Update — Sunday, May 1, 4:38 a.m.: According to @TTCnotices, streetcars along the 504 King route are again operating between Broadview Station and Dufferin Gate Loop. In a news release, the TTC explained that “…crews worked overnight to complete upgrades to overhead electrical wiring to support pantograph operation for all streetcars along this portion of the route.”
Buses continue to replace streetcars along the 304 King overnight route, with the buses following the regular path 304 path.
Metrolinx is building the Ontario Line subway between Exhibition Place / Ontario Place and the area near the Ontario Science Centre, through downtown Toronto.
Starting Monday, May 1, the City of Toronto is closing
- Queen Street West between Bay and Yonge streets and
- Queen Street East between Victoria and Yonge streets
to all traffic for as long as four years so that Metrolinx contractors can build a new Ontario-Line subway station under the TTC’s current Queen Station on Line 1 Yonge - University.
^ Click to enlarge. Image, Metrolinx
The closure severely impacts TTC services. The City and TTC have planned to rebuild streetcar tracks on York, Richmond and Adelaide streets, to carry streetcars around the closure. However, due to an ongoing project to replace a water main under Adelaide Street West, contractors can’t complete the project to rebuild the tracks until 2024.
So, the TTC is using a temporary service plan starting May 1, with streetcars and buses along these routes detouring:
Shuttle buses replace route 501 streetcars between Broadview Avenue and McCaul Street.
Image, TTC
These detours remain in effect “until 2024”, meaning as late as until December 31, 2024.
(Updated — Sunday, May 1, 4:38 a.m.) Note that the TTC has not yet announced how it’s operating its 504 King service, starting May 1. (Streetcars along the 504 King route are currently operating along the section of Queen that the City is closing that day.)Since the TTC has been temporarily detouring streetcars along the 504 King route to operate along the section of Queen Street that the City is closing, the TTC is also restoring route 504 service to King streets east and west as far west as Dufferin Street.
Buses also continue to replace route 504 cars. The buses operate along two routes:
- 504C - between Dundas West Station and the Distillery District; and
- 504D - between Exhibition Loop and Broadview Avenue / Gerrard Street East.
According to a post in the Metrolinx News blog by Sara Wilbur, Metrolinx communications senior advisor, subway program, “Closing this section of street to vehicle traffic will expedite construction for the project by roughly one year compared to an approach with multiple partial closures. This means commuters can enjoy the benefits of the Ontario Line faster and with less disruption to the community. The full closure also provides much more predictability for people. Consistent access into and out of the downtown core will be maintained with modified streetcar service during construction…
“While Queen Street will be closed to all vehicles, it will be open for pedestrians. Safe, effective detours and wayfinding will ensure that people living in, working in or visiting the area will still be able to access all their favourite shops, restaurants and cafés during the closure…
“A plan developed by Metrolinx, the City of Toronto and the TTC includes building permanent detour infrastructure for the TTC’s 501 Queen streetcar route to keep Toronto moving during important Ontario Line construction. This infrastructure - which is expected to be completed in 2024 - will also improve transit in the downtown core well after the Ontario Line is up and running by providing an alternate streetcar route when there are special events or road works taking place in the area.”
^ Future streetcar detour around the closed section of Queen Street. Image, Metrolinx
504 King
From Monday, May 1 until Saturday, May 6, all streetcars operate along the path for the regular 504B branch of the route between Broadview Station and Dufferin Gate Loop.
Eastbound cars continue to skip their regular stops
- in Dundas West Station terminal,
- on Edna Avenue at Dundas Street West,
- on Dundas Street West at Bloor Street West,
- on Roncesvalles Avenue beyond Boustead and Howard Park avenues, at Grenadier Road, beyond High Park Boulevard, at Galley Avenue, beyond Marion Avenue and at The Queensway,
- on King Street West across from Wilson Park Road and at Dowling, Jameson, Dowling and Spencer avenues and Dufferin Street and
- on Cherry Street at Front Street East and
- in Distillery Loop.
Shuttle buses along the 504C and 504D routes replace the cars. Eastbound streetcar passengers may transfer to eastbound buses along the 504C route at stops on King Street West at Dufferin Street.
Westbound cars continue to skip their regular stops
- in Distillery Loop,
- on Cherry Street beyond Front Street East,
- on King Street West across from Spencer Avenue, at Dunn, Jameson and Dowling avenues, beyond Wilson Park Road and at Queen Street West,
- on Roncesvalles Avenue beyond Queen Street West and Marion Street, at Garden and Fermanagh avenues, Grenadier Road and Howard Park Avenue and across from Boustead Avenue,
- on Dundas Street West at Bloor Street West and
- in Dundas West Station terminal.
Shuttle buses along the 504C and 504D routes replace the cars. Westbound streetcar passengers may transfer to westbound buses along the 504C route at stops on King Street West at Dufferin streets.
504C King shuttle buses
From Sunday, March 26 until Saturday, May 6, buses along the 504C route replace the west end of streetcar service along the 504 King route.
