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Buses replace streetcars along Spadina, starting June 23

Update — Friday, July 26, 6:41 a.m.: The City of Toronto is setting up a temporary transit priority lane on Spadina and Lower Spadina avenues between Richmond Street West and Lake Shore Boulevard West, starting Sunday, July 28. The TTC no longer short-turns buses at Front Street West during afternoon rush hours, starting that day.

Update — Sunday, July 14, 8:45 a.m.: During construction on Bloor Street West at Spadina Road / Spadina Avenue, the TTC is detouring the buses to operate to and from St George Station from Monday, July 15 until Monday, July 22.

Update — Sunday, July 7, 1:19 p.m.: The TTC is short-turning all buses at Front Street West Monday-to-Friday afternoons from 3 until 7 p.m., starting Monday, July 8.

The TTC is starting a project to upgrade the overhead wiring on sections of the Spadina Avenue streetcar right-of-way between Spadina Station and Queens Quay West. It will also renew the tracks in the Spadina Station loop and complete early work to allow it to expand the platform and increase station capacity in the future.

Starting Sunday, June 23, the transit agency is replacing streetcars with buses along these routes:

  • 310 Spadina overnight; and
  • 510 Spadina.

Route 510 buses operate only between Spadina Station and Queens Quay West. To maintain service levels along Queens Quay West to and from Union Station, the TTC is increasing the frequency of service along this route:

  • 509 Harbourfront.

2024 - 06-23 - Buses replace streetcars - routes 310-510.jpg

Streetcar infrastructure upgrades and the bus-replacement service continue “through December”, meaning as late as until December 31.

TTC crews will use trucks with hydraulic equipment to upgrade the overhead. You may hear beeping sounds whenever the trucks are reversing and you may also see equipment lights overnight.

The TTC may also schedule other local rail repairs on the Spadina right-of-way, when necessary.

To complete the project safely and efficiently, TTC overhead crews may work throughout the week during the day and at night.

Crews work only in the streetcar right-of-way on Spadina Avenue and on TTC property. The work zones will not impact traffic, sidewalks or bike lanes. They first work on Spadina and Lower Spadina avenues south of King Street West. Later this year, they work north of College Street and in Spadina Station.



509 Harbourfront

The TTC is improving service along the route during most time periods, except overnight, to replace route 510 *Spadina service along Queens Quay West to and from Union Station. And, since more people travel to and from the Central Waterfront during summer, it’s further increasing the frequency of service along the route.

Starting Sunday, June 23, streetcars drop off or pick up passengers at stops:

  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 15 minutes, Sundays and holidays before about 8 a.m.;
  • every 7½ minutes, instead of every 8 minutes 45 seconds, from about 8 a.m. until noon;
  • every 5 minutes, instead of every 8 minutes 15 seconds from about noon until 7 p.m.;
  • every 7 minutes, instead of every 9 minutes 15 seconds, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 8 minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, after about 10 p.m.

Starting Monday, June 24, cars serve passengers at stops:

  • every 6 minutes, instead of every 7 minutes 15 seconds, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours;
  • every 7 minutes, instead of every 9½ minutes, from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.;
  • every 6 minutes, instead of every 9½ minutes, during afternoon rush hours;
  • every 7 minutes, instead of every 9 minutes 15 seconds, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 8 minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, after about 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, June 29, cars serve passengers:

  • every 7 minutes, instead of every 9 minutes 15 seconds, Saturdays from about 8 a.m. until noon;
  • every 4 minutes, instead of every 8 minutes 15 seconds, from about noon until 7 p.m.;
  • every 7 minutes, instead of every 9 minutes 15 seconds, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 8 minutes, instead of every 10 minutes, after about 10 p.m.

Although the TTC is increasing the frequency for cars along the entire 509 Harbourfront route, service is actually less frequent between Lower Spadina Avenue and Union Station than it was when cars along both routes 509 and 510 operated there.

For example, starting Sunday, June 23, streetcars in that area drop off or pick up passengers at stops:

  • every 10 minutes, instead of every 7½ minutes, Sundays and holidays before about 8 a.m.;
  • every 7½ minutes, instead of every 4 minutes 35 seconds, from about 8 a.m. until noon;
  • every 5 minutes, instead of every 4 minutes 17 seconds from about noon until 7 p.m.;
  • every 7 minutes, instead of every 3 minutes 44 seconds, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 8 minutes, instead of every 4 minutes 53 seconds, after about 10 p.m.

