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City of Toronto, TTC replacing tracks on Church and Wellington, starting March 8

Update — Monday, August 22, 2022, 1:56 p.m.: The City and TTC are removing track on Wellington Street East between Church and Yonge streets, starting Tuesday, August 23. The TTC is detouring buses.

Update — Friday, March 11, 2022, 8:08 a.m.: The City has announced that, “Starting March 14, 2022, the City of Toronto and Toronto Transit Commission will resume construction activities on the Wellington Street East project. Construction work on this project was halted in 2021 due to the discovery of underground conflicts. The City has worked closely with affected utilities to address and resolve these challenges. In addition to the TTC track work, this project includes streetscape improvements, some road/sidewalk work, electrical and other civil work by the City.

“The track work on this project includes:

  • Replacement of the westbound streetcar tracks on Wellington Street from just east of Yonge Street to Church Street. The eastbound track will be permanently removed. Track replacement just west of Yonge Street was undertaken during the work in 2021.
  • Replacement of the southbound track on Church Street from south of King Street to Wellington Street. The northbound track will be permanently removed.
  • The track work is currently scheduled from late May 2022 to mid-July 2022.
  • Installation of new TTC streetcar overhead infrastructure. Scheduled from mid-Sept 2022 to late October 2022.”

Update — Friday, June 18, 4:45 p.m.: The City has announced that, “Through CaféTO, most restaurants in the Wellington Street East and Church Street area will have access to expanded outdoor dining space as soon as this weekend. The City has paused ongoing construction work in the area until 2022 and the road (two lanes), the boulevard and the sidewalk are expected to be restored by Saturday, June 19 (weather permitting), as well as the construction equipment removed.

“In March, the City and TTC began construction to renew aging streetcar infrastructure on Wellington Street East (between Yonge and Church Streets) and on Church Street (from south of King Street East to Front Street East). The City encountered a number of complex infrastructure challenges that impacted construction including conflicts with underground utilities infrastructure, alignments that have not been properly cleared and scope changes.” The City is postponing construction until 2022.”

Update — Monday, June 1, 2:21 a.m.: The City and TTC start Stage 2 of construction at Wellington / Yonge Monday, June 1. The TTC is further detouring buses.

Update — Tuesday, May 25, 4:29 p.m.: The City and TTC start Stage 1 of construction at Wellington / Yonge Tuesday, May 25. The TTC is detouring buses.

Update — Sunday, March 28, 3 p.m.: From Monday, March 29 until Saturday, April 3, a TTC crew will occupy the two south lanes on Wellington Street West between Bay and Yonge Streets to weld and store rail for the project.

Monday, March 8, the City of Toronto and the TTC start a multi-phase project to upgrade streetcar infrastructure and improve the streetscape

  • on Church Street between King and Wellington Streets East and
  • on Wellington Streets East and West between Church Street and west of Yonge Street.

According to the TTC, “This work is required to bring the track infrastructure and City’s pedestrian infrastructure to a state of good repair and is part of the 2021 Council-approved Capital Works Program. Update notices will be issued as work progresses.”

Crews mostly work Mondays to Fridays from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m., when necessary. Expect periods of 24-hour construction when TTC crews install new rail during May and June.

This project will not currently affect regular TTC services. The regular path for streetcars along the 503 Kingston Rd route is along these parts of Church and Wellington Streets, but the TTC is currently extending the route further westward along King Street West to Spadina Avenue.

When crews start working at the intersection of Yonge and Wellington Streets, expect detours for TTC buses along these routes:

  • 72B Pape via Commissioners and Queens Quay;
  • 97B Yonge; and
  • 320 Yonge overnight.

  • Church Street between south of King Street East and Wellington Street East:
  • replace the southbound track;
  • permanently remove the northbound track; and
  • replace the streetcar overhead wiring.
  • intersection of Church Street with Wellington and Front Streets East:
  • rebuild the tracks;
  • replace the streetcar overhead wiring;
  • improve the streetscape, including the roadway, sidewalks and lighting; and
  • complete roadwork on Front East west of Church.
  • Wellington Street East between Church and Yonge Streets;
  • replace the westbound track;
  • permanently remove the eastbound track; and
  • replace the streetcar overhead wiring.
  • Wellington Street West between 75 metres west of Yonge Street and Yonge:
  • replace the westbound track; and
  • permanently remove the eastbound track; and
  • replace the streetcar overhead wiring.

