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Lawrence West Station construction: TTC closing main entrance / exit, starting June 27

Update — Wednesday, November 22, 10:11 a.m.: The TTC is reopening the main entrance / exit on the south side of Lawrence Avenue West Friday, November 22. That same day, it’s closing the secondary entrance / exit on the north side of Lawrence Avenue West.

Update — Sunday, July 7, 7:23 a.m.: Construction at Lawrence Station and the resulting TTC detours continue “until mid-2025”, meaning as late as until June 30, 2025.

The City of Toronto continues its project (.pdf) to repair the bridge carrying traffic on Lawrence Avenue West over William R. Allen Road. The work zone has blocked access to part of the TTC bus terminal at Lawrence West Station and the curb lanes of Lawrence West beside the station. Bus bays on-street in front of Lawrence West Station and Bay 5 in the station have been unavailable for TTC bus operations since Easter, Sunday, March 31.

To complicate transit service along Lawrence Avenue West further, since Sunday, November 19, 2023, the TTC has closed the bus terminal at Lawrence Station to buses, due to ongoing “Easier Access” construction to install elevators at that station.

Starting Thursday, June 27, the TTC is *temporarily closing the main entrance / exit * to Lawrence West Station due to the ongoing construction. To access the station, use the new accessible walkway on the west side of the station or the north entrance / exit on the north side of Lawrence Avenue West.

Lawrence West Construction-Bus Bays-052824-MAP.png

The transit agency continues to revise service along Lawrence Avenue West to accommodate both construction projects, including buses along these routes:

  • 11 Bayview;
  • 52 Lawrence West;
  • 59 Maple Leaf;
  • 109 Ranee;
  • 124 Sunnybrook;
  • 162 Lawrence - Donway;
  • 352 Lawrence West overnight; and
  • 952 Lawrence West express.


^ Image: TTC via Steve Munro.


^ Image: TTC via Steve Munro. (Note that north is at the bottom of this map.)

Construction at Lawrence West Station and the resulting TTC service changes continue “for approximately nine months”, meaning as late as until December 31. Construction continues to block the front entrance of the station “until late fall”, meaning as late as until November 30.

The TTC says it’s closing the Lawrence Station bus terminal and detouring the buses as late as until September 30, 2024. “Easier Access” construction at Lawrence Station continues “until the end of 2024”, meaning as late as until December 31, 2024.

(Updated — Sunday, July 7, 7:23 a.m.) The TTC says it’s closing the Lawrence Station bus terminal and detouring the buses “for approximately 10 months”, meaning as late as until September 30, 2024. “Easier Access” construction at Lawrence Station continues “until the end of 2024”, meaning as late as until December 31, 2024. Construction at Lawrence Station and the resulting TTC detours continue “until mid-2025”, meaning as late as until June 30, 2025.

11 Bayview

11A branch (Steeles - Davisville Stn via Sunnybrook)

Buses operate along their regular path.

11C branch (Avenue Rd - Davisville Stn via Lawrence Stn and Sunnybrook)

(Updated — Sunday, July 7, 7:23 a.m.) From Easter, Sunday, March 31, 2024 until Monday, September 30, 2024 Monday, June 30, 2025, the TTC extends the path so that buses start and end their trips in Roe Loop — on the west side of Avenue Road south of Wilson Avenue. Buses operate along the longer path to replace regular service along the 124 Sunnybrook route.

Southbound buses start their trips in Roe Loop, then proceed:

eastward along Old Orchard Grove;
southward along Avenue Road;
eastward along Lawrence avenues west and east; and then
southward along Bayview Avenue to Wellness Way,
resuming their regular path eastward along Wellness.

Southbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • in Roe Loop,
  • on Avenue Road at Melrose, Fairlawn, Woburn and Douglas avenues and
  • on Lawrence Avenue West beyond Avenue Road and Rosewell Avenue, at Chatsworth Drive, Greer Road and Duplex Avenue and across from Lorindale Avenue,
  • on Lawrence Avenue East beyond Yonge Street and Weybourne Crescent, at Mount Pleasant Road, beyond Dinnick Crescent, across from Ronan Avenue and at Wanless Crescent [west] and [east], Mildenhall Road and Bayview Avenue and
  • on Bayview Avenue at Wood Avenue and beyond Dawlish Avenue.

