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Line 2 bridge over Indian Road and nearby parking lot: TTC replacing tracks in crossover east of Keele Station, starting "mid-May"

Starting “mid-May” (likely as early as Monday, May 16), TTC crews are replacing the double cross-over track on the bridge that carries Line 2 Bloor - Danforth subway over the commuter parking lot and Indian Road east of Keele Station.


Subway trains along Line 2 continue to operate in both directions but reduce speed through the work zone during regular hours during this project. The station entrance / exit to and from the parking lot will be open during regular subway hours.

Crews must conduct some preliminary and essential activities before starting to replace the cross-over track.

Starting Monday, May 9, the TTC is closing the north side of the Keele commuter parking lot. They’ll use this area of the lot to store material and equipment and new and old track. They’ll block off the north side of the lot with a fence. Crews access the lot from Indian Road.

Crews must also prepare the track area by removing the “ballast” (stones) to expose the old track and ties over several nights, before they start removing or replacing the rail. They remove ballast efficiently with subway work car containing a high-pressure vacuum system. This avoids damaging the underground cable and possibly disrupting subway service. Crews work on this preliminary part of the project overnight after subway service ends — from early Tuesday, May 17 until early Saturday, May 28.

The TTC is storing the work cars for the project in nearby Vincent (or “Keele”) Yard, just east of the site.

Crews mostly work overnight when the subway is not operating. The transit agency will also schedule some early-evening subway closures (starting at 11 p.m.) and some weekend closures during this project. Crews work “around-the-clock” during the weekend closures. It intends to close the subway between Jane and Ossington stations for “track work”, including this project:

  • Victoria Day, Monday, May 23 until Friday, May 27 — close early (by 11 p.m.);
  • Monday, May 30 until Friday, June 3 — close early (by 11 p.m.);
  • Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5 — full weekend; and
  • Monday, June 6 until Friday, June 10 — close early (by 11 p.m.).

You may hear noise when equipment, and subway work-cars and cranes are fully operating. You may also hear subway work-car horns from time to time as a safety protocol. Work-car operators sound the horns to alert all crew personnel at track level that the car is about to move in either direction. Crews also use power tools during overnight shifts.

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