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YRT revises routes and services, November 5

York Region Transit is making minor changes to its services, starting Sunday, November 5.

The good news? It’s increasing the frequency of service along Viva routes. The bad? It’s removing east-west service from central Richmond Hill, by cancelling the 83A branch of the 83 Trench route.

YRT is revising service along these routes: Viva blue; Viva orange; Viva purple; 1 Highway 7; 2 Milliken; 12 Pine Valley; 20 Jane; 21 Vellore; 54 Bayview; 77 Highway 7; 83 Trench; 86 Newkirk - Red Maple; 90 Leslie; 91 Bayview; 98 / 99 Yonge night; 105 Dufferin; 415 Stouffville District high-school special 417 Bill Hogarth high-school special; 720 Highway 407 Terminal / Wonderland; 760 Vaughan Mills / Wonderland.

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Specifically, it’s: cancelling a branch of a route; increasing service along routes; increasing the frequency of service along routes; decreasing the frequency of service along routes; revising the path for buses along a route; adjusting the schedules for buses along routes; and making other changes for buses along routes.

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Cancelling a branch of a route

83A Trench

Friday, November 3 is the last day that YRT operates buses along the branch. Starting Monday, November 6 all buses operate only along the main 83 branch of the route Mondays to Fridays.

Southbound buses no longer drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • at Richmond Green Secondary School,
  • on Leslie Street beyond William F. Bell Parkway and at Elgin Mills Road East,
  • on Elgin Mills Road East beyond Leslie Street,
  • on Redstone Avenue across from Alvarado Avenue, at Primont Drive and Toporowski Avenue, across from Princeton Avenue and Monaco Crescent, at Shirley Drive, across from Jaguar Gate and at Frank Endean Road and Bayview Avenue,
  • on Crosby Street beyond Bayview Avenue, at Neal Drive, across from Osiris Drive, beyond Newkirk Road and across from Pugsley Avenue,
  • on Dunlop Street beyond Pugsley Avenue and at Yonge Street,
  • on Wright Street at Hall Street,
  • on Mill Street at Lucas Street, Libby Boulevard and at Wood Lane.

YRT buses along other routes continue to serve passengers at some of these stops:

  • Richmond Green: 82 Valleymede; 90 Leslie; 449 Richmond Green high-school special via Hillmount; 452 Richmond Green high-school special via Hazelton.
  • Leslie: 82 Valleymede; 90 Leslie; 449 Richmond Green high-school special via Hillmount.
  • Elgin Mills East: 80 Elgin Mills; 82 Valleymede.
  • Redstone at Alvarado, Primont, Toporowski, Princeton, Monaco and Shirley: 82 Valleymede.
  • Dunlop; Wright; Mill: 440 St. Theresa high-school special via Mill.

YRT no longer provides any service to the stops on Redstone at Jaguar, Frank Endean or Bayview or on Crosby.

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Northbound buses no longer serve passengers at stops

  • on Mill Street at Bridgeport Street and across from Lucas Street,
  • on Hall Street at Wright Street,
  • on Wright Street at Yonge Street,
  • on Crosby Avenue beyond Yonge Street, at Pugsley Avenue, at Newkirk Road, beyond Newkirk Road, at Osiris Drive, across from Neal Drive and at Bayview Avenue,
  • on Redstone Avenue at Queensway Drive, Frank Endean Road, Jaguar Gate, Shirley Drive and Monaco Crescent, beyond Peninsula Drive, at Princeton and Toporowski avenues, beyond Maraca Drive and at Elgin Mills Road East,
  • on Leslie Street beyond Elgin Mills Road East and
  • beside Richmond Green Secondary School.

YRT buses along other routes continue to serve passengers at some of these stops:

  • Mill; Hall; Wright: 440 St. Theresa high-school special via Mill.
  • Leslie; Richmond Green: 82 Valleymede; 90 Leslie; 449 Richmond Green high-school special via Hillmount; 452 Richmond Green high-school special via Hazelton.

