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Dundas Street East track repairs: TTC detours, overnight, starting April 24

Starting Monday, April 24, TTC crews are repairing streetcars tracks at two locations

  • on Dundas Street East between Munro and River streets.

Crews work:

  • between Munro and Carroll streets - from Monday, April 24 until Wednesday, April 26; and
  • just east of River Street - from Tuesday, April 25 until Thursday, April 27.

Dundas Street East between River Street and Munro Street - Essential Rail and Concrete Repairs.jpg

Crews work in the track area to:

  • saw-cut concrete;
  • break and remove concrete;
  • replace the rail; and
  • place new concrete.

The transit agency is detouring streetcars along this route overnight nightly from 11 p.m. until 5 a.m., while the crews work on the tracks:

Shuttle buses replace the cars between Broadview Avenue and Parliament Street.


The TTC explains that “Rail work of this nature is required around-the-clock to ensure quality installation of new rail and concrete. Concrete breaking / removal work will typically end at 11 p.m.” However, some overnight activities occur, including welding rail and placing new concrete.

The crews pour concrete in the track area and set it to cure. The new concrete requires curing time before the crews remove the work zone so that all vehicles can resume using the entire roadway.

Although crews work in the centre lanes, the work zone blocks bike paths through the work zone during the project. “Paid-duty” toronto Police Service officers or flag persons will be on site to help direct motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.

505 Dundas

From 11 p.m. Monday, April 24 until 5 a.m. Tuesday, April 25 and continuing overnight nightly until 5 a.m. Friday, April 28, eastbound streetcars operate along their regular path to Dundas Street East and Parliament Street, then detour:

northward along Parliament; and then
eastward along Gerrard Street East to Broadview Avenue,
resuming their regular path northward along Broadview.

Eastbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on Dundas Street East at Regent Park Boulevard, River and Munro streets and
  • on Broadview Avenue across from Mountstephen Street and at Gerrard Street East.

Instead, eastbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Parliament Street at Oak Street and Gerrard Street East and
  • on Gerrard Street East at Sackville, Sumach, River and Blackburn streets and Broadview Avenue.

*Shuttle buses replace the cars *between Parliament Street and Broadview Avenue. Eastbound streetcar passengers may transfer to eastbound buses on Dundas Street East at Parliament.

Westbound cars reverse the eastbound detour routing.

Westbound cars skip their regular stops

  • on Broadview Avenue at Mountstephen Street and Broadview Avenue and
  • on Dundas Street East at Munro and River streets, across from Regent Park Boulevard and at Parliament Street.

Instead, westbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Gerrard Street East at St. Matthews Road and River, Sumach, Sackville and Parliament streets and
  • on Parliament Street across from Oak Street and at Dundas Street East.

Westbound streetcar passengers may transfer to westbound buses on Broadview Avenue at Gerrard Street East.

505 Dundas shuttle buses

From 11 p.m. Monday, April 24 until 5 a.m. Tuesday, April 25 and continuing overnight nightly until 5 a.m. Friday, April 28, buses replace streetcars along the 505 Dundas route.

Eastbound buses start their trips on Dundas Street East east of Sherbourne Street, then proceed:

eastward along Dundas East; and then
northward along Broadview Avenue to Simpson Avenue,
ending their trips.

Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Dundas Street East at Parliament Street, Regent Park Boulevard, River and Munro streets and
  • on Broadview Avenue across from Mountstephen Street and at Gerrard Street East.

Eastbound bus passengers may transfer to eastbound streetcars on Broadview Avenue at Simpson Avenue.

Westbound buses start their trips on Broadview Avenue south of Gerrard Street East, then proceed:

southward along Broadview; and then
westward along Dundas Street East to Sherbourne Street,
ending their trips.

Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Broadview Avenue beyond Gerrard Street East and at Mountstephen Street and Broadview Avenue and
  • on Dundas Street East at Munro and River streets, across from Regent Park Boulevard and at Parliament and Sherbourne streets.

Westbound bus passengers may transfer to westbound streetcars on Gerrard Street East at Sherbourne Street.

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