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TTC testing trains on Line 1 subway extension, starting today, November 26

Today, Sunday, November 26, the TTC enters the final stages of testing the extension of its Line 1 Yonge - University subway by operating “ghost service” between Sheppard West and Vaughan Metropolitan Centre stations.

Until full service starts Sunday, December 17, trains off-load passengers at Sheppard West Station, then continue northward, stopping at all new stations. From Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Station, trains will return southward, simulate regular service and pick up passengers at Sheppard West Station on their way to Finch Station.

TTC operators are using the next three weeks to become familiar with the subway extension and its new features like automatic train control signalling, making sure service is reliable when the new part of the rapid-transit network opens. TTC staff will also time trips for service planning and, if necessary, adjust schedules to maintain service levels.

Also starting today, passengers can only exit on the northbound side of the platform at Sheppard West and can only board on the southbound side. Station staff have set up barricades to guide passengers through the station.

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