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Don Roadway construction: TTC detour, starting November 30

Starting 7 a.m. Tuesday, November 30, the City of Toronto is closing

  • Don Roadway south of Lake Shore Boulevard East

to accommodate the next phase of Waterfront Toronto’s project

to rebuild the mouth of the Don River.

The TTC is detouring buses along this route, while the street is closed:

  • 72C Pape (Pape Stn - Commissioners).


This phase of construction on Don Roadway and the resulting TTC detour continue until December 31, 2023.

The project has already resulted in long-term detours for buses along the 72B (Pape Stn - Union Stn via Commissioners and Queens Quay) branch of the route since May 2020.

72B Pape (Pape Stn - Commissioners)

From 7 a.m. Tuesday, November 30 until Sunday, December 31, 2023, southbound buses operate along their regular route to Commissioners and Saulter Streets, then detour:

westward along Commissioners to #200 Commissioners,
ending their trips.

Southbound buses skip their regular stop

  • on Villiers Street at Don Roadway.

Northbound buses reverse the southbound detour routing.

Northbound buses skip their regular stop

  • on Villiers Street at Don Roadway.