From 7 a.m. Monday, February 3 until 7 p.m. Tuesday, February 4, the City of Hamilton is closing
- Wilson Street between Catharine and Hughson streets north
to accommodate a project to repave the roadway.
The work zone also blocks through traffic on John Street North from crossing Wilson.
The Hamilton Street Railway is detouring buses along these routes, while the street is closed:
2 Barton
Inbound buses operate along their regular path.
From 7 a.m. Monday, February 3 until 7 p.m. Tuesday, February 4, outbound buses operate along their regular path to John Street North and Rebecca Street, then detour:
eastward along Rebecca; and then
northward along Mary Street; and then
westward along Cannon Street East to John North,
resuming their regular path northward along John.Outbound buses skip their regular stop
- on John Street North at Wilson Street.
Instead, outbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at a temporary stop
- on John Street North at Rebecca Street.
3 Cannon
Inbound buses operate along their regular path.
From 7 a.m. Monday, February 3 until 7 p.m. Tuesday, February 4, outbound buses operate along their regular path to John Street North and Rebecca Street, then detour:
eastward along Rebecca; and then
northward along Mary Street to Wilson Street,
resuming their regular path eastward along Wilson.Outbound buses skip their regular stop
- on John Street North at Wilson Street.
Instead, outbound buses drop off or pick up passengers at a temporary stop
- on John Street North at Rebecca Street.