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Lawrence Station "Easier Access" project: TTC closing main entrances / exits on Lawrence Avenue, starting July 8

The TTC is continuing its “Easier Access” program to install elevators in its rapid-transit stations, making the subway system accessible for everyone. The program supports the government of Ontario’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. The provincial legislation commits the TTC to achieving a barrier-free transit system by 2025.

LawrenceStn - Easier Access.PNG

At Lawrence Station, the TTC is installing elevators to improve passenger safety and convenience. This upgrade includes hydraulic, electrical, mechanical, structural and architectural components.

Starting Monday, July 8, the transit agency is closing the main station entrances / exits on Lawrence avenues east and west.

Access to and from the station will only be available at the secondary north entrances / exits on Yonge Street at Ranleigh Avenue and Bedford Park Avenue. During the closure, you’ll have to walk two blocks to or from the entrances / exits on Ranleigh and Bedford Park avenues to access the stops for buses along the 11C Bayview, 52G Lawrence West and 162 Lawrence - Donway routes on Lawrence Avenue.

Lawrence Stn - Entrance_Exit_closure_Map.jpg

Construction doesn’t affect Line 1 Yonge - University subway service. However, the escalators between the concourse and street level is unavailable.

Alternatively, you can board buses along the 97A / 97B Yonge route northbound from Eglinton Station or southbound from York Mills Station to get to Lawrence Avenue. Eglinton and York Mills stations are accessible.

Since Sunday, November 19, the TTC has closed the bus terminal at the station so that contractors can continue installing elevators. It has also detoured buses along these routes:

  • 52 Lawrence West;
  • 124 Sunnybrook;
  • 162 Lawrence - Donway; and
  • 952 Lawrence West express.

The TTC says it’s closing the Lawrence Station bus terminal and detouring the buses “for approximately 10 months”, meaning as late as until September 30, 2024. “Easier Access” construction at Lawrence Station, including the closure of the main entrances / exits continues “until mid-2025”, meaning as late as until June 30, 2025.

At the end of the project, the TTC will provide passengers a barrier-free path to all levels of the station. Crews are installing:

  • Two new elevators that connect passengers from the station entrance to the bus terminal and subway levels;.
  • New stairs from the platform to concourse level of the station;
  • Better way-finding and signs throughout the station; and
  • Accessible sliding doors at the main entrance and barrier-free doors throughout the station.
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