The TTC has announced that it is detouring streetcars due to (City of) “Toronto Water activity” from 10 p.m. Sunday, August 21 until 4 a.m. Monday, August 23 and continuing overnight nightly.
(The City and the TTC have not specified the exact location of this activity although the City’s T.O. INView map does indicate ongoing Toronto Water construction at Dovercourt Road and at Elizabeth Street.)
The TTC is detouring streetcars along these routes:
Shuttle buses replace the cars between Dundas Street West and Bay Street.
Overnight Toronto Water activity on College Street and the resulting TTC detours continue until August 27 (4 a.m.)
506 Carlton
306 Carlton overnight
From 10 p.m. Sunday, August 21 until 4 a.m. Monday, August 23 and continuing overnight nightly until 4 a.m. Friday, August 27, eastbound cars operate along their regular routes to Dundas Street West at College Street, then detour:
eastward along Dundas West; and then
northward along Bay Street to College,
resuming their regular route eastward along College.Eastbound cars skip their regular stops
- on College Street at Lansdowne and Brock Avenues, Dufferin Street, Rusholme Park Crescent, Dovercourt Road, Ossington Avenue, Crawford and Grace Streets, Euclid Avenue, Bathurst Street, across from Borden Street, at Augusta and Spadina Avenues, Beverley and McCaul Streets, University Avenue and Elizabeth and Bay Streets.
Instead, eastbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Dundas Street West at Lansdowne and Brock Avenues, Dufferin Street, Rusholme Park Crescent, Dovercourt Road, Ossington Avenue, Crawford and Grace Streets, Euclid Avenue and Bathurst Street, across from Borden Street, at Augusta and Spadina Avenues, Huron, Beverley and McCaul Street, University Avenue and Chestnut and Bay Streets and
- on Bay Street at Elm Street, Gerrard Street West and College Street.
Shuttle buses replace the cars **between Dundas Street West and Bay Street. Eastbound streetcar passengers may transfer to eastbound buses on Dundas Street West at Lansdowne Avenue.
Westbound cars reverse the eastbound detour routing.
Westbound cars skip their regular stops
- on College Street at Elizabeth Street, University Avenue, across from McCaul Street, at St. George Street, Spadina Avenue, Major, Borden and Bathurst Streets, Euclid Avenue, Grace and Shaw Streets, Ossington Avenue, Dovercourt Road, Havelock and Dufferin Streets and Brock and Lansdowne Avenues,
Instead, westbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Bay Street at Gerrard Street West, Elm Street and Dundas Street West and
- on Dundas Street West at Chestnut Street, University Avenue, McCaul, Beverley and Huron Streets, Spadina and Denison Avenues, Bathurst Street, Manning Avenue, Grace and Shaw Streets, Ossington Avenue, Dovercourt and Rusholme Roads, Gladstone Avenue, Dufferin Street, Sheridan, Brock and Lansdowne Avenues.
Shuttle buses replace the cars **between Church Street and Dundas Street West. Westbound streetcar passengers may transfer to westbound cars at stops on Carlton Street at Yonge Street and on College Street at Bay Street.
306 / 506 Carlton shuttle buses
From 10 p.m. Sunday, August 21 until 4 a.m. Monday, August 23 and continuing overnight nightly until 4 a.m. Friday, August 27, buses replace streetcars along the 306 Carlton overnight and 506 Carlton routes between Dundas Street West and Bay Street.
Eastbound buses start their trips on Lansdowne Avenue south of College Street, then proceed:
eastward along College and Carlton Streets; and then
southward along Jarvis Street to Gerrard Street East,
ending their trips.Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops
- on College Street at Brock Avenue, Dufferin Street, Rusholme Park Crescent, Dovercourt Road, Ossington Avenue, Crawford and Grace Streets, Euclid Avenue, Bathurst Street, across from Borden Street, at Augusta and Spadina Avenues, Beverley and McCaul Streets, University Avenue and Elizabeth, Bay and Yonge Streets and
- on Carlton Street at Church and Jarvis Streets.
Eastbound bus passengers may transfer to eastbound streetcars at stops on College and Carlton Streets between Bay and Jarvis Streets.
Westbound buses start their trips on Jarvis Street at Gerrard Street East, then proceed:
westward along Gerrard East;
northward along Church Street;
westward along Carlton and College Streets;
southeastward along Dundas Street West; and then
northward along Lansdowne Avenue to College,
ending their trips.Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops
- on Carlton Street at Yonge Street,
- on College Street at Bay and Elizabeth Streets and University Avenue, across from McCaul Street, at St. George Street, Spadina Avenue, Major, Borden and Bathurst Streets, Euclid Avenue, Grace and Crawford Streets, Ossington Avenue, Dovercourt Road, Havelock and Dufferin Streets and Brock and Lansdowne Avenues.
Westbound bus passengers may transfer to westbound streetcars at a stop on College Street at Lansdowne Avenue.