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MiWay restores service along an express route, March 7

Starting Monday, March 7, MiWay is resuming service along the 107 Malton express route, as Humber College is again offering in-person classes at the North campus.

MiWay has suspended service along route 107 since Friday, January 7, because post-secondary institutions were temporarily delaying in-person learning, which reduced passenger demand. It also suspended the route and two others due to transit-operator staff shortages resulting COVID-19 self-isolation requirements.

As in-person learning resumed on the University of Toronto’s Mississauga campus, MiWay resumed service along the 110 University express route Monday, February 7 and along the 101 / 101A Dundas route Tuesday, February 22.

Due to fewer riders riding MiWay buses during the COVID-19 pandemic, MiWay continues to suspend service along these MiExpress routes:

  • 100 Airport express;
  • 101 / 101A Dundas express (Saturdays only — service continues Mondays to Fridays);
  • 104 Derry express;
  • 185 Dixie express.
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