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Bloor GO / UPX Station: Crews removing vegetation beside West Toronto Railpath, starting August 29

Metrolinx is enhancing Bloor GO / UPX Station as part of the GO Expansion Program.

“As early as” Monday, August 29, crews are clearing and removing some of the trees and vegetation beside the West Toronto Railpath between Dupont Street and Dundas Street West to make space for future construction.

The crews are also removing:

  • bollards and benches at entrances to the Railpath from Ruskin Avenue, Ernest Avenue, Randolph Avenue and Bloor Street West;
  • the bike=share station between Randolph Avenue and Harold Avenue;
  • bike rings on the Railpath. To park and lock your bike during construction, use the bike rings on the south side of the station, near the passenger pick-up and drop-off area.
  • the steel sculptures between Bloor and Dundas streets west.

Bloor GO Construction Map, August 26 2022.jpg

^ Click to enlarge.

Flag people may briefly stop you on the Railpath to ensure your safety while crews are working. The crews mostly work Mondays to Fridays from about 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.

Crews continue clearing some of the trees and vegetation for “about three weeks”, meaning the work continues as late as until September 16. After that, they start building a noise wall.

Metrolinx expects to restore the bike rings, bollards, benches, and three of the four sculptures near the station when they complete construction on the Railpath “in about a year”, meaning construction on the Railpath continues as late as until August 30, 2023.

Later this fall, a detour off the railpath along Ernest Avenue, Perth Avenue and Bloor Street West during construction of the new pedestrian tunnel and pavilion at Bloor station. Look for directional signs in the area with information to help guide you along your way. The detour continues “for about a year”, meaning construction on the Railpath continues as late as until August 30, 2023.

Metrolinx is improving Bloor station and area by:

  • installing about 2.5 kilometers of a new fourth track between Dupont Street and Lansdowne Avenue to increase capacity on the Kitchener Line;
  • building a new pedestrian tunnel to connect Bloor GO Station with Randolph Avenue and adding a covered pedestrian pavilion to access the station;
  • realigning the West Toronto Railpath multi-use trail and adding plantings, gardens, and seating;
  • building a new community park beside the West Toronto Railpath at Ernest Avenue;
  • installing noise barriers and retaining walls; and
  • changing the Bloor Street West pedestrian bridge, by installing a taller fence on the west side of the bridge to increase safety.

Metrolinx and GO plan to accommodate more passengers and increase service along the Kitchener line, as part of their GO Expansion Program (formerly “regional express rail”).