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TTC revising services, October 15

Update — Friday, October 27, 12:34 p.m.: Construction at Queen Street West and McCaul Street ends and regular streetcar service along the 301 Queen overnight and 501 Queen routes resumes 5 a.m. Monday, October 30. The TTC no longer operates buses along the 301J / 501J Queen / Jarvis shuttle route.

The TTC makes mostly minor changes to its services, starting Sunday, October 15.

The TTC continues to suspend service along this route due to Metrolinx construction of the Eglinton Crosstown light rail transit line:

  • 103 Mt Pleasant North.


  • TTC: “Service changes”, here;
  • TTC: “Service Summary, September 3, 2017 to October 14, 2017”, here (.pdf);
  • TTC: “Service Summary, October 15, 2017 to November 25, 2017”, here (.pdf); and
  • Steve Munro: “TTC Service Changes Effective October 15, 2017”, here.

The TTC is revising service along these routes: 23 Dawes, 34 Eglinton East, 85 Sheppard East, 86 Scarborough, 100 Flemingdon Park, 121 Fort York - Esplanade, 133 Neilson, 165 Weston Rd North, 188 Kipling South rocket, 301R / 501R Queen / River shuttle, 306C / 506C Carlton shuttle, 501 Queen, 501J Queen / Jarvis shuttle, 504 King, 505 Dundas, 506 Carlton, 510 Spadina, 511 Bathurst.

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Specifically, the TTC is: introducing a new temporary route; cancelling temporary routes; decreasing service along routes; increasing the frequency of service along routes; decreasing the frequency of service along routes; and making other changes to service along routes.

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Introducing a new temporary route

501 Queen / Jarvis shuttle bus

The TTC operates buses, instead of streetcars along part of the 501 Queen route during Buses operate along two different paths while the City of Toronto and the TTC install new tracks and sidewalks at Queen Street West and McCaul Street.:

(The TTC has not confirmed the exact path buses follow to loop at the west and east ends of their route. We’ve based this section of the post on information it has supplied on previous occasions when buses operated to and from Bathurst Street and to and from Jarvis Street.)

From 5 a.m. Sunday, October 15 until 5 a.m. Monday, October 16, eastbound buses start their trips in Wolseley Loop on the east side of Bathurst Street, just north of Queen Street West, then proceed:

southward along Bathurst; and then
eastward along Queen Streets West and East to Jarvis Street,
ending their trips.

Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • in Wolseley Loop,
  • on Queen Street West at Augusta and Spadina Avenues, Peter and John Streets, University Avenue and York, Bay and Yonge Streets and
  • on Queen Street East at Victoria, Church and Jarvis Streets.

Eastbound route 501J shuttle-bus passengers may transfer to eastbound streetcars at any stop on Queen Street East between Church and Jarvis Streets. When transferring with a PRESTO fare card, do not tap the PRESTO device on the second vehicle when you board.

Westbound buses start their trips eastbound on Queen Street East at Jarvis Street, then proceed:

eastward along Queen East;
southward along Sherbourne Street;
westward along Richmond Street East;
northward along Jarvis Street;
westward along Queen West;
northward along Bathurst Street; and then
eastward into Wolseley Loop,
ending their trips.

Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Queen Street East at Church, Victoria and Yonge Streets,
  • on Queen Street West at Bay Street, across from York Street, at University Avenue, west of Simcoe Street, at Soho Street, Spadina and Augusta Avenues and Bathurst Street and
  • in Wolseley Loop.

Westbound route 501J shuttle-bus passengers may transfer to eastbound streetcars at any stop on Queen Street West between Spadina Avenue and Bathurst Street. When transferring with a PRESTO fare card, do not tap the PRESTO device on the second vehicle when you board.

(Updated — Friday, October 27, 12:34 p.m.)From 5 a.m. Monday, October 16 until 5 a.m. Monday, November 6 October 31, eastbound buses start their trips in Wolseley Loop on the east side of Bathurst Street, just north of Queen Street West, then proceed:

southward along Bathurst;
eastward along Queen Street West;
southward along John Street;
eastward along Adelaide Street West;
northward along University Avenue; and then
eastward along Queen West and East to Jarvis Street,
ending their trips.

Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • in Wolseley Loop,
  • on Queen Street West at Augusta and Spadina Avenues, Peter and John Streets and York, Bay and Yonge Streets and
  • on Queen Street East at Victoria, Church and Jarvis Streets.

Eastbound buses skip the regular route 501 stop:

  • on Queen Street West at University Avenue.

Eastbound route 501J shuttle-bus passengers may transfer to eastbound streetcars at any stop on Queen Street East between Church and Jarvis Streets. When transferring with a PRESTO fare card, do not tap the PRESTO device on the second vehicle when you board.

Westbound buses start their trips eastbound on Queen Street East at Jarvis Street, then proceed:

eastward along Queen East;
southward along Sherbourne Street;
westward along Richmond Street East;
northward along Jarvis Street;
westward along Queen East and West;
southward along Simcoe Street;
westward along Richmond Street West;
northward along John Street;
westward along Queen West;
northward along Bathurst Street; and then
eastward into Wolseley Loop,
ending their trips.

Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Queen Street East at Church, Victoria and Yonge Streets,
  • on Queen Street West at Bay Street, across from York Street, at University Avenue, west of Simcoe Street, at Soho Street, Spadina and Augusta Avenues and Bathurst Street and
  • in Wolseley Loop.

Westbound route 501J shuttle-bus passengers may transfer to eastbound streetcars at any stop on Queen Street West between Spadina Avenue and Bathurst Street. When transferring with a PRESTO fare card, do not tap the PRESTO device on the second vehicle when you board.

Starting Sunday, October 15, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 10 minutes before about 8 a.m. Sundays and holidays;
  • every 9 minutes from about 8 a.m. until noon;
  • every 7 minutes 15 seconds from about noon until 7 p.m.;
  • every 9 minutes from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 10 minutes after about 10 p.m.

Starting Monday, October 16, buses serve passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 6½ minutes, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours;
  • every 7 minutes 15 seconds, from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.;
  • every 7 minutes 15 seconds, during afternoon rush hours;
  • every 9 minutes from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 10 minutes after about 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, October 21, buses serve passengers:

  • every 8 minutes 15 seconds Saturdays before about 8 a.m.;

  • every 9 minutes from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and

  • every 10 minutes after about 10 p.m.

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Cancelling temporary routes

306C / 506C Carlton shuttle bus

City of Toronto construction on College Street between Havelock and Shaw Streets has ended and the TTC is resuming streetcar service along the entire 506 Carlton route at all times of the week except overnight.

The TTC is cancelling bus service along the shuttle route between Lansdowne and Spadina Avenues. Since streetcars carry more passengers, expect less frequent service along this part of the streetcar route.

Saturday, October 14 is the last day that buses operate along the route.

301R / 501R Queen / River shuttle bus

City of Toronto construction on Queen Street East at Coxwell Avenue has ended, so the TTC is resuming streetcar service along the 501 Queen route east of Roncesvalles Avenue. (However, the cars also detour from their regular route due to a new construction project at Queen Street West and McCaul Street.)

The TTC is cancelling bus service along the shuttle route between River Street and Neville Park Loop. Since streetcars carry more passengers, expect less frequent service along this part of the streetcar route.

The TTC is adjusting its schedules to accommodate the longer trip for streetcars, resulting from service resuming east of Russell Carhouse. It’s operating both more frequent and less frequent service along different parts of the route at different times of the week.

Saturday, October 14 is the last day that buses operate along the route.

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Decreasing service along routes

121 Fort York - Esplanade

Since fewer passengers travel to and from Cherry Beach during autumn and winter, the TTC is cancelling service to the beach and operating one less bus along the route at all times of the week.

Saturday, October 14 is the last day that buses operate to and from Cherry Beach.

Starting Sunday, October 15, westbound buses no longer drop off or pick up passengers at spring and summer stops

  • in Cherry Beach Loop and
  • on Cherry Street north of Unwin Avenue, across from Polson Street and at Commissioners and Villiers Streets and Lake Shore Boulevard East.

South- and westbound buses operating along the 72B Pape via Commissioners and Esplanade route continue to serve the stops on Cherry at Villiers Street and Lake Shore Boulevard East.