You can transfer between southbound buses along route 11C and Line 1 Yonge - University subway trains at Lawrence Station by boarding or exiting buses

  • on Lawrence Avenue East at Yonge Street.

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Northbound buses operate along their regular path to Raab Boulevard beyond Hospital Road beside Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre K and L Wings, then proceed:

westward along Raab;
northward along Wellness Way;
westward along Armistice Drive;
northward along Bayview Avenue;
westward along Lawrence avenues east and west;
northward along Avenue Road; and then
westward into Roe Loop,
ending their trips.

Northbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Wellness Way at Armistice Drive,
  • on Bayview Avenue at Valleyanna Drive and beside York University’s Glendon College,
  • on Lawrence Avenue East at Mildenhall Road, across from Wanless Crescent [east], at Wanless Crescent [west], Ronan Avenue, Mount Pleasant Road, Cardinal Place and Yonge Street,
  • on Lawrence Avenue West at Lorindale Avenue, Jedburgh and Greer roads, beyond Elm Road and at Avenue Road,
  • on Avenue Road beyond Douglas Avenue and at Woburn, Fairlawn and Melrose avenues and
  • in Roe Loop.

You can transfer between northbound buses along route 11C and Line 1 Yonge - University subway trains at Lawrence Station by boarding or exiting buses

  • on Lawrence Avenue West at Lorindale Avenue.

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162 Lawrence - Donway

(Updated — Sunday, July 7, 7:23 a.m.) From Sunday, November 19, 2023 until Monday, September 30, 2024 Monday, June 30, 2025, westbound buses operate along their regular path to Lawrence Avenue West at the entrance into Lawrence Station bus terminal, then proceed:

westward along Lawrence West;
northward along Avenue Road; and then
westward into Roe Loop,
ending their trips.

Westbound buses skip their regular stop

  • in Lawrence Station bus terminal.

Instead, westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Lawrence Avenue West at Lorindale Avenue, Jedburgh and Greer roads, beyond Elm Road and at Avenue Road,
  • on Avenue Road beyond Douglas Avenue and at Woburn, Fairlawn and Melrose avenues and
  • in Roe Loop.

You can transfer between westbound buses along route 162 and Line 1 Yonge - University subway trains at Lawrence Station by boarding or exiting buses

  • on Lawrence Avenue West at Lorindale Avenue.

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Eastbound buses start their trips in Roe Loop, then proceed:

eastward along Old Orchard Grove;
southward along Avenue Road; and then
eastward along Lawrence Avenue West to the bus exit from Lawrence Station terminal,
resuming their regular path eastward along Lawrence West.

Eastbound buses skip their regular stop

  • in Lawrence Station bus terminal.

Instead, eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • in Roe Loop,
  • on Avenue Road at Melrose, Fairlawn, Woburn and Douglas avenues and
  • on Lawrence Avenue West beyond Avenue Road and Rosewell Avenue, at Chatsworth Drive, Greer Road and Duplex Avenue and across from Lorindale Avenue.

You can transfer between eastbound buses along route 162 and Line 1 Yonge - University subway trains at Lawrence Station by boarding or exiting buses

  • on Lawrence Avenue East at Yonge Street.

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52 Lawrence West

Construction at Lawrence West and Lawrence stations affects service along various branches of the route:

52A / 52B / 52D branches

(Updated — Sunday, July 7, 7:23 a.m.) From Sunday, November 19, 2023 until Monday, September 30, 2024 Monday, June 30, 2025, eastbound buses operate along their regular path to Lawrence Avenue West and Avenue Road, then detour:

southward along Avenue;
eastward along Eglinton Avenue West;
northward along Duplex Avenue;
eastward along Orchardview Boulevard;
southward along Yonge Street;
westward along Berwick Avenue; and then
northward into Eglinton Station bus terminal,
ending their trips.

Eastbound buses skip their regular stops

  • on Lawrence Avenue West at Avenue Road, beyond Rosewell Avenue, at Chatsworth Drive, Greer Road and Duplex Avenue and across from Lorindale Avenue and
  • in Lawrence Station bus terminal.

