The Toronto Transit Commission is holding a special meeting Tuesday, November 28 to consider the 2018 TTC and Wheel-Trans operating budgets and other reports. The public session starts at 10 a.m. If you can’t attend, you watch a live-stream of the the meeting on the official TTC YouTube channel.
The public part of the meeting starts at 10 a.m. in Committee Room #2, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West.
The commission is the TTC’s board of directors. It oversees matters of policy and planning, building, maintaining and operating the TTC system and expanding its services and facilities.
Commissioners include City of Toronto councillors and members of the public.
During the meeting, the commissioners will discuss:
- implementing a two-hour transfer policy. (You can read the staff report here (.pdf).)
- the 2018 TTC and Wheel-Trans operating budgets. (You can read the staff report here (.pdf).)
- the 2018 - 2027 capital budget and plan. (You can read the staff report here (.pdf) and supplementary information here (.pdf).)
The commission also will consider:
- a motion from Commission Chair Josh Colle to appoint an interim chief executive office. (You can read the notice of motion here (.pdf)).
You can view the agenda for the meeting here.
Toronto Transit Commission meetings are public meetings — anyone may attend.If you wish to speak to the commission about an item on its agenda during this meeting, e-mail the Co-ordinator — Secretariat Services at: before noon, Monday, November 27.
You can learn more about making a deputation — or presentation — to the commission here.