Eastbound buses no longer drop off or pick up passengers at spring and summer stops

  • on Cherry Street south of Mill Street and Lake Shore Boulevard East, across from Villiers and Commissioners Streets, south of Polson Street and at Unwin Avenue and
  • in Cherry Beach Loop.

East- and northbound buses operating along the 72B Pape via Commissioners and Esplanade route continue to serve the stops on Cherry south of Lake Shore Boulevard East and across from Villiers Street.

Due to the shorter trips to and from Cherry Beach, the TTC is increasing the frequency of service along the route. It’s also making another change to service along the route.

86 Scarborough

The Toronto Zoo closes earlier — at 4:30 p.m. — during fall and winter.

Starting Monday, October 16, the TTC ends service earlier along the 85A branch of the route to match to earlier closing time. The last buses leave the Zoo at about 5:30 p.m. Mondays to Fridays.

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85 Sheppard East

The Toronto Zoo closes earlier — at 4:30 p.m. — during fall and winter.

Starting Sunday, October 15, the TTC ends service earlier along the 85D and 85F branches of the route to match to earlier closing time. The last buses leave the Zoo at about 5:30 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

165 Weston Rd North

The TTC is cancelling service to and from Canada’s Wonderland weekends during late fall, winter and early spring. Buses start and end their trips in Major Mackenzie / Highway 400 Loop, instead of Wonderland Loop.

TTC service to and from Canada’s Wonderland ends Sunday, October 29.

It’s also decreasing the hours of service, so that buses no longer operate Sunday and holiday evenings north of Steeles Avenue West.

The TTC is also increasing and decreasing the frequency of service and making another change to service along the route.

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Increasing the frequency of service along routes

506 Carlton

City of Toronto construction on College Street between Havelock and Shaw Streets has ended and the TTC is resuming streetcar service along the entire route at all times of the week except overnight.

The TTC has cancelled bus service along the 506C along this part of the route.

However, with the end of this construction project and others this summer on Gerrard Street East, the TTC is resuming the schedules it used in May, resulting in more frequent service along the rest of the route at various times of the week.

Starting Sunday, October 15, streetcars drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route west of Lansdowne Avenue and east of Spadina Avenue:

  • every 8 minutes, instead of every 8 minutes 15 seconds, Sundays and holidays from about noon until 7 p.m.

Starting Monday, October 16, the cars serve passengers at the stops:

  • every 4 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 5 minutes, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours;
  • every 5½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 10 seconds, from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.;
  • every 5½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes 15 seconds, during afternoon rush hours;
  • every 7½ minutes, instead of every 8½ minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 8½ minutes, instead of every 9 minutes 45 seconds, after about 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, October 21, the cars serve passengers:

  • every7½ minutes, instead of every 8 minutes 45 seconds, Saturdays before about noon; and
  • every 9½ minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, after about 10 p.m.

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505 Dundas

The TTC is decreasing the running time — the time it schedules for drivers to complete a round trip along the route - since the City of Toronto project to rebuild the water-mains on Dundas Street East between Church and Yonge Streets and the TTC project to rebuild its tracks on Dundas East at Victoria Street have ended.

By decreasing the running time, the TTC also increases the frequency of service along the route at various times of the week.

Starting Sunday, October 15, streetcars drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 11 minutes, Sundays and holidays before about 8 a.m.;
  • every 6 minutes, instead of every 6½ minutes, from about noon until 7 p.m.; and
  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 11 minutes, after about 7 p.m.

Starting Monday, October 16, the cars serve passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 5 minutes 50 seconds, instead of every 6½ minutes, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours;
  • every 6 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 50 seconds, from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.;
  • every 6 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 7 minutes, during afternoon rush hours;
  • every 7 minutes 40 seconds, instead of every 8½ minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 11 minutes, after about 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, October 21, the cars serve passengers at stops:

  • every 7 minutes, instead of every 7 minutes 10 seconds, Saturdays from about 8 a.m. until noon; and
  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 11 minutes, after about 10 p.m.