YRT no longer provides any service to the stops on Crosby and Redstone.

It’s also adjusting the frequency of service along the main part of the route.

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Increasing service along routes

88 Bathurst

YRT is operating a bus on a new northbound trip along the route Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours. By adding an extra bus to the schedule, it says it can “better match service with demand.”

The bus starts its trip in Finch GO Bus Terminal at 7:31 a.m. Mondays to Fridays. It ends its trip on Seneca College’s King campus at 8:34 a.m.

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105 Dufferin

YRT is operating a bus on a new northbound trip along the route Mondays to Fridays during afternoon rush hours. By adding an extra bus to the schedule, it says it can “better match service with demand.”

The bus starts its trip on Dufferin Street south of Clark Avenue West at 3:20 p.m. It ends its trip on Dufferin Street north of Freedom Trail at 3:47 p.m. It then proceeds on a southbound trip along the route, ending on Dufferin north of Confederation Parkway at 3:56 p.m.

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Increasing the frequency of service along routes

Viva blue

YRT is increasing the frequency of service Mondays to Fridays and Saturdays.

Starting Monday, November 6, buses drop off or pick up passengers at vivastations north of Bernard vivastation:

  • every 12 minutes before about 10 a.m.; and
  • every 14 minutes from about 10 a.m. until 8 p.m.

The buses serve passengers at stations south of Bernard:

  • every 6 minutes before about 10 a.m.; and
  • every 7 minutes from about 10 a.m. until 8 p.m.

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Starting Saturday, November 11, buses serve passengers north of Bernard:

  • every 18 minutes from about 9 a.m. until 8 p.m.; and
  • every 16 to 17 minutes after about 8 p.m.

And the buses serve passengers south of Bernard:

  • every 9 minutes from about 9 a.m. until 8 p.m.

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Viva orange

YRT is increasing the frequency of service Mondays to Fridays.

Starting Monday, November 6, buses drop off or pick up passengers at vivastations:

  • every 35 minutes Mondays to Fridays before about 7 a.m.;
  • every 12 minutes from about 7 until 9:30 a.m.;
  • every 21 minutes from about 9:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.;
  • every 13 minutes from about 2:30 until 7 p.m.;
  • every 23 to 24 minutes from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and\
  • every 27 minutes after about 10 p.m.

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Viva purple / Viva purple A

YRT is increasing the frequency of service Mondays to Fridays and Saturdays.

Starting Monday, November 6, buses drop off or pick up passengers at vivastations east of Kennedy / Highway 7 vivastation and west of Town Centre vivastation:

  • every 9 minutes Mondays to Fridays before 9 a.m.;
  • every 9 minutes from about 3 until 7 p.m.; and
  • every 20 minutes after about 7 p.m.

Between Kennedy / Highway 7 and Town Centre vivastations, where the buses operate along the separate Viva purple and Viva purple A branches, buses serve passengers:

  • every 18 minutes Mondays to Fridays before 9 a.m.;
  • every 18 minutes from about 3 until 7 p.m.; and
  • every 40 minutes after about 7 p.m.

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Starting Saturday, November 11, buses serve passengers east of Kennedy / Highway 7 and west of Town Centre:

  • every 20 minutes Saturdays before about 10 a.m.;
  • every 19 minutes from about 10 a.m. until 7 p.m.;
  • every 19 to 20 minutes from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 26 minutes after about 10 p.m.

The buses serve passengers between Kennedy / Highway 7 and Town Centre:

  • every 40 minutes Saturdays before about 10 a.m.;
  • every 38 minutes from about 10 a.m. until 7 p.m.;
  • every 38 to 40 minutes from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 52 minutes after about 10 p.m.

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Decreasing the frequency of service along routes

54 Bayview

YRT says “schedules will be adjusted” for buses along the route Saturdays. (Unofficially, this likely means that service is less frequent.)

