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Hurontario / Tremblay construction affects Brampton Transit service, starting April 6

Starting Tuesday, April 6, City of Brampton contractors are working on a construction project

  • at the intersection of Hurontario Street with Tremblay Street.

The work zone blocks Brampton Transit bus access to stops at the intersection, affecting service along this route:

  • 2 Main.

Temorary Bus Stop Hurontario.PNG

Southbound buses skip their regular stop

  • on Hurontario across from Tremblay Street (stop #1769).

Instead, passengers may board buses at the previous stop on Hurontario at Fishermans Drive or the next stop on Hurontario beyond Wexford Road.

Northbound buses skip their regular stop

  • on Hurontario Street at Tremblay Street (stop #1751).

Instead, passengers may board buses at a temporary stop 100 metres north of the regular stop, beyond Tremblay Street.

Construction may also delay BT buses along this route:

  • 502 Züm Main.

It may also delay GO Transit buses along this route:

  • 37 Orangeville / Brampton.

Construction at Hurontario / Tremblay and the resulting Brampton Transit and GO service changes continue until June 30.

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