By increasing the frequency of service early Sunday-and-holiday mornings and evenings and late Monday-to-Friday and Saturday evenings, the TTC effectively restores 505 Dundas to its “ten-minutes-or-better” network of routes. (Passengers intending to travel along one of those routes can expect a bus or streetcar to arrive at their stop every ten minutes or less at all times of the week, except overnight.)

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34Eglinton East

The TTC is adjusting the schedules for buses operating along the 34C branch of the route to and from Flemingdon Park. By adjusting the schedules, the TTC is:

  • providing more reliable service;
  • decreasing the time that buses “lay over” - pause between trips at their terminals; and
  • increasing the frequency of service along the branch at various times of the week.

Starting Sunday, October 15, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the branch:

  • every 15 minutes, instead of every 17 minutes, Sundays and holidays before noon; and
  • every 17 minutes, instead of every 18 minutes, from about noon until 7 p.m.; and
  • every 15 minutes, instead of every 17 minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.

Starting Monday, October 16, buses serve passengers at stops along the branch:

  • every 14 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, Mondays to Fridays from about 7 until 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, October 21, buses serve passengers at stops

  • every 15 minutes, instead of every 17 minutes, Saturdays before noon; and
  • every 17 minutes, instead of every 18 minutes, from about noon until 7 p.m.; and
  • every 15 minutes, instead of every 17 minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.

Also, by adjusting the schedules along the 34C branch, the TTC also improves the frequency of service for all passengers riding buses along the route west of Don Mills Road.

Starting Sunday, October 15, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops west of Don Mills:

  • every 5 minutes 49 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 7 seconds, Sundays and holidays before noon;
  • every 5 minutes 36 seconds, instead of every 5 minutes 42 seconds, from about noon until 7 p.m.; and
  • every 5 minutes 49 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 7 seconds, from about 7 until 10 p.m.

Starting Monday, October 16, buses serve passengers at stops along the branch:

  • every 4 minutes 33 seconds, instead of every 4 minutes 39 seconds, Mondays to Fridays from about 7 until 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, October 21, buses serve passengers at stops

  • every 5 minutes 49 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 7 seconds, Saturdays before noon;
  • every 5 minutes 36 seconds, instead of every 5 minutes 42 seconds, from about noon until 7 p.m.; and
  • every 5 minutes 49 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes 7 seconds, from about 7 until 10 p.m.

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100 Flemingdon Park

The TTC adjusts the schedules to offset delays resulting from Metrolinx construction of the Eglinton Crosstown light rail transit line and its future Science Centre Station. By adjusting the schedules, it also increases the frequency of service along the route.

Starting Monday, October 16, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 3 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 4 minutes, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours.
121 Fort York - Esplanade

Since fewer passengers travel to and from Cherry Beach during autumn and winter, the TTC is cancelling service to the beach and operating one less bus along the route at all times of the week. Since buses operate along a shorter route, it’s also decreasing the frequency of service along the route.

Starting Sunday, October 15, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 17 minutes, instead of every 24 minutes, Sundays and holidays from about 8 a.m. until noon;
  • every 15 minutes, instead of every 16 minutes, from about noon until 7 p.m.; and
  • every 15 minutes, instead of every 20 minutes, after about 7 p.m.

Starting Monday, May 8, buses serve passengers at stops:

  • every 12 minutes, instead of every 13 minutes, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours;
  • every 15 minutes, instead of every 16 minutes, from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.;
  • every 13 minutes, instead of every 14 minutes, during afternoon rush hours;
  • every 15 minutes, instead of every 16 minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 15 minutes, instead of every 20 minutes, after about 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, May 13, buses serve passengers:

  • every 19 minutes, instead of every 20 minutes, Saturdays before about noon;
  • every 15 minutes, instead of every 16 minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 15 minutes, instead of every 20 minutes, after about 10 p.m.

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501 Queen

City of Toronto construction on Queen Street East at Coxwell Avenue has ended, so the TTC is resuming streetcar service along the entire route east of Roncesvalles Avenue. (However, the cars also detour from their regular route due to a new construction project at Queen Street West and McCaul Street.)

The TTC has cancelled bus service along the 301R / 501R along this part of the route.