Starting Saturday, November 11, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • every 63 to 70 minutes Saturday mornings;
  • every 64 to 72 minutes afternoons; and
  • every 55 minutes evenings.

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91 Bayview

YRT says “schedules will be adjusted” for buses along the route Sundays and holidays. (Unofficially, this likely means that service is less frequent.)

Starting Sunday, November 5, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops:

  • every 69 minutes early Sunday-and-holiday mornings;
  • every 43 minutes mornings and afternoons;
  • every 37 minutes early evenings; and
  • every 56 minutes late evenings.

YRT is also adjusting the schedules for buses operating specific trips along the route.

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1 Highway 7

YRT says “schedules will be adjusted” for buses along the route Sundays and holidays. (Unofficially, this likely means that service is less frequent.)

Starting Sunday, November 5, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops:

  • every 75 minutes Sunday-and-holiday mornings and afternoons;
  • every hour early evenings; and
  • every 52 minutes late evenings.

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77 Highway 7

YRT says “schedules will be adjusted” for buses along the route Mondays to Fridays. (Unofficially, this likely means that service is less frequent.)

Starting Monday, November 6, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops:

  • every 16 minutes Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours;
  • every 30 minutes midday;
  • every 19 minutes during afternoon rush hours;
  • every 27 minutes early evenings; and
  • every 33 minutes late evenings.

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90 Leslie

YRT says “schedules will be adjusted” for buses along the route Sundays and holidays. (Unofficially, this likely means that service is less frequent.)

Starting Sunday, November 5, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops:

  • every 38 to 42 minutes Sundays and holidays.

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2 Milliken

YRT says “schedules will be adjusted” for buses along the route Mondays to Fridays and Saturdays. (Unofficially, this likely means that service is less frequent.)

Starting Monday, November 6, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops:

  • every 22 minutes Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours; and
  • every 42 minutes midday.

Starting Saturday, November 11, buses serve passengers at stops:

  • every 40 minutes, Saturday mornings, midday, afternoons and early evenings; and
  • every 33 minutes late evenings.

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86 Newkirk - Red Maple

YRT says “schedules will be adjusted” for buses along the route Saturdays. (Unofficially, this likely means that service is less frequent.)

Starting Saturday, November 11, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • every 46 minutes Saturdays.

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12 Pine Valley

YRT says “schedules will be adjusted” for buses along the route Mondays to Fridays. (Unofficially, this likely means that service is less frequent.)

Starting Monday, November 6, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops:

  • every 35 minutes Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours; and
  • every 41 minutes during afternoon rush hours.

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83 Trench

YRT says “schedules will be adjusted” for buses along the route Mondays to Fridays. (Unofficially, this likely means that service is less frequent.)

Starting Monday, November 6, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops:

  • every 32 minutes Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours; and
  • every 31 minutes during afternoon rush hours.

YRT is also cancelling a branch of the route.

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82 Valleymede

YRT says “schedules will be adjusted” for buses along the route Mondays to Fridays. (Unofficially, this likely means that service is less frequent.)

Starting Monday, November 6, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops:

  • every 23 minutes Mondays to Fridays during rush hours.

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21 Vellore

YRT says “schedules will be adjusted” for buses along the route Mondays to Fridays. (Unofficially, this likely means that service is less frequent.)

Starting Monday, November 6, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops:

  • every 24 minutes early Monday-to-Friday mornings;
  • every 28 minutes during morning rush hours; and
  • every 30 minutes during afternoon rush hours.

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98 / 99 Yonge night

YRT says “schedules will be adjusted” for buses along the route Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. (Unofficially, this likely means that service is less frequent.)

Starting Sunday, November 5, buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops:

  • every 50 minutes early Sunday-and-holiday evenings; and
  • every 43 minutes late evenings.

Starting Saturday, November 11, buses serve passengers at stops:

  • every 54 minutes early Saturday evenings; and
  • every 46 minutes late evenings.

YRT is also making another change to service along the route.