Instead, eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Avenue Road beyond Lawrence Avenue West, across from #1451 Avenue (Havergal College), at Otter Crescent, Glengrove Avenue West, Glencairn Avenue, Lytton and Hillhurst boulevards and St. Clements Avenue and beyond Roselawn Avenue,
  • on Eglinton Avenue West beyond Avenue Road, Oriole Parkway and Lascelles Boulevard and at Duplex Avenue,
  • on Yonge Street beside #2190 Yonge and at Berwick Avenue and
  • in Eglinton Station bus terminal.

From Easter, Sunday, March 31 until New Year’s Eve, Tuesday, December 31, eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at bay 3 in Lawrence West Station terminal, instead of on the street. After the subway is closed, the buses serve passengers at a temporary stop on Lawrence Avenue West at Shermount Avenue, instead of beside Lawrence West Station

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Westbound buses start their trips in Eglinton Station bus terminal, then proceed:

northward along Duplex Avenue;
westward along Eglinton Avenue West; and then
northward along Avenue Road to Lawrence Avenue West,
resuming their regular path westward along Lawrence West.

Westbound buses skip their regular stops

  • in Lawrence Station bus terminal and
  • on Lawrence Avenue West at Lorindale Avenue, Jedburgh and Greer roads, beyond Elm Road and at Avenue Road.

Instead, westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • in Eglinton Station bus terminal,
  • on Eglinton Avenue West at Henning Avenue and across from Lascelles Boulevard and Oriole Parkway,
  • on Avenue Road beyond Eglinton Avenue West, at Roselawn and St. Clements avenues, Hillhurst and Lytton boulevards and Glengrove Avenue West, beyond Glenview Avenue and beside #1451 Avenue (Havergal College) and
  • on Lawrence Avenue West beyond Avenue Road.

52F branch (Royal York - Eglinton Station via Avenue Rd)

Thursday, March 28 is the last day (for now) that the TTC operates buses along the branch.

Route 52 buses no longer drop off or pick up passengers at a stop

  • on Royal York Road south of The Westway.

TTC buses along another route continue to serve passengers at this stop:

  • 73C / 73D Royal York.

52G branch (Martin Grove - Sunnybrook via Westway and Lawrence Stn)

From Easter, Sunday, March 31 until New Year’s Eve, Tuesday, December 31, the TTC extends the path so that buses start and end their trips at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, instead of Lawrence West Station bus terminal. By extending the path to Sunnybrook, the TTC partially replaces service along the 124 Sunnybrook route until construction ends.

Eastbound buses operate along their regular path Lawrence West Station bus terminal, then proceed:

eastward along Lawrence avenues west and east;
southward along Bayview Avenue;
eastward along Wellness Way;
east- and northward along Hospital Road; and then
westward along Raab Boulevard to beyond Hospital Road beside Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre K and L Wings,
ending their trips.

Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at new stops (for this branch)

  • in Lawrence West Station at bus bay 2,
  • on Lawrence Avenue West beyond Englemount Avenue, across from Brookfield Drive, at Glenmount Avenue, Bathurst Street, Glen Rush Boulevard, Ledbury Street, Kimbark Boulevard and Avenue Road, beyond Avenue Road and Rosewell Avenue, at Chatsworth Drive, Greer Road and Duplex Avenue and across from Lorindale Avenue,
  • on Lawrence Avenue East beyond Yonge Street and Weybourne Crescent, at Mount Pleasant Road, beyond Dinnick Crescent, across from Ronan Avenue and at Wanless Crescent [west] and [east], Mildenhall Road and Bayview Avenue,
  • on Bayview Avenue at Wood Avenue and beyond Dawlish Avenue,
  • on Wellness Way at Hospital Road beside the Odette Cancer Centre,
  • on Hospital Road beside Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre main entrance,
  • on Raab Boulevard beyond Hospital Road beside Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre K and L Wings.

You can transfer between eastbound buses along route 52G and Line 1 Yonge - University subway trains at Lawrence Station by boarding or exiting buses

  • on Lawrence Avenue East at Yonge Street.

From Easter, Sunday, March 31 until New Year’s Eve, Tuesday, December 31, after the subway is closed, eastbound buses serve passengers at a temporary stop on Lawrence Avenue West at Shermount Avenue, instead of beside Lawrence West Station.