The TTC is adjusting its schedules to accommodate the longer trip for streetcars, resulting from service resuming east of Russell Carhouse. It’s operating both more frequent and less frequent service along different parts of the route at different times of the week.

Starting Sunday, October 15, streetcars drop off or pick up passengers at stops east of Russell Carhouse:

  • every 5 minutes 50 seconds, instead of every 6½ minutes, Sundays and holidays from about noon until 7 p.m.

Starting Monday, October 16, cars serve passengers at the stops:

  • every 5 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours;
  • every 5 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes, from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.;
  • every 5½ minutes, instead of every 6 minutes, during afternoon rush hours; and
  • every 5½ minutes, instead of every 7 minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, October 21, the cars serve passengers:

  • every 8 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 8½ minutes, Saturdays before about 8 a.m.;
  • every 6 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 7 minutes, from about 8 a.m. until noon;
  • every 5 minutes 40 seconds, instead of every 6½ minutes, from about noon until 7 p.m.; and
  • every 6 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 7 minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.

Starting Monday, October 16, streetcars drop off or pick up passengers at stops between River and Dufferin Streets:

  • every 5 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes, Mondays to Fridays from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.

Starting Saturday, October 21, the cars serve passengers at the stops:

  • every 8 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 8½ minutes, Saturdays before about 8 a.m.;
  • every 5 minutes 40 seconds, instead of every 6 minutes, from about noon until 7 p.m.; and
  • every 6 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 7½ minutes, from about 7 until 10 p.m.

Passengers travelling along the route where both buses and streetcars operate enjoy even more frequent service:

  • between Dufferin Street and Roncesvalles Avenue.

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165 Weston Rd North

The TTC is cancelling service to and from Canada’s Wonderland weekends during late fall, winter and early spring. Buses start and end their trips in Major Mackenzie / Highway 400 Loop, instead of Wonderland Loop.

TTC service to and from Canada’s Wonderland ends Sunday, October 29.

Since fewer passengers travel along the route when Canada’s Wonderland is closed, the TTC is generally decreasing the frequency of service along the route. However, it’s also decreasing the frequency during one time period.

Starting Saturday, November 5, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops north of Steeles Avenue West:

  • every 28 minutes, instead of every 21 minutes, Saturdays from about noon until 7 p.m.

The TTC is also decreasing the hours of service, decreasing the frequency of service and making another change to service along the route.

Since York Region Transit assumes service along the route north of Steeles Avenue West starting Sunday, December 17, this is likely the last year that TTC buses operate to and from Wonderland.

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Decreasing the frequency of service along routes

511 Bathurst

The TTC adjusts the schedules to provide a more reliable service. By adjusting the schedule, it decreases the frequency of service along the route Mondays to Fridays.

Starting Monday, October 16, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route south of Front Street West:

  • every 6 minutes, instead of every 5½ minutes, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours; and
  • every 8 minutes, instead of every 7½ minutes, from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.
506 Carlton

City of Toronto construction on College Street between Havelock and Shaw Streets has ended and the TTC is resuming streetcar service along the entire route at all times of the week except overnight.

The TTC has cancelled bus service along the [506C](#t506c] Carlton shuttle route between Lansdowne and Spadina Avenues. Since streetcars carry more passengers, expect less frequent service along this part of the route.

However, with the end of this construction project and others this summer on Gerrard Street East, the TTC is resuming the schedules it used in May, resulting in more frequent service along the rest of the route at various times of the week.

Starting Sunday, October 15, streetcars drop off or pick up passengers at stops between Lansdowne and Spadina Avenues

  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 7 minutes, Sundays and holidays from about 8 a.m. until noon; and
  • every 8 minutes, instead of every 8 minutes 15 seconds, from about noon until 7 p.m.

Starting Monday, October 16, the cars serve passengers at the stops:

  • every 4 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 7 minutes, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours;
  • every 5½ minutes, instead of every 7 minutes, from about 9 a.m. until 7 p.m.; and
  • every 5½ minutes, instead of every 7 minutes, during afternoon rush hours.

Starting Saturday, October 21, the cars serve passengers:

  • every7½ minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, Saturdays before about 8 a.m.; and
  • every 6 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 7 minutes, from about noon until 7 p.m.

