Update — Monday, January 20, 2025, 7:34 a.m.: Construction has ended and streetcars resumed regular service today.
*Update — Saturday, November 23, 4:14 p.m.: Construction resumes and the TTC again detours streetcars, starting Sunday, November 17.
Update — Friday, November 11, 12:09 p.m.: The TTC is temporarily restoring streetcar service along the entire route between Exhibition Loop and Union Station from Friday, November 1 until Saturday, November 23.
Update — Friday, October 4, 6:14 a.m.: The TTC is restoring service along the 509 Harbourfront route — but only between Lower Spadina Avenue and Union Station — starting Sunday, October 6.
As part of its network-wide program, the TTC is modernizing its streetcar infrastructure
- on Fleet Street between Strachan Avenue and Bathurst Street and
- on Queens Quay West between Bathurst and Bay streets.
The transit agency is completing this project in phases, which, it says, is “vital to provide streetcar service for the long-term future.”
In a news release, the TTC explains that the work zone spans almost three kilometres between Strachan Avenue and the Bay streetcar tunnel. The project involves replacing and reconfiguring overhead wires and upgrading the underground power systems on the corridor.
The TTC is completing the nearly four-month project in phases, involving changes to streetcar service and using buses to replace the cars. By early next year, streetcars along Fleet and Queens Quay will use a better pantograph overhead contact system that is fully compatible with the TTC’s modern and growing fleet, enhancing the reliability of service along the waterfront. This work is part of a larger power upgrade program that included recent projects on Spadina and St. Clair avenues.
During phase 1, starting Tuesday, September 3, crews work on Queens Quay West between Lower Spadina Avenue and the tunnel to upgrade the overhead and complete underground work. During this phase, the TTC is also performing critical inspections and replacing aging infrastructure to support future service. The TTC is temporarily cancelling streetcar service along this route:
- 509 Harbourfront.
Shuttle buses replace the cars along the entire route between Exhibition Loop and Union Station.
At Union Station, buses drop off passengers at the southeast corner of Bay Street and Front Street West and pick up passengers on the southwest corner of Bay and Front West.
At Queens Quay Station, you can board or exit buses at street level on Bay Street at Queens Quay West.
Along Queens Quay West, westbound buses serve passengers at all current stop locations, but beside the curb, instead of on the streetcar tracks. Eastbound buses serve passengers at stops on the tracks at Lower Spadina Avenue, Rees Street and Harbourfront Centre. All other stops on the route are curbside. Buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops every 10 minutes or better.
The TTC has withdrawn streetcar service along the 310 Spadina overnight and 510 Spadina routes during the streetcar infrastructure work on the Spadina corridor since Sunday, June 23. (Route 310 and 510 cars usually operate along Queens Quay West and through the Bay streetcar tunnel to and from Union Station.) Buses replace route 310 and 510 cars between Spadina Station and Queens Quay West.
Phase 1 construction and the resulting TTC detour continues “until early October”, likely as late as until October 5.
Phase 2 construction starts “in early October” (likely Sunday, October 6) and continues “until late November”. During phase 2, the TTC works to upgrade the overhead wiring and underground infrastructure on Queens Quay West between Bathurst and Lower Spadina. During this phase, the transit agency will restore streetcar service along the 509 Harbourfront route and extend the path for buses along the 510B Spadina shuttle route so that they operate along Fleet and Bathurst streets and Queens Quay West to and from Exhibition Loop. It will also restore service along the 509 Harbourfront route along Queens Quay West and through the streetcar tunnel between Lower Spadina Avenue and Union Station.
As part of the plan, the TTC will restore streetcars along the 509 Harbourfront route for the Taylor Swift concert dates in November and increase service along various other routes to accommodate the influx of visitors to Toronto.
Phase 3 construction starts in late November and continues “until early 2025.” During phase 3, the TTC will work on the overhead wiring on Fleet Street between Strachan Avenue and Bathurst Street. It will continue to operate streetcars along the 509 Harbourfront route between Lower Spadina and Union Station. It will also extend streetcars along the 511 Bathurst route to operate along Queens Quay West and through the streetcar tunnel between Bathurst and Union Station. The transit agency has not announced whether it will operate buses to replace routes 509 and 511 along Fleet Street.
To complete this work safely and efficiently, TTC overhead crews may work “around-the-clock” (24 hours a day, seven days a week). During all phases, the TTC uses overhead trucks with hydraulic equipment. Expect to hear beeping sounds when the trucks are backing up and see equipment lights overnight.
Crews work in the streetcar right-of-way, on TTC property and at intersections. Motorists may notice more traffic along Queens Quay West due to the shuttle buses. Crews will maintain sidewalks and bicycle lanes.
Wheel-Trans service continues.
509 Harbourfront
From Tuesday, September 3 until Saturday, October 5, buses replace streetcars along the entire route.
Eastbound buses start their trips in Exhibition Loop, then proceed:
eastward along the Exhibition Loop access road, Manitoba Drive and Fleet Street;
north- and eastward along Fort York Boulevard;
southward along Bathurst Street;
eastward along Queens Quay West (and on the eastbound tracks between Lower Spadina Avenue and York Street);
northward along Bay Street; and then
eastward along Front Street West to just east of Bay Street,
ending their trips.Eastbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops
- in Exhibition Loop,
- on Manitoba Drive at Strachan Avenue,
- on Fleet Street at Fort York Boulevard,
- on Fort York Boulevard beyond Bastion and Ianuzzi streets,
- on Bathurst Street at Queens Quay West,
- on Queens Quay West beyond Dan Leckie Way, Lower Spadina Avenue and Rees Street and beside the Harbourfront Centre,
- on Bay Street beyond Queens Quay West and at Lake Shore Boulevard West and
- on Front Street West beyond Bay Street.
Westbound buses start their trips on Front Street West just east of Bay Street, then proceed:
eastward along Front West;
northward along Yonge Street;
westward along Wellington Street West;
southward along Bay Street;
westward along Queens Quay West;
northward along Bathurst Street;
west- and southward along Fort York Boulevard;
westward along Lake Shore Boulevard West and Princes’ Boulevard;
northward along Strachan Avenue; and then
westward along Manitoba Drive and the Exhibition Loop access road into Exhibition Loop,
ending their trips.Westbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at stops
- on Front Street West beyond Bay Street,
- on Bay Street beyond Front Street West and Harbour Street,
- on Queens Quay West and Lower Simcoe and Rees streets, Lower Spadina Avenue, Dan Leckie Way and Bathurst Street,
- on Bathurst Street across from Fleet Street,
- on Fort York Boulevard across from Gzowski Street and at Fleet Street,
- on Princes’ Boulevard at Strachan Avenue,
- on Manitoba Drive beyond Strachan Avenue and
- in Exhibition Loop.