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Westbound buses start their trips on Raab Boulevard beyond Hospital Road beside Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre K and L Wings, then proceed:

westward along Raab;
northward along Wellness Way;
westward along Armistice Drive;
northward along Bayview Avenue; and then
westward along Lawrence avenues east and west to beside Lawrence West Station,
resuming their regular path westward along Lawrence West.

Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at new stops (for this branch)

  • on Raab Boulevard beyond Hospital Road beside Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre K and L Wings,
  • on Wellness Way at Armistice Drive,
  • on Bayview Avenue at Valleyanna Drive and beside York University’s Glendon College,
  • on Lawrence Avenue East at Mildenhall Road, across from Wanless Crescent [east], at Wanless Crescent [west], Ronan Avenue, Mount Pleasant Road, Cardinal Place and Yonge Street,
  • on Lawrence Avenue West at Lorindale Avenue, Jedburgh and Greer roads, beyond Elm Road, at Avenue Road, beyond Avenue Road, at Grey Road, Ledbury Street, Welland Avenue, Bathurst Street, beyond Bathurst Street, at Brucewood Crescent and Brookfield Drive and beyond Varna Drive.

You can transfer between westbound buses along route 52G and Line 1 Yonge - University subway trains at Lawrence Station by boarding or exiting buses

  • on Lawrence Avenue West at Lorindale Avenue.

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952 Lawrence West express

(Updated — Sunday, July 7, 7:23 a.m.) From Sunday, November 19, 2023 until Monday, September 30, 2024 Monday, June 30, 2025, eastbound buses operate along their regular path to Lawrence Avenue West and Avenue Road, then detour:

southward along Avenue;
eastward along Eglinton Avenue West;
southward along Duplex Avenue; and then
eastward into Eglinton Station bus terminal,
ending their trips.

Eastbound buses skip their regular stop

  • in Lawrence Station bus terminal.

Instead, eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at a temporary stop

  • in Eglinton Station bus terminal.

From Easter, Sunday, March 31 until New Year’s Eve, Tuesday, December 31, eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at bay 3 in Lawrence West Station terminal, instead of on the street.

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Westbound buses start their trips in Eglinton Station bus terminal, then proceed:

northward along Duplex Avenue;
westward along Eglinton Avenue West; and then
northward along Avenue Road to Lawrence Avenue West,
resuming their regular path westward along Lawrence West.

Westbound buses skip their regular stops

  • in Lawrence Station bus terminal and
  • on Lawrence Avenue West at Avenue Road.

Instead, westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • in Eglinton Station bus terminal and
  • on Lawrence Avenue West beyond Avenue Road.

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352 Lawrence West overnight

From Easter, Sunday, March 31 until New Year’s Eve, Tuesday, December 31, eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at a temporary stop on Lawrence Avenue West at Shermount Avenue, instead of beside Lawrence West Station.

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59 Maple Leaf

From Easter, Sunday, March 31 until New Year’s Eve, Tuesday, December 31, the TTC extends the path so that buses start and end their trips in Eglinton West Station bus terminal, instead of Lawrence West Station bus terminal.

Eastbound buses operate along their regular path to Lawrence Avenue West and Dufferin Street, then detour:

southward along Dufferin;
eastward along Glencairn Avenue;
southward along Marlee Avenue;
eastward along Eglinton Avenue West; and then
northward into Eglinton West Station bus terminal,
ending their trips.

Eastbound buses skip their regular stops

  • on Lawrence Avenue West at Corona Street and Bolingbrook Road and Marlee Avenue and
  • in Lawrence West Station bus terminal.

TTC buses along other routes continue to drop off or pick up passengers at these stops:

Instead, eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • on Dufferin Street across from Claver Avenue and at Playfair Avenue and Glengrove Avenue West,
  • on Glencairn Avenue beyond Dufferin Street (unofficial), at Capitol, Danesbury and Marlee avenues,
  • on Marlee Avenue beyond Viewmount Avenue, at Stayner, Ridelle, Roselawn, Whitmore and Livingston avenues and
  • in Eglinton West Station bus terminal.

You can transfer between eastbound buses along route 59 and Line 1 Yonge - University subway trains at Glencairn Station by boarding or exiting buses

  • on Glencairn Avenue at Marlee Avenue,

and walking one block eastward along Glencairn.

