Special events in Brampton, the Brooklin area of Whitby, Burlington, the Hamilton Beach area of Hamilton and the Scarborough and central areas of Toronto affect transit services this weekend — from Friday, July 8 until Monday, July 11.
The events affect these routes:
- Burlington Transit — 2 Brant;
- Durham Region Transit — 302 Baldwin - Brock;
- GO Transit — 31 Guelph / Georgetown / Toronto bus;
- Hamilton Street Railway — 11 Parkdale, Garage Sale shuttle buses; and
- Toronto Transit Commission — 54 Lawrence East, 312 St Clair - Junction overnight, 512 St Clair, 512 St Clair shuttle buses.
The Friday, July 8 event affecting transit are: The Taste of Lawrence.
The Saturday, July 9 events affecting transit are: the Brampton Farmers Market;the Burlington Car Show; Salsa on St. Clair; and The Taste of Lawrence.
The Sunday, July 10 events affecting transit are: the Beach Boulevard Garage Sale; Salsa on St. Clair; and The Taste of Lawrence.
The Monday, July 11 event affecting transit is: the Brooklin Orange Parade.
Brampton Farmers Market
Saturday mornings and early afternoons until October 8, the City of Brampton is closing
- Wellington Street West between George and Main Streets South
to accommodate the city’s weekly farmers market.
GO Transit is likely detouring service while the street is closed, but has not announced detour routings.
31 / 31A / 31E / 31F Guelph / Georgetown / Toronto
From 6:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. Saturday, July 9, eastbound buses operate along their regular route to Downtown Brampton Terminal, then detour:
eastward along Nelson Street West; and then
southward along Main Streets North and South to Wellington Street,
resuming their regular route southward along Main South.Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at all stops.
Westbound buses reverse the eastbound detour routing.
Westbound buses skip their regular stop
- on Wellington Street West at George Street South.
Instead, westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at a temporary stopping
- on Main Street South south of Wellington Street East.
Brooklin Orange Parade
From 7 until 10 p.m. Monday, July 11, the Town of Whitby is closing
- the intersection of Baldwin Street North with Campbell Street
and other nearby streets to accommodate the annual parade and cenotaph service.
Durham Region Transit is detouring buses, while the streets are closed.
302 Baldwin - Brock
Closing the streets affects the path for buses operating along different branches of the route:
From 7 until 10 p.m. Monday, July 11, southbound buses operate along their regular route to Ashburn and Vipond Roads, then detour:
southward along Ashburn; and then
eastward along Winchester Road West to Baldwin Street,
resuming their regular route southward along Baldwin South.Southbound buses skip their regular stops
- on Vipond Road at Sabrina Street and Ferguson and Montgomery Avenues,
- on Campbell Street at Baldwin Street North and
- on Baldwin Street North at Cassels and Winchester Roads West.
Instead, southbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Winchester Road West beyond Ashburn Road and at Baldwin Street South.
Northbound buses operate along their regular route.
From 7 until 10 p.m. Monday, July 11, southbound buses operate along their regular route to to Ashburn and Vipond Roads, then detour:
southward along Ashburn; and then
eastward along Winchester Road West to Baldwin Street,
resuming their regular route southward along Baldwin South.Southbound buses skip their regular stops
- on Vipond Road at Sabrina Street and Ferguson and Montgomery Avenues,
- on Campbell Street at Baldwin Street North and
- on Baldwin Street North at Cassels and Winchester Roads West.
Instead, southbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Winchester Road West beyond Ashburn Road and at Baldwin Street South.
Northbound buses reverse the southbound detour routing.
Northbound buses skip their regular stops
- on Baldwin Street South at Winchester Road East,
- on Baldwin Street North at Cassels Road East and
- on Vipond Road beyond Montgomery and Ferguson Avenues and Sabrina Street.
Instead, northbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Winchester Road West beyond Baldwin Street North and at Ashburn Road
Burlington Car Show
The City of Burlington is closing
- Brant Street between Caroline Street and Lakeshore Road
Saturday morning and afternoon to accommodate the annual event.
Burlington Transit is detouring buses, while the street is closed.
2 Brant
From 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. Saturday, July 9, southbound buses operate along their regular route to Brant and Caroline Streets, then detour:
eastward along Caroline; and then
southward along John Street to James Street,
resuming their regular route southward along John.Southbound buses skip their regular stop
- on Brant Street beyond Ontario Street.
Northbound buses reverse the southbound detour routing.
Northbound buses skip their regular stops
- on James Street at Brant Street and
- on Brant Street at Caroline Street.