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188 Kipling South rocket

The TTC adjusts the schedules to provide a more reliable service. By adjusting the schedule, it decreases the frequency of service along the route Mondays to Fridays.

Starting Monday, October 16, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 8 minutes, instead of every 7½ minutes, Mondays to Fridays from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.; and
  • every 9 minutes, instead of every 7½ minutes, during afternoon rush hours.
133 Neilson

The TTC adjusts the schedules to provide a more reliable service. By adjusting the schedule, it decreases the frequency of service along the route Mondays to Fridays.

Starting Monday, October 16, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops along the route:

  • every 11 minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours;
  • every 11 minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.; and]
  • every 7½ minutes, instead of every 7 minutes, during afternoon rush hours.

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501 Queen

City of Toronto construction on Queen Street East at Coxwell Avenue has ended, so the TTC is resuming streetcar service along the entire route east of Roncesvalles Avenue. (However, the cars also detour from their regular route due to a new construction project at Queen Street West and McCaul Street.)

The TTC has cancelled bus service along the [301R / 501R](#t301501rsh] Queen / River shuttle route between River Street and Neville Park Loop. Since streetcars carry more passengers, expect less frequent service along this part of the route.

The TTC is adjusting its schedules to accommodate the longer trip for streetcars, resulting from service resuming east of Russell Carhouse. It’s operating both more frequent and less frequent service along different parts of the route at different times of the week.

Starting Sunday, October 15, streetcars drop off or pick up passengers at stops east of Russell Carhouse:

  • every 8 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 8 minutes, Sundays and holidays before about 8 a.m.; and
  • every 7 minutes 40 seconds, instead of every 7½ minutes, from about 8 a.m. until noon.

Starting Monday, October 16, cars serve passengers at the stops:

  • every 9 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 9 minutes, Mondays to Fridays after about 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, October 21, the cars serve passengers:

  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 9 minutes, Sundays and holidays after about 10 p.m.

Starting Sunday, October 15, streetcars drop off or pick up passengers at stops between River and Dufferin Streets:

  • every 8 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 8 minutes, Sundays and holidays before about 8 a.m.;
  • every 7 minutes 40 seconds, instead of every 7½ minutes, from about 8 a.m. until noon; and
  • every 5 minutes 50 seconds, instead of every 5 minutes 45 seconds, from about noon until 7 p.m.

Starting Monday, October 16, cars serve passengers at the stops:

  • every 5 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 5 minutes, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours.

Starting Saturday, October 21, the cars serve passengers:

  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 9 minutes, Saturdays after about 10 p.m.

Passengers travelling along the route where both buses and streetcars operate enjoy even more frequent service:

  • between Dufferin Street and Roncesvalles Avenue.

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510 Spadina

The TTC is increasing the running time — the time it schedules for drivers to complete a round trip along the route — to maintain service reliability during upcoming construction. (The TTC is detouring streetcars serving the 501 Queen route along Spadina Avenue while the City of Toronto and the TTC install new tracks and sidewalks at Queen Street West and McCaul Street. A similar detour in 2016 resulted in less reliable service along the 510 Spadina route due to the large number of streetcars on Spadina Avenue between Queen and King Streets West.)

By increasing the running time, the TTC also decreases the frequency of service along the route at various times of the week.

Starting Sunday, October 15, streetcars drop off or pick up passengers at stops north of Spadina / Queens Quay Loop:

  • every 4 minutes 23 seconds, instead of every 4 minutes 8 seconds, Sundays and holidays from about noon until 7 p.m.

Starting Monday, October 16, the cars serve passengers at stops north of the loop:

  • every 4 minutes 40 seconds, instead of every 4 minutes 22 seconds, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours;
  • every 4 minutes 23 seconds, instead of every 4 minutes 8 seconds, from about 9 a.m. until noon;
  • every 4 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 4½ minutes, during afternoon rush hours; and
  • every 4&frac12 minutes, instead of every 4 minutes 10 seconds, from about 7 until 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, April 1, the cars serve passengers at stops north of the loop:

  • every 4 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 4 minutes, Saturdays from about 8 a.m. until noon; and
  • every 4 minutes 37 seconds, instead of every 4 minutes 23 seconds, from about noon until 7 p.m.