Eastbound buses start their trips in Dundas West Station terminal, then proceed:
westward along Edna Avenue;
southward along Dundas Street West and Roncesvalles Avenue;
eastward along King streets west and east;
southward along Sumach and Cherry streets;
westward along Mill Street;
northward along Parliament Street; and then
eastward along Front Street East to west of Cherry Street,
ending their trips.Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops
- in Dundas West Station terminal,
- on Edna Avenue at Dundas Street West,
- on Dundas Street West at Bloor Street West,
- on Roncesvalles Avenue beyond Boustead and Howard Park avenues, at Grenadier Road, beyond High Park Boulevard, at Galley Avenue, beyond Marion Avenue and at The Queensway,
- on King Street West across from Wilson Park Road, at Dowling, Jameson, Dowling and Spencer avenues and Dufferin Street, across from Joe Shuster Way, at Atlantic Avenue, Douro and Shaw streets, Strachan Avenue and Niagara and Tecumseth streets, beyond Bathurst and Portland streets, Spadina Avenue, Blue Jays Way, John Street, University Avenue and Bay Street and
- on King Street East beyond Yonge, Church and Jarvis streets, at Sherbourne Street, across from Ontario Street and at Sackville and Sumach streets,
- on Cherry Street at Front Street East,
- on Mill Street beyond Cherry Street and at Trinity and Parliament streets.
Eastbound bus passengers may transfer to eastbound streetcars on King Street West at Dufferin Street.
Westbound buses start their trips on Front Street East west of Cherry Street, then proceed:
northward along Cherry and Sumach streets;
westward along King streets east and west;
northward along Roncesvalles Avenue and Dundas Street West; and then
westward into Dundas West Station terminal,
ending their trips.Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops
- on Front Street East at Cherry Street,
- on King Street East at Sackville, Parliament, Ontario and Sherbourne streets and beyond Jarvis and Church streets,
- on King Street West beyond Yonge and Bay streets, University Avenue, John and Peter streets and Spadina Avenue and at Portland, Bathurst, Tecumseth and Niagara streets, Strachan Avenue and Shaw Street,
- on King Street West across from Spencer Avenue, at Dunn, Jameson and Dowling avenues, beyond Wilson Park Road and at Queen Street West,
- on Roncesvalles Avenue beyond Queen Street West and Marion Street, at Garden and Fermanagh avenues, Grenadier Road and Howard Park Avenue and across from Boustead Avenue,
- on Dundas Street West at Bloor Street West and
- in Dundas West Station terminal.
504D King shuttle buses
From Sunday, March 26 until Saturday, May 6, buses along the 504C route replace part of the east end of streetcar service along the 504 King route.
Westbound buses start their trips on Gerrard Street East west of Broadview Avenue, then proceed:
westward along Gerrard East;
southward along River Street;
eastward along King streets east and west;
southward along Strachan Avenue; and then
westward along Manitoba Drive and the Exhibition Loop access road into Exhibition Loop,
ending their trips.Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops
- on Gerrard Street East beyond Broadview Avenue and at St. Matthews Road and River Street,
- on River Street beyond Dundas Street East and at King Street East,
- on King Street East at Sumach, Sackville, Parliament, Ontario and Sherbourne streets and beyond Jarvis and Church streets,
- on King Street West beyond Yonge and Bay streets, University Avenue, John and Peter streets and Spadina Avenue and at Portland, Bathurst, Tecumseth and Niagara streets and Strachan Avenue,
- on Strachan Avenue at Canniff and East Liberty streets and Manitoba Drive,
- on Manitoba Drive beyond Strachan Avenue and
- in Exhibition Loop.
Eastbound buses start their trips in Exhibition Loop, then proceed:
eastward along the Exhibition Loop access road and Manitoba Drive;
northward along Strachan Avenue;
eastward along King streets west and east and Queen Street East;
northward along Broadview Avenue; and then
westward along Gerrard Street East to just west of Broadview,
ending their trips.Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops:
- in Exhibition Loop,
- on Manitoba Drive at Strachan Avenue,
- on Strachan Avenue beyond Fleet Street and Wellington Street West,
- on King Street West at Niagara and Tecumseth streets, beyond Bathurst and Portland streets, Spadina Avenue, Blue Jays Way, John Street, University Avenue and Bay Street,
- on King Street East beyond Yonge, Church and Jarvis streets, at Sherbourne Street, across from Ontario Street and at Sackville, Sumach and Lower River streets,
- on Queen Street East across from Carroll Street and at Broadview Avenue,
- on Broadview Avenue at Dundas Street East and across from Mountstephen Street and
- on Gerrard Street East beyond Broadview Avenue.
Eastbound bus passengers may transfer to eastbound streetcars at stops on Queen Street East across from Carroll Street and at Broadview Avenue and on Broadview Avenue between Queen and Gerrard streets east.
501 Queen
Starting Monday, May 1, eastbound streetcars operate along their regular path to Queen Street West and McCaul Street, then detour:
northward along McCaul;
westward along Dundas streets west and east; and then
southward along Broadview Avenue to Queen Street East,
resuming their regular path eastward along Queen East.Eastbound cars skip their regular stops
- on Queen Street West at University Avenue and York, Bay and Yonge streets and
- on Queen Street East at Victoria, Church, Jarvis, Sherbourne, Ontario, Parliament, Sackville, Sumach and River streets, across from Carroll Street and at Broadview Avenue.