Hamilton Beach
Beach Boulevard Garage Sale
The Hamilton Beach Community’s annual garage sale takes place on both sides of Beach Boulevard between Eastport Drive and Van Wagner’s Beach Road. To avoid delays resulting from excessive traffic along Beach during the sale, the Hamilton Street Railway is detouring buses and operating shuttle buses to and from the sale area.
Beach Boulevard Garage Sale shuttle buses
Shuttles operate every 30 minutes. However, note that extra traffic on Beach Boulevard may significantly delay buses and you may have to wait to transfer between the shuttles and buses along the 11 Parkdale route during certain times.
From about 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Sunday, July 10, Beach-bound buses start their trips on Glow Avenue east of Woodward Avenue, then proceed:
northward along Woodward; and then
northwestward along Beach Boulevard to the cul-de-sac beyond Eastport Drive,
ending their trips.Beach-bound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops
- on Glow Avenue at Woodward Avenue,
- on Woodward Avenue beside the Museum of Steam Technology and
- on Beach Boulevard beyond Van Wagner’s Beach Road, beside #203 Beach, at Fitch Avenue, across from Towers Drive, at Sierra Lane, across from Comet Avenue, across from Windermere Avenue, at Locarno Avenue and beyond Third and Pandora Avenues.
Hamilton-bound buses start their trips in the cul-de-sac at the east end of Beach Boulevard beyond Eastport Drive, then proceed:
southeastward along Beach;
southward along Woodward Avenue;
westward along Brampton Street;
northward along Dunn Avenue; and then
eastward along Glow Avenue to Woodward,
ending their trips.Hamilton-bound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops
- on Beach Boulevard across from Dieppe Memorial Park and Pandora, Third and Fourth Avenues, at Locarno, Rembe and Comet Avenues, across from Sierra Lane, at Towers Drive, beside the Hamilton Beach Rescue Unit and across from Skyway Park, #107 Beach and Van Wagner’s Beach Road,
- on Woodward Avenue across from the Museum of Steam Technology and
- on Glow Avenue at Woodward Avenue.
The first shuttle bus leaves:
- Glow and Woodward Avenues at 7:55 a.m.; and
- Cul-de-sac at the end of Beach Boulevard at 8:26 a.m.
The last shuttle bus leaves:
- Glow and Woodward Avenues at 2:54 p.m.; and
- Cul-de-sac at the end of Beach Boulevard at 3:27 p.m.
11 Parkdale
From about 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Sunday, July 10, Burlington-bound buses operate along their regular route to Woodward Avenue and Eastport Drive / Beach Boulevard, then detour:
northwestward along Eastport to Beach,
resuming their regular route northwestward along Beach.Burlington-bound buses skip their regular stops
- on Beach Boulevard beyond Van Wagner’s Beach Road, beside #203 Beach, at Fitch Avenue, across from Towers Drive, at Sierra Lane, across from Comet and Windermere Avenues, at Locarno Avenue, beyond Third and Pandora Avenues and at Eastport Drive.
**Hamilton-bound buses reverse the Burlington-bound detour.
Hamilton-bound buses skip their regular stops
- on Beach Boulevard across from Dieppe Memorial Park and Pandora, Third and Fourth Avenues, at Locarno, Rembe and Comet Avenues, across from Sierra Lane, at Towers Drive, beside the Hamilton Beach Rescue Unit and across from Skyway Park, #107 Beach and Van Wagner’s Beach Road.
Board buses along the Beach Boulevard Garage Sale shuttle route to travel to and from stops on Beach Boulevard.
The Taste of Lawrence
The City of Toronto is closing
- Lawrence Avenue East between Birchmount Road and Warden Avenue
Friday, Saturday and Sunday to accommodate the Wexford Heights Business Improvement Area’s annual international food and cultural festival.
The TTC is detouring buses during the event.
54 Lawrence East
From 10 a.m. until 11 p.m. Friday, July 8, 11 a.m. until 11 p.m. Saturday, July 9 and from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. Sunday, July 10, westbound buses operate along their regular route to Lawrence Avenue East and Birchmount Road, then detour:
southward along Birchmount;
westward along Bertrand Avenue; and then
northward along Warden Avenue to Lawrence East,
resuming their regular route westward along Lawrence.Westbound buses skip their regular stops
- on Lawrence Avenue East west of Birchmount Road and at Howden Road, Ellington Drive and Warden Avenue.
Instead, westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Birchmount Road at Modern Road, across from Flora Drive, at Crouse Road, across from Ranstone Gardens, beside #1120 Birchmount and at Bertrand Avenue and
- on Warden Avenue north of Minton Avenue, at Bastille Avenue, Frey Crescent and Lawrence Avenue East.