Phase 1
  • Monday, March 8 until Friday, April 30.
  • Structural pole-base construction on Wellington Street East, working from west of Church Street to Yonge Street.
  • Sidewalk improvement work on Front Street East, near Church Street.
  • One westbound lane available for traffic on Wellington.
  • Lane restrictions on Front East, near Church Street.
Phase 2
  • Monday, April 5 until Saturday, June 5.
  • Phase 2 starts while phase 1 is progressing.
  • Roadway reconstruction on Wellington Street between the south curb and the TTC track;
  • Sidewalk improvement on south side of Wellington;
  • Excavation and track replacement on Wellington starts mid-to-late May from just west of Yonge St and progresses eastward along the street to Church.
  • One westbound lane available for traffic on Wellington.
  • The work zone blocks the intersection of Wellington and Yonge Streets to through traffic for a period of time. The TTC will issue an update notice before the track work at the intersection.
  • Diversion of buses along routes 72B, 97B and 320.
Phase 3
  • Sunday, June 6 until Wednesday, June 23.
  • TTC track and roadway reconstruction at the intersection of Church and Wellington streets.
  • Intersection closed to through traffic.
  • Expect a notice on timing of intersection closure in early May.
Phase 4
  • Monday, June 14 until Sunday, June 27.
  • TTC track and roadway reconstruction on Church Street between King and Front Streets East.
  • Partial sidewalk improvement on Church between King and Front Streets East.
  • Just one lane available for traffic on Church.
Phase 5
  • Monday, June 28 until Saturday, September 18.
  • Roadway reconstruction on Wellington Street between the north curb and the TTC track.
  • Sidewalk improvement on north side of Wellington.
Phase 6
  • Sunday, September 19 until Thursday, September 30.
  • General site clean-up.
  • Traffic-lane restrictions at various locations.

The City is temporarily prohibiting parking in the active work zone, as crews need the space to store construction equipment and materials.

During late March for about five days, TTC crews occupy the two south lanes on Wellington Street East between Church and Scott Streets to weld standard lengths of rail into longer strings and store them in the curb lane.

(Updated — Thursday, May 20, 11:51 a.m.)

“Mid-to-late May” construction at Yonge Street / Wellington Street

Stage 1 - Tuesday, May 25 until Sunday, June 6
  • Wellington Street West, just west of Yonge Street.
  • reconstruction of north curb lane and TTC track lanes. The TTC is permanently removing the eastbound track. Sidewalk access available.
  • south curb lane available for westbound traffic on Wellington Street West.
Stage 2 - Monday, June 1 until Sunday, June 6
  • intersection of Wellington Street with Yonge Street.
  • reconstruction of north curb lane and TTC track lanes. The TTC is permanently removing the eastbound track. Sidewalk access available.
  • intersection closed to north-south through traffic. Southbound traffic on Yonge Street must detour at Colborne Street. Northbound traffic on Yonge Street traffic can turn left onto Wellington Street West, but the turning radius is reduced. Large northbound vehicles must divert at Front Street.
  • south curb lane available for westbound traffic on Wellington Street West.
Stage 3 - Sunday, June 6 until Friday, June 11
  • intersection of Wellington Street with Yonge Street; Wellington Street West, just west of Yonge Street.
  • reconstruction of south curb lane. Sidewalk access available.
  • intersection closed to north-south through traffic. Southbound traffic on Yonge Street traffic can turn right onto Wellington Street West, but the turning radius is reduced. Large southbound vehicles must divert at Colborne Street. Northbound traffic on Yonge Street must divert at Front Street.
  • The City is planning to reopen the intersection to north-south traffic Tuesday, June 8, while crews continue to work on the south curb lane on Wellington Street West.
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