Update — Saturday, January 4, 11:57 a.m: The TTC further revises bus service along the Spadina corridor, starting Sunday, *January 5, 2025](/archives/weblog/2025/01/04-ttc_revisi.shtml). All buses operate along the 510B (Spadina Stn - Queens Quay) branch of the route.
Update — Saturday, October 5, 4:59 p.m.: Also starting Monday, October 6, the TTC splits route 510 service into the 510C (Spadina Stn - King) and 510D (Spadina Stn - Exhibition) branches.
Update — Friday, October 4, 6:44 a.m.: Starting Monday, October 6, the TTC extends the path so that buses along route 510 operate to and from Exhibition Loop. The buses partially replace streetcars along the 509 Harbourfront route during streetcar infrastructure work on Queens Quay West.
Update — Friday, October 4, 6:44 a.m.: Starting Monday, October 6, the TTC extends the path so that buses along route 510 operate to and from Exhibition Loop. The buses partially replace streetcars along the 509 Harbourfront route during streetcar infrastructure work on Queens Quay West.
The City of Toronto is setting up a temporary priority transit lane on Spadina and Lower Spadina avenues between Richmond Street West and Lake Shore Boulevard West to improve southbound buses along this part of the corridor, where the number of vehicle heading toward the Frederick G. Gardiner Expressway causes major congestion. The priority lanes will remain in place until streetcar service resumes later this year.
Starting Sunday, July 28, the TTC is operating the buses that are replacing regular streetcar service along the 510 Spadina route through the temporary priority transit lane. It has ended the Monday-to-Friday afternoon diversion that it put in place Monday, July 8.
Passengers planning to travel aboard replacement buses can once again use stops on Lower Spadina Avenue at Fort York Boulevard / Bremner Boulevard and at Queen’s Quay West during all times. Also, you’ll again have the option to transfer to streetcars along the 509 Harbourfront at Queen’s Quay for service to Union Station or Exhibition Place.
The TTC says it’s actively monitoring the performance of buses along the route to determine whether the new measures result in shorter travel times for passengers who ride buses along the 510 Spadina route south of Richmond West.
The City has deployed traffic agents at key locations on the corridor to manage traffic flows and make sure that buses can operate effectively along the priority bus lane. The City has also restricted on-street parking and painted road markers to keep the transit lane clear of all vehicles except buses.
The TTC has started a project to upgrade the overhead wiring on sections of the Spadina Avenue streetcar right-of-way between Spadina Station and Queens Quay West. It will also renew the tracks in the Spadina Station loop and complete early work to allow it to expand the platform and increase station capacity in the future. Buses have replaced streetcars along the 310 Spadina overnight and 510 Spadina routes since June 23 to accommodate that project.