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Toronto International Film Festival:
TTC detours, September 7 to 11

The City of Toronto is closing:

  • King Street West between Spadina and University Avenues

from 5 a.m. Thursday, September 7 until 5 a.m. Monday, September 11 to accommodate events during the Toronto International Film Festival.

The TTC is detouring streetcars operating along these routes, while the street is closed:

  • 304 King overnight;
  • 504 King; and
  • 514 Cherry.

The TTC also operates buses to provide extra service during certain times of the week and to help passengers travel closer to this part of King Street West, while the street is closed:

  • during rush hours Thursday, September 7 and Friday, September 8; and
  • overnight early Friday, September 8, Saturday, September 9, Sunday, September 10 and Monday, September 11.

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While the street is closed, the TTC is also setting up temporary drop-off and pick-up locations for:


514 Cherry
304 King overnight

From 5 a.m. Thursday, September 7 until 5 a.m. Monday, September 11, eastbound cars operate along their regular route to King Street West and Spadina Avenue, then detour:

northward along Spadina;
eastward along Queen Streets West and East; and then
southward along Church Street to King East,
resuming their regular route eastward along King.

Eastbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on King Street West at Blue Jays Way, John Street, University Avenue and Bay and Yonge Streets and
  • on King Street East at Church Street.

Instead, eastbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Spadina Avenue north of King Street West and at Richmond Street West,
  • on Queen Street West at Peter and John Streets, University Avenue and York, Bay and Yonge Streets,
  • on Queen Street East at Victoria and Church Streets and
  • on Church Street at Richmond, Adelaide and King Streets East.

Westbound cars operate along their regular route to King Street West and York Street, then detour:

northward along York;
westward along Queen Street West; and then
southward along Spadina Avenue to King West,
resuming their regular route westward along King.

Westbound cars skip their regular stops

on King Street West at University Avenue, John and Peter Streets and Spadina Avenue.

Instead, westbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Queen Street West at University Avenue, west of Simcoe Street and at John and Soho Streets and Spadina Avenue and
  • on Spadina Avenue south of Queen Street West and at King Street West.

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304 King overnight

From about 2 until 5 a.m. Friday, September 8, Saturday, September 9, Sunday, September 10 and Monday, September 11, eastbound buses start their trips in Wolseley Loop on the east side of Bathurst Street one block north of Queen Street West, then proceed:

southward along Bathurst;
eastward along King Street West;
northward along Spadina Avenue;
eastward along Adelaide Street West;
southward along University Avenue; and then
eastward along King Streets West and East to Parliament Street,
ending their trips.

Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Bathurst Street at Queen Street West, Portugal Square and King Street West,
  • on King Street West at Portland Street and Spadina Avenue,
  • on Adelaide Street West east of Peter and John Streets and at Simcoe Street,
  • on King Street West at Bay and Yonge Streets and
  • on King Street East at Church, Jarvis, Sherbourne, Ontario and Parliament Streets.

Westbound buses start their trips on King Street East at Parliament Street, then proceed:

southward along Parliament;
westward along Front Street East;
northward along Sherbourne Street;
westward along King Streets East and West;
northward along University Avenue;
westward along Richmond Street West;
southward along Spadina Avenue;
westward along King West;
northward along Bathurst Street; and then
eastward into Wolseley Loop,
ending their trips.

Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on King Street East [eastbound] at Parliament Street,
  • on Parliament Street at Front Street East,
  • on Front Street East at Berkeley Street,
  • on Sherbourne Street at King Street East,
  • on King Street East at Jarvis, Church and Yonge Streets,
  • on King Street West at Bay Street and University Avenue,
  • on Richmond Street West at Simcoe and John Streets,
  • on Spadina Avenue at King Street West,
  • on King Street West at Portland and Bathurst Streets and
  • on Bathurst Street at Adelaide and Queen Streets West.

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504 King

From 5 a.m. Thursday, September 7 until 5 a.m. Monday, September 11, eastbound cars operate along their regular route to King Street West and Spadina Avenue, then detour:

northward along Spadina;
eastward along Queen Streets West and East; and then
southward along Church Street to King East,
resuming their regular route eastward along King.

Eastbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on King Street West at Blue Jays Way, John Street, University Avenue and Bay and Yonge Streets and
  • on King Street East at Church Street.

Instead, eastbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Spadina Avenue north of King Street West and at Richmond Street West,
  • on Queen Street West at Peter and John Streets, University Avenue and York, Bay and Yonge Streets,
  • on Queen Street East at Victoria and Church Streets and
  • on Church Street at Richmond, Adelaide and King Streets East.

Westbound cars operate along their regular route to King Street West and York Street, then detour:

northward along York;
westward along Queen Street West; and then
southward along Spadina Avenue to King West,
resuming their regular route westward along King.

Westbound cars skip their regular stops

on King Street West at University Avenue, John and Peter Streets and Spadina Avenue.

Instead, westbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Queen Street West at University Avenue, west of Simcoe Street and at John and Soho Streets and Spadina Avenue and
  • on Spadina Avenue south of Queen Street West and at King Street West.

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504 King buses

The TTC ususally operates buses to add extra service to the route Mondays to Fridays during rush hours.

Thursday, September 7 and Friday, September 8, eastbound buses operate along their regular route to King Street West and Spadina Avenue, then detour:

northward along Spadina;
eastward along Adelaide Street West; and then
southward along University Avenue to King West,
resuming their regular rotue eastward along King.

Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Adelaide Street West east of Peter and John Streets and at Simcoe Street.

Westbound buses operate along their regular route to King Street West at University Avenue, then detour:

northward along University;
westward along Richmond Street West; and then
southward along Spadina Avenue to King West,
resuming their regular route westward along King.

Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Richmond Street West at Simcoe and John Streets and
  • on Spadina Avenue at King Street West.

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The TTC is setting up temporary Wheel-Trans drop-off or pick-up sites from Thursday to Sunday:

  • on John Street across from Pearl Street,
  • on Pearl Street at Duncan Street,
  • on Simcoe Street at Pearl Street and
  • on Wellington Street West at John and Simcoe Streets.

It’s also setting up one more stop Sunday only:

  • on King Street West east of Simcoe Street.

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