Starting Sunday, October 21, streetcars drop off or pick up passengers at stops east of Spadina / Queens Quay Loop:

  • every 8 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 8 minutes 15 seconds, Sundays and holidays from about noon until 7 p.m.

Starting Monday, October 16, the cars serve passengers at stops east of the loop:

  • every 9 minutes 20 seconds, instead of every 8 minutes 45 seconds, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours;
  • every 8 minutes 45 seconds, instead of every 8 minutes 15 seconds, from about 9 a.m. until noon;
  • every 9½ minutes, instead of every 9 minutes, during afternoon rush hours; and
  • every 9 minutes, instead of every 8½ minutes 10 seconds, from about 7 until 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, October 20, the cars serve passengers at stops east of the loop:

  • every 8½ minutes, instead of every 8 minutes, Saturdays from about 8 a.m. until noon; and
  • every 9 minutes 15 seconds, instead of every 8 minutes 45 seconds, from about noon until 7 p.m.

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165 Weston Rd North

The TTC is cancelling service to and from Canada’s Wonderland weekends during late fall, winter and early spring. Buses start and end their trips in Major Mackenzie / Highway 400 Loop, instead of Wonderland Loop.

TTC service to and from Canada’s Wonderland ends Sunday, October 29.

Since fewer passengers travel along the route when Canada’s Wonderland is closed, the TTC is also decreasing the frequency of service along the route.

Starting Sunday, November 6, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops north of Steeles Avenue West:

  • every 36 minutes, instead of every 18 minutes, Sundays and holidays from about 8 a.m. until noon.

Starting Saturday, November 5, the buses serve passengers at stops north of Steeles West:

  • every 27 minutes, instead of every 18 minutes, Saturdays before about noon; and
  • every 28 minutes, instead of every 21 minutes, from about noon until 3 p.m.

The TTC is also decreasing the hours of service, increasing the frequency of service and making another change to service along the route.

Since York Region Transit assumes service along the route north of Steeles Avenue West starting Sunday, December 17, this is likely the last year that TTC buses operate to and from Wonderland.

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Making other changes to service along routes

23 Dawes

Starting Sunday, October 15, buses “lay over” - pause between trips - beside #195 Rexleigh Boulevard, instead of on Rexleigh, just south of St. Clair Avenue East.

121 Fort York - Esplanade

Since fewer passengers travel to and from Cherry Beach during autumn and winter, the TTC is cancelling service to the beach and operating one less bus along the route at all times of the week.

The TTC designates service to the beach as operating along the 121C branch. Regular service along the 121A branch replaces the 121C branch during fall and winter. (The TTC designates buses ending their trips at Cherry and Mill Streets in the Distillery District as operating along the 121A branch.)

Due to the shorter route, the TTC can also increase the frequency of service along the route.

504 King

Starting Monday, October 16, the TTC temporarily reassigns the extra buses that supplement streetcar service along the route Mondays to Fridays during rush hours.

The buses operate along the 501J Queen / Jarvis shuttle-bus route during streetcar-track and sidewalk construction on Queen Street West at McCaul Street.

165 Weston Rd North

The TTC is cancelling service to and from Canada’s Wonderland for the season. Buses start and end their trips in Wonderland Loop, instead of Major Mackenzie / Highway 400 Loop.

Service to Canada’s Wonderland ends Sunday, October 29.

It’s also decreasing the hours of service, so that buses no longer operate Sunday and holiday evenings north of Steeles Avenue West until about 10 p.m.

The TTC designates service to Wonderland as operating along the 165C branch. Regular service along the 165A branch Saturdays, Sundays and holidays replaces 165C service during late fall, winter and early spring. (The TTC designates buses ending their trips in the Major Mackenzie / Highway 400 Loop as operating along the 165A branch.)

The TTC is also increasing and decreasing the frequency of service and making another change to service along the route.

Since York Region Transit assumes service along the route north of Steeles Avenue West starting Sunday, December 17, this is likely the last year that TTC buses operate to and from Wonderland.

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