Eastbound buses reverse the westbound detour routing.
Eastbound buses skip their regular stops
- on Lawrence Avenue East at Crockford Boulevard and Underwriters and Birchmount Roads.
Instead, eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Warden Avenue at Danube Drive, south of Sherwood Avenue, at Walbon Road, Wayne Avenue and Marble Arch Crescent and
- on Birchmount Road beside #1103 Birchmount, at Ranstone Gardens, at Flora Drive, north of Flintridge Road and at Lawrence Avenue East.
See also Scarborough.
TD Salsa on St. Clair
The City of Toronto is closing
- St. Clair Avenue West between Winona Drive and Christie Street
Saturday and Sunday to accommodate the annual festival.
The TTC is detouring services during the event.
512 St Clair
From 8 a.m. Saturday, July 9 until 11 p.m. Sunday, July 10, the TTC is splitting the route into two, with streetcars operating only between St Clair West and St. Clair West Stations and between Gunns and Oakwood loops.
These eastbound 512 St Clair stops have no transit service from 8 a.m. Saturday, July 9 until 11 p.m. Sunday, July 10:
- on St. Clair Avenue West beyond Winona Drive and Arlington Avenue.
These westbound 512 St Clair stops have no transit service from 8 a.m. Saturday, July 9 until 11 p.m. Sunday, July 10:
- on St. Clair Avenue West across from Christie Street and beyondArlington Avenue and Winona Drive.
Buses replace the cars, operating between Oakwood Loop and St Clair West Station.
312 St Clair - Junction overnight
From about 2 until 5 a.m. Sunday, July 10, eastbound buses operate along their regular route to St. Clair Avenue West and Oakwood Avenue, then proceed:
southward along Oakwood Avenue;
eastward along Davenport Road; and then
northward along Christie Street to St. Clair West,
resuming their regular route eastward along St. Clair.Eastbound buses skip their regular stops
- on St. Clair Avenue West beyond Winona Drive and Arlington Avenue.
Instead, eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Oakwood Avenue at Rosemount Avenue and Highview Crescent and beyond Regal Road,
- on Davenport Road across from Winona Drive, at Shaw Street and beyond Marchmount Road and
- on Christie Street at Tyrrel and Benson Avenues and St. Clair Avenue West.
Westbound buses reverse the eastbound detour routing.
Westbound buses skip their regular stops
- on St. Clair Avenue West across from Christie Street, beyond Arlington Avenue and Winona Drive and at Oakwood Avenue.
Instead, westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Christie Street beyond St. Clair Avenue West and at Benson and Tyrrel Avenues and Davenport Road,
- on Davenport Road across from Marchmount Road, at Bracondale Hill Road, across from Ossington Avenue and at Oakwood Avenue and
- on Oakwood Avenue beyond Burlington Crescent.
512 St Clair shuttle buses
From 8 a.m. Saturday, July 9 until 11 p.m. Sunday, July 10, buses replace regular streetcar service along the 512 St Clair route, operating between Oakwood Loop and St. Clair West Station only.
Eastbound cars start their trips in Oakwood Loop, then proceed:
southward along Oakwood Avenue;
eastward along Davenport Road;
northward along Christie Street; and then
eastward along St Clair Avenue West to St. Clair West Station,
ending their trips.Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops
- in Oakwood Loop,
- on Oakwood Avenue at Rosemount Avenue and Highview Crescent and beyond Regal Road,
- on Davenport Road across from Winona Drive, at Shaw Street and beyond Marchmount Road,
- on Christie Street at Tyrrel and Benson Avenues and St. Clair Avenue West.
- on St. Clair Avenue West beyond Wychwood Avenue, Vaughan Road and Bathurst Street and
- in St Clair West Station terminal.
Westbound buses start their trips in St Clair West Station terminal, then proceed:
westward along St. Clair Avenue West;
southward along Christie Street;
westward along Davenport Road;
northward along Oakwood Avenue;
westward along St. Clair Avenue West;
northward along Robina Avenue; and then
westward into Oakwood Loop,
ending their trips.Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops
- in St Clair West Station terminal,
- on St. Clair Avenue West beyond Bathurst Street, Vaughan Road and Wychwood Avenue,
- on Christie Street beyond St. Clair Avenue West and at Benson and Tyrrel Avenues and Davenport Road,
- on Davenport Road across from Marchmount Road, at Bracondale Hill Road, across from Ossington Avenue and at Oakwood Avenue,
- on Oakwood Avenue beyond Burlington Crescent, at St. Clair Avenue West and beyond St. Clair Avenue West and
- in Oakwood Loop.