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Wellington / Yonge track-replacement project: TTC revises detours, starting June 1

Since Monday, March 8, the City of Toronto and the TTC have started a multi-phase project to upgrade streetcar infrastructure and improve the streetscape

  • on Church Street between King and Wellington Streets East and
  • on Wellington Streets East and West between Church Street and west of Yonge Street.

According to the TTC, “This work is required to bring the track infrastructure and City’s pedestrian infrastructure to a state of good repair and is part of the 2021 [City of Toronto] Council-approved Capital Works Program. Update notices will be issued as work progresses.”

Since 6 a.m. Tuesday, May 25, the work zone has blocked part of

  • the intersection of Wellington Street with Yonge Street,

and the TTC has detoured buses around the intersection.

Starting, Monday, June 1, the work zone blocks even more of the intersection and the TTC further detours buses along these routes:

  • 72B Pape via Commissioners and Queens Quay;


  • 97B Yonge; and
  • 320 Yonge overnight.


This phase of track construction at Wellington / Yonge and the resulting TTC detours continue until June 8.

72B Pape via Commissioners and Queens Quay

From 6 a.m. Monday, June 1 until 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 8, westbound buses operate along their regular route to Bay Street and Front Street West, then detour:

northward along Bay;
westward along Wellington Street West;
southward along University Avenue; and then
eastward along Front West to Bay,
ending their trips.

Westbound buses skip their regular stop

  • on Front Street West beyond Bay Street.

Eastbound buses start their trips on Front Street West west of Bay Street, then proceed:

along their regular route southward along Bay.

Eastbound buses skip their regular stop

  • on Front Street West beyond Bay Street.
97B Yonge
320 Yonge overnight

From 6 a.m. Monday, June 1 until 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 8, southbound buses operate along their regular route to Yonge and King Streets, then detour:

westward along King West; and then
southward along Bay Street to Wellington Street West,
resuming their regular route southward along Bay.

Southbound buses skip their regular stop

  • on Yonge Street at Wellington Street West.

Northbound buses operate along their regular route to Yonge Street and Lake Shore Boulevard, then detour:

westward long Lake Shore West;
northward along Bay Street to King Street West; and then
eastward along King West to Yonge,
resuming their regular route northward along Yonge.

Northbound buses skip their regular stops

  • on Yonge Street at Front Street West, beyond Front Street West and at King Street West.

Instead, northbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Bay Street at Front, Wellington and King Streets West.