Update — Monday, December 4, 2023, 7:33 a.m.: The City of Toronto is closing the intersection of Spadina Road and Lowther Avenue to all traffic overnight nightly, starting 9 p.m. Monday, December 4, 2023. The TTC is detouring buses. Overnight road closures at Spadina / Lowther and the resulting TTC detour continue overnight nightly until 5 a.m. Saturday, December 9**.
*Update — Friday, September 16, 2023: Construction blocks traffic lanes on Spadina and Lowther, starting Monday, September 21, 2023.
*Update — Friday, February 24, 2023: Crews are excavating on the east side of Spadina Road and Lowther Avenue to investigate the location of underground utilities, starting Monday, February 27, 2023.
The TTC is continuing its “Easier Access” program to install elevators in its rapid-transit stations, making the subway system accessible for everyone. The program supports the government of Ontario’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. The provincial legislation commits the TTC to achieving a barrier-free transit system by 2025.
Monday, September 19, contractors start working at the Line 1 portion of Spadina Station, near Spadina Road and Lowther Avenue, to install two new elevators. (The Line 2 portion of Spadina Station already has elevators.)
By building two new elevators, the TTC intends to create a barrier-free path connecting the subway platform level on Line 1 to the underground pedestrian walkway leading to Spadina Station Line 2, the streetcar platform, the bus terminal and the street-level entrances/exits.
The Easier Access improvements include:
- two new elevators;
- better signs;
- closed-circuit television (CCTV) security cameras in the station; and
- a public-art installation, as a part of the TTC Public Art Program.
The first works include shoring and excavation activities for the new elevator shafts, on the north-west and south-east corners of Spadina and Lowther Avenue. Contractors work in two phases, starting by building Elevator 2 (E2) on Lowther Avenue west of Spadina Road (Phase 1) and then continuing with Elevator 1 (E1) on the southeast corner of Spadina Road and Lowther Avenue (Phase 2).
During construction, traffic will continue to flow on Spadina Road but the work zone may restrict some traffic lanes. The City of Toronto is closing Lowther Avenue west of Spadina Road during elevator E2 construction.
The TTC will maintain subway service at the station throughout construction. It may temporarily relocate the bus stops at Spadina and Lowther at various times during construction.
Easier Access construction at Spadina Station continues until “late 2026”, meaning as late as until December 31, 2026