2024 - 03-31 - Eg;linton West Stn - route 59 - Maple Leaf.jpg

^ Image: TTC via Steve Munro.

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Westbound buses reverse the eastbound detour routing.

Westbound buses skip their regular stops

  • in Lawrence West Station bus terminal and
  • on Lawrence Avenue West beyond Marlee Avenue, across from Bolinbrook Road and at Via Bagnato and Dufferin Street.

TTC buses along other routes continue to drop off or pick up passengers at these stops:

Instead, westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at temporary stops

  • in Eglinton West Station bus terminal,
  • on Eglinton Avenue West at Marlee Avenue,
  • on Marlee Avenue at Whitmore, Roselawn, Ridelle, Viewmount and Stayner avenues,
  • on Glencairn Avenue beyond Marlee Avenue and at Danesbury and Capitol avenues and Dufferin Street,
  • on Dufferin Street across from Glengrove Avenue West, at Wenderly Drive and beyond Claver Avenue and
  • on Lawrence Avenue West beyond Dufferin Street (unofficial).

You can transfer between westbound buses along route 59 and Line 1 Yonge - University subway trains at Glencairn Station by boarding or exiting buses

  • on Marlee Avenue beyond Glencairn Avenue,

and walking one block eastward along Glencairn.

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109B / 109C Ranee

Southbound buses operate along their regular path.

From Easter, Sunday, March 31 until New Year’s Eve, Tuesday, December 31, northbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at bay 1 in Lawrence West Station bus terminal, instead on Lawrence Avenue West beside Lawrence West Station.

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124 Sunnybrook

Saturday, March 30 is the last day (for now) that the TTC operates buses along the route. Buses along the 11C Bayview and 52G Lawrence West routes replace route 124 service during construction.

Westbound route 124 buses no longer drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • on Raab Boulevard beyond Hospital Road beside Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre K and L Wings,
  • on Wellness Way at Armistice Drive,
  • on Bayview Avenue at Valleyanna Drive and beside York University’s Glendon College,
  • on Lawrence Avenue East at Mildenhall Road, across from Wanless Crescent [east], at Wanless Crescent [west], Ronan Avenue, Mount Pleasant Road, Cardinal Place and Yonge Street,
  • on Lawrence Avenue West at Lorindale Avenue, Jedburgh and Greer roads, beyond Elm Road and at Avenue Road,
  • on Avenue Road beyond Douglas Avenue and at Woburn, Fairlawn and Melrose avenues and
  • in Roe Loop.

TTC buses along other routes continue to serve passengers at these stops.

  • Raab, Armistice, Bayview: 11A / 11C Bayview; 52G Lawrence West.
  • Lawrence East; Lawrence West: 11C Bayview; 52G Lawrence West; 162 Lawrence - Donway.
  • Avenue: 11C Bayview; 61 Avenue Rd North; 162 Lawrence - Donway.
  • Roe: 11C Bayview; 162 Lawrence - Donway.

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Eastbound route 124 buses no longer drop off or pick up passengers at stops

  • in Roe Loop,
  • on Avenue Road at Melrose, Fairlawn, Woburn and Douglas avenues and
  • on Lawrence Avenue West beyond Avenue Road and Rosewell Avenue, at Chatsworth Drive, Greer Road and Duplex Avenue and across from Lorindale Avenue,
  • on Lawrence Avenue East beyond Yonge Street and Weybourne Crescent, at Mount Pleasant Road, beyond Dinnick Crescent, across from Ronan Avenue and at Wanless Crescent [west] and [east], Mildenhall Road and Bayview Avenue,
  • on Bayview Avenue at Wood Avenue and beyond Dawlish Avenue,
  • on Wellness Way at Hospital Road beside the Odette Cancer Centre,
  • on Hospital Road beside Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre main entrance,
  • on Raab Boulevard beyond Hospital Road beside Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre K and L Wings.

TTC buses along other routes continue to serve passengers at these stops.

  • Roe: 11C Bayview; 162 Lawrence - Donway.
  • Avenue: 11C Bayview; 61 Avenue Rd North; 162 Lawrence - Donway.
  • Lawrence West; Lawrence East: 11C Bayview; 52G Lawrence West; 162 Lawrence - Donway.
  • Bayview, Hospital, Raab: 11A / 11C Bayview; 52G Lawrence West.

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