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Revising the path for buses along a route

415 Stouffville District high-school special

Starting Monday, November 6, YRT revises the path for buses along the route to accommodate students of St. Katherine of Drexel Catholic High School. The students are temporarily attending St. Brenden Catholic Elementary School on Hoover Park Drive west of Ninth Line.

YRT is also adjusting the schedule for a specific trip along the route.

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Adjusting the schedules for buses along routes

91A Bayview

Starting Monday, November 6, YRT adjusts the schedules for buses operating on two specific Monday-to-Friday trips along the 91A branch of the route.

The southbound bus that usually leaves Subrisco Avenue west of Bayview Avenue at 6:02 p.m. Mondays to Fridays leaves, instead, at 6 p.m. It drops off or picks up passengers at stops as much as two minutes earlier than usually. It ends its trip in Finch GO Bus Terminal at 6:44 p.m.

The northbound bus that usually leaves Finch terminal at 4:55 p.m. leaves, instead, at 4:52 p.m. It drops off or picks up passengers at stops as much as three minutes earlier than usually. It ends its trip on Subrisco west of Bayview at 5:53 p.m.

YRT is also adjusting the frequency of service along the main route.

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417 Bill Hogarth high-school specia

Starting Monday, November 6, YRT adjusts the schedules for morning buses along the route so that they arrive at the school ten minutes earlier than usually.

The buses that usually start their trips on Hoover Park Drive west of Sanditon Drive at 7:37 and 7:38 a.m. Monday-to-Friday school days start, instead, at 7:27 and 7:28 a.m. They pick up passengers at stops tas much as ten minutes earlier than usually. They end their trips on Bur Oak Avenue north of Donald Sim Avenue at 8:29 and 8:30 a.m.

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720 Highway 407 Terminal / Wonderland

Starting Sunday, November 5, YRT adjusts the schedules for buses along the route to match the operating hours for Vaughan Mills and Winterfest at Canada’s Wonderland.

Buses continue to operate along the route every day.

YRT is also making another change to service along the route.

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415 Stouffville District high-school special

Starting Monday, November 6, the bus that usually leaves Hoover Park Drive west of Dorcas Lane at 3:45 p.m. Monday-to Friday school days leaves, instead, at 3:50 p.m. It drops off passengers at stops as much as five minutes later than usually. It ends its trip on Millard Street east of Automall Boulevard at 4:16 p.m.

YRT is also revising the path for buses along the route.

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760 Vaughan Mills / Wonderland

Starting Sunday, November 5, YRT adjusts the schedules for buses along the route to match the operating hours for Vaughan Mills and Winterfest at Canada’s Wonderland.

Buses generally operate along the route Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses also operate Fridays from November 17 until January 6, 2024 during Winterfest (and for “Black Friday”, November 24). Buses also operate from Monday, December 18 until Thursday, December 22.)

YRT is also making another change to service along the route.

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Making other changes to service along routes

720 Highway 407 Terminal / Wonderland

Starting Sunday, November 5, YRT reorganizes the platforms at Major Mackenzie West Terminal, so that:

  • southbound buses along route 720 pick up passengers at platform 8.

YRT is also adjusting the schedules for buses along the route.

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20 Jane

Starting Sunday, November 5, YRT reorganizes the platforms at Major Mackenzie West Terminal, so that:

  • southbound buses along route 20 pick up passengers at platform 7; and
  • northbound buses pick up passengers at platform 4.

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760 Highway 407 Terminal / Wonderland

Starting Sunday, November 5, YRT reorganizes the platforms at Major Mackenzie West Terminal, so that:

  • southbound buses along route 720 pick up passengers at platform 12.

YRT is also adjusting the schedules for buses along the route.

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98 / 99 Yonge night

Starting Sunday, November 5, YRT reorganizes the platforms at Newmarket Terminal, so that:

  • southbound buses along route 98 / 99 pick up passengers at platform 2, instead of platform 11.

YRT is also decreasing the frequency of service along the route.

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