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College Station "Easier Access", second-exit projects: Overnight construction, starting January 18

The TTC is continuing its “Easier Access” program to install elevators in its rapid-transit stations, making the subway system accessible for everyone. The program supports the government of Ontario’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. The provincial legislation commits the TTC to achieving a barrier-free transit system by 2025.

It’s also building second exits from stations with just one exit to increase passenger safety during emergencies.

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Since Monday, November 9, the TTC has been building a new station concourse south of the current concourse at College Station. The new concourse combines new elevators and a second exit through the College Park retail development.

As part of the projects, crews are working overnight during the week of January 18 to install and relocate underground cables on Yonge Street and at the intersection of Yonge with College and Carlton streets. To decrease disrupting vehicle and streetcar traffic, crews work overnight when traffic is less busy.

From 10 p.m. Monday, January 18 until 6 a.m. Tuesday, January 19 and continuing overnight nightly, the crew uses work vehicles, a cable-pulling machine and generators to provide power at the site. A generator at the trailer site near 21 Granby Street also operates overnight to provide power to washrooms and break rooms / warming stations.

They mostly work in the work zone on Yonge Street and at the intersection. A “paid-duty” Toronto Police Service officer will be on site to help control traffic.

Overnight construction near College Station continues until January 23 (6 a.m.).

Construction on the new elevators and second exit / entrance continues until 2023.