Starting Monday, June 24, cars serve passengers at stops:

  • every 6 minutes, instead of every 4 minutes 10 seconds, Mondays to Fridays during morning rush hours;
  • every 7 minutes, instead of every 4 minutes 53 seconds, from about 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.;
  • every 6 minutes, instead of every 4 minutes 53 seconds, during afternoon rush hours;
  • every 7 minutes, instead of every 4 minutes 48 seconds, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 8 minutes, instead of every 4 minutes 53 seconds, after about 10 p.m.

Starting Saturday, June 29, cars serve passengers:

  • every 8½ minutes, instead of every 4 minutes 49 seconds, Saturdays before about 8 a.m.
  • every 7 minutes, instead of every 4 minutes 25 seconds, from about 8 a.m. until noon;
  • every 7 minutes, instead of every 3 minutes 21 seconds, from about 7 until 10 p.m.; and
  • every 8 minutes, instead of every 4 minutes 53 seconds, after about 10 p.m.

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510B Spadina

Starting Sunday, June 23, buses replace streetcars along the route. The buses operate only between Spadina Station and Queens Quay West. The buses serve passengers at temporary stops beside the curbs, instead of the centre-road “island” streetcar stops.

Southbound buses start their trips in Spadina Station bus terminal (at street level), then proceed:

southward along Spadina Road, Spadina Avenue, Spadina Crescent, Spadina Avenue and Lower Spadina Avenue;
westward along Lake Shore Boulevard West; and then
southward along Dan Leckie Way to Queens Quay West,
ending their trips.

Southbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • in Spadina Station bus terminal,
  • on Spadina Road at Bloor Street West,
  • on Spadina Avenue beyond Sussex Avenue and at Harbord, Willcocks, College and Nassau streets, Dundas Street West, across from Sullivan Street and at Queen, King and Front streets west,
  • on Lower Spadina Avenue at Fort York Boulevard and
  • on Dan Leckie Way at Queens Quay West.

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Northbound buses start their trips on Dan Leckie Way at Queens Quay West, then proceed:

eastward along Queens Quay West;
northward along Lower Spadina Avenue, Spadina Avenue, Spadina Crescent, Spadina Avenue and Spadina Road; and then
eastward into Spadina Station bus terminal,
ending their trips.

Northbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Dan Leckie Way at Queens Quay West,
  • on Lower Spadina Avenue beyond Queens Quay West and at Bremner Boulevard and Front Street West,
  • on Spadina Avenue beyond King Street West, at Richmond and Queen streets west, Sullivan Street and Dundas Street West, across from Nassau Street, at College and Willcocks streets, beyond Harbord Street and at Sussex Avenue and Bloor Street West and
  • in Spadina Station bus terminal.

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310 Spadina overnight

Starting Monday, June 24, buses replace streetcars along the route. The buses serve passengers at temporary stops beside the curbs, instead of the centre-road “island” streetcar stops.

Southbound buses start their trips in Spadina Station bus terminal (at street level), then proceed:

southward along Spadina Road, Spadina Avenue, Spadina Crescent, Spadina Avenue and Lower Spadina Avenue;
eastward along Lake Shore Boulevard West;
southward along Rees Street;
eastward along Queens Quay West;
northward along Lower Simcoe Street;
eastward along Harbour Street;
northward along Bay Street; and then
eastward along Front Street West to just east of Bay Street,
ending their trips.

Southbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • in Spadina Station bus terminal,
  • on Spadina Road at Bloor Street West,
  • on Spadina Avenue beyond Sussex Avenue and at Harbord, Willcocks, College and Nassau streets, Dundas Street West, across from Sullivan Street and at Queen, King and Front streets west,
  • on Lower Spadina Avenue at Fort York Boulevard,
  • on Rees Street at Queens Quay West,
  • on Lower Simcoe Street beyond Queens Quay West,
  • on Bay Street at Lake Shore Boulevard West and
  • on Front Street West beyond Bay Street.

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Northbound buses start their trips on Front Street West east of Bay Street, then proceed:

eastward along Front West;
northward along Yonge Street;
westward along Wellington Street West;
southward along Bay Street;
eastward along Queens Quay West;
northward along Lower Spadina Avenue, Spadina Avenue, Spadina Crescent, Spadina Avenue and Spadina Road; and then
eastward into Spadina Station bus terminal,
ending their trips.

Northbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Front Street West beyond Bay Street,
  • on Bay Street beyond Front Street West and Harbour Street,
  • on Queens Quay West at Lower Simcoe and Rees streets and Lower Spadina Avenue,
  • on Lower Spadina Avenue at Bremner Boulevard and Front Street West,
  • on Spadina Avenue beyond King Street West, at Richmond and Queen streets west, Sullivan Street and Dundas Street West, across from Nassau Street, at College and Willcocks streets, beyond Harbord Street and at Sussex Avenue and Bloor Street West and
  • in Spadina Station bus terminal.

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