydro vacuum and placing new concrete;
- hoisting new light poles into position;
- restoring chain link fences and landscaping that the crews may have damaged during this project; and
- removing older electrical cables and light poles after they’ve finished installing new lighting infrastructure.
Crews mainly access work areas from the Hydro right-of-way beside the subway line.
While crews mostly work daytime hours, they may occasional work overnight for safety reasons and to support daytime activities. Overnight work activities include installing protective fencing to create a safe work area and using hand tools to dig out some areas.
Expect some noise.
The TTC is maintaining regular subway service through the work zones.
Subway lighting-infrastructure construction continues until further notice.