Instead, eastbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Dundas Street West at University Avenue and Chestnut, Bay and York streets,
- on Dundas Street East at Church, Jarvis, Sherbourne, Ontario and Parliament streets, Regent Park Boulevard, River and Munro streets and Broadview Avenue and
- on Broadview Avenue at Queen Street East.
Shuttle buses replace the cars between McCaul Street and Broadview Avenue. Eastbound streetcar passengers may transfer to eastbound buses on Queen Street West at John Street.
Westbound streetcars reverse the eastbound detour routing.
Westbound streetcars skip their regular stops
- on Queen Street East at Carroll, River, Sumach, Sackville, Parliament, Ontario, Sherbourne, Jarvis, Church, Victoria and Yonge streets and
- on Queen Street West at Bay Street, across from York Street and at University Avenue and St. Patrick Street.
Instead, westbound cars drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Broadview Avenue at Dundas Street East,
- on Dundas Street East at Munro and River streets, across from Regent Park Boulevard and at Parliament, Ontario, Sherbourne, Jarvis, Church and Yonge streets and
- on Dundas Street West at Bay and Chestnut streets, University Avenue and McCaul Street.
Shuttle buses replace the cars between **Broadview Avenue and McCaul Street. Westbound streetcar passengers may transfer to westbound buses on Queen Street East at Broadview Avenue.
301 Queen overnight
The TTC continues to replace streetcars with buses along the entire route due to various construction projects.
Starting Tuesday, May 2, westbound buses operate along their regular path to Queen Street West and Bay Street, then detour:
southward along Bay Street;
eastward along King streets west and east; and then
northward along Church Street to Queen Street East,
resuming their regular path eastward along Queen East.Eastbound buses skip their regular stops
- on Queen Street West at Yonge Street and
- on Queen Street East at Victoria and Church streets.
Instead, eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Bay Street at Adelaide Street West,
- on King Street West beyond Bay Street,
- on King Street East beyond Yonge Street and
- on Church Street at Lombard Street (unofficial) and Queen Street East (unofficial).
Westbound buses reverse the eastbound detour routing.
Westbound buses skip their regular stops
- on Queen Street East at Church, Victoria and Yonge streets and
- on Queen Street West at Bay Street.
Instead, westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops
- on Church Street at Richmond Street East (unofficial),
- on Richmond Street East at Yonge Street (unofficial) and
- on Richmond Street West at Bay Street (unofficial).
501B Queen shuttle buses
Starting Monday, May 1, buses replace streetcars along the 501 Queen route between McCaul Street and Broadview Avenue.
Eastbound buses start their trips in Wolseley Loop (on the west side of Bathurst Street, just north of Queen Street West), then proceed:
southward along Bathurst;
eastward along Queen Street West;
southward along Bay Street;
eastward along King streets west and east;
northward along Church Street;
eastward along Queen Street East;
northward along Broadview Avenue; and then
westward along Gerrard Street East to just beyond Broadview,
ending their trips.Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops
- in Wolseley Loop,
- on Queen Street West beyond Bathurst Street (unofficial), at Augusta and Spadina avenues, Peter and John streets, University Avenue and Bay Street,
- on Bay Street at Adelaide Street West,
- on King Street West beyond Bay Street,
- on King Street East beyond Yonge Street,
- on Church Street at Lombard Street (unofficial) and Queen Street East (unofficial),
- on Queen Street East at Jarvis, Sherbourne, Ontario, Parliament, Sackville, Sumach and River streets and across from Carroll Street,
- on Broadview Avenue beyond Queen Street East, at Dundas Street East and across from Mountstephen Street and
- on Gerrard Street East beyond Broadview Avenue.
Eastbound bus passengers may transfer to eastbound streetcars on Broadview Avenue beyond Queen Street East.
Westbound buses start their trips on Gerrard Street East beyond Broadview Avenue, then proceed:
westward along Gerrard Street East;
southward along River Street;
westward along Queen Street East;
southward along Church Street;
westward along Richmond streets east and west;
northward along Bay Street;
westward along Queen Street West;
northward along Bathurst Street; and then
eastward into Wolseley Loop,
ending their trips.Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops
- on Gerrard Street East beyond Broadview Avenue and at St. Matthews Road and River Street,
- on River Street beyond Dundas Street East and at Queen Street East (unofficial),
- on Queen Street East at Sumach, Sackville, Parliament, Ontario, Sherbourne and Jarvis streets,
- on Church Street at Richmond Street East (unofficial),
- on Richmond Street East at Yonge Street (unofficial),
- on Richmond Street West at Bay Street (unofficial),
- on Queen Street West across from York Street and at University Avenue and St. Patrick, John and Soho streets, Spadina and Augusta avenues and Bathurst Street.
Westbound bus passengers may transfer to westbound streetcars at stops on Queen Street West between John and Bathurst streets.