Compiled by Jeffrey Kay
Map by James Bow
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Selection of Finch transfers (courtesy Jeffrey Kay) |
See also
TTC service on Finch Avenue began on June 24, 1957 when the Senlac branch of the 59 NORTH YONGE service was extended west from Senlac to Bathurst. Sometime later, the route was extended further west to loop in the Branson Hospital grounds. As suburban development filled out North York, the demand for increased service along Finch Avenue continued and, on October 7, 1962, was filled with a branch of the 11 BAYVIEW bus, running west on Finch from Bayview to loop on the grounds of Branson Hospital.
Demand increased still more, however, such that a through route was deemed necessary. Thus service began on 36 FINCH on September 3, 1963, but the Finch branch of the 11 BAYVIEW bus remained, providing evening service on weekdays and all day service on weekends. This was reduced to Sunday-only service on November 29, 1965 as 36 FINCH service increased, and vanished altogether on August 27, 1972.
36 FINCH (1963-1974)
September 3, 1963
Service begins on a new route operating east from Branson Hospital (just west of the Finch/Bathurst intersection) to Leslie Street, looping via Leslie and Ravel. Service provided Mondays through Fridays, during rush hours and midday only.
F I N C H | 36 | BATHURST |
Monday to Friday, rush hours and midday |
November 29, 1965
Service extended west to Weston Road, running north on Weston to loop via east on Kenhar, south on Signet and west on Fenmar. Service operates Monday through Friday, during rush hours and midday. Monday-to-Friday evening service and all-day Saturday service provided by a new branch operating between Leslie and Keele, looping via south on Tangiers and west on Toro.
F I N C H | 36A | WESTON RD |
Monday to Friday, rush hours and midday | ||
F I N C H | 36B | K E E L E |
Monday to Friday, evenings |
October 31, 1966
Additional service operated west of Weston Road, running to Perldale and looping via north on Pearldale, east on Hasbroke and south on Gracedale. (A temporary loop via Rumike, Lindylou and Jayzel was operated until Dec. 13 / 66, due to construction on Finch between Rumike and Pearldale.) In the east end, buses are extended north on Leslie to Hillcrest Village, looping east on Clansman, north on Cresthaven, and west on Dexter.
F I N C H | 36A | WESTON RD |
Monday to Friday, rush hours and midday | ||
F I N C H | 36B | K E E L E |
Monday to Friday, evenings |
NOTE: Pending completion of construction on Finch west of Rumike Road, a temporary windshield card with “RUMIKE RD” on one side and “HILLCREST VILLAGE” on the reverse is used for the short-lived Pearldale extension.
September 5, 1967
All Pearldale service extended to Islington Avenue, looping counter-clockwise through the intersection.
F I N C H | 36B | K E E L E |
Monday to Friday, evenings | ||
Monday to Friday, rush hours and midday |
January 2, 1968
Service to Islington Avenue extended south on Islington to loop via east and south on Wardlaw and west on Barkwin Drive, just north of Albion Road.
May 11, 1968
Service extended west of Islington via Albion Road to Martin Grove, looping via north on Silverstone, east on Lexington and south on Martin Grove. This extension replaces a portion of the 37 ISLINGTON route.
Monday to Friday, rush hours and midday | ||
F I N C H | 36B | K E E L E |
Monday to Friday, evenings |
January 6, 1969
Service to HIllcrest Village replaced by an extension of the 51 LESLIE bus. Monday-to-Friday service extended east on Finch to Seneca College, turning at an off-street loop on the north side of Finch.
Monday to Friday, rush hours and midday | ||
F I N C H | 36B | K E E L E |
Saturdays, 18 hours a day | ||
F I N C H | 36C | WESTON RD |
Monday to Friday, rush hours and midday | ||
F I N C H | 36D | K E E L E |
Monday to Friday, evenings |
February 8, 1971
Evening and Saturday service extended west from Keele to Albion & Islington, looping east and south on Wardlaw Cres, and west on Barkwin Drive. In the east end Saturday service is extended east of Leslie to Seneca College.
Monday to Friday, rush hours and midday | ||
Monday to Friday, evenings | ||
F I N C H | 36C | WESTON RD |
Monday to Friday, rush hours and midday |
August 3, 1971
The loop at Islington is reversed. Buses now run east on Barkwin, then north and west on Wardlaw.
September 3, 1972
Sunday service introduced between Islington and Seneca College, replacing the last remnants of the 11 BAYVIEW Finch branch. The loop at Weston Road is extended so that buses operate north on Weston Road, east on Garyray, south on Signet west on Fenmar and south on Weston Road to Finch.
September 1973
(Or two months earlier) Evening and weekend service extended west of Islington to Martin Grove.
7 days a week, 18 hours a day | ||
F I N C H | 36C | WESTON RD |
Monday to Friday, rush hours and midday |
March 29, 1974
Last day of operation for 36 FINCH. Service west of Yonge replaced by 36 FINCH WEST. Service east of Yonge replaced by 39 FINCH EAST.
36 Finch Image Archive
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An issue of TTC's "Headlights", describing changes to bus services coincident with the extension of the YONGE SUBWAY to Finch on March 30, 1974. |
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An announcement highlighting the extension of the 51 LESLIE and 36 FINCH buses, effective January 6, 1969. |
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TTC GM "New Look" #3504 heads eastbound on Finch past Keele in service on 36 FINCH on August 9, 1973. Photo by Paul Bateson, donated by Pete Coulman. |