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929 Dufferin Express

Compiled by Jelo Gutierrez Cantos

See Also:

October 9, 2018

As part of the TTC’s rebranding and expansion of its Express Bus Network services under the 900-series route numbering, service begins on the new 929 DUFFERIN EXPRESS to supplement service on the 29 DUFFERIN local buses but also replaces the seasonal 29E “Express” branch, operating between Wilson Station and Dufferin Gate Loop via Dufferin Avenue in both directions. This service operates Monday to Friday periods during rush hours, midday and early evenings before 10 p.m. with no weekday late evening and weekend/holiday service. All service operates out of Mount Dennis Garage.

Express buses stop southbound at Wilson Station, Wilson Avenue, Jane Osler Boulevard, Orfus Road, Lawrence Avenue West, Castlefield Avenue, Eglinton Avenue West, Rogers Road, St Clair Avenue West, Davenport Road, Dupont Street, Dufferin Station, Dufferin Park Avenue, Sylvan Avenue, College Street, Dundas Street West, Queen Street West, King Street West, Liberty Street, and Dufferin Gate Loop. Northbound express buses also stop at Dufferin Gate Loop, Liberty Street, King Street West, Queen Street West, Dundas Street West, College Street, Sylvan Avenue, Dufferin Park Avenue, Dufferin Station, Dupont Street, Davenport Road, St Clair Avenue West, Rogers Road, Hunter Avenue, Castlefield Avenue, Lawrence Avenue West, Orfus Road, Jane Osler Boulevard, Wilson Avenue, and Wilson Station.








Monday to Friday, daytime and early evenings

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Earlier plans to rebuild the King-Queen-Roncesvalles (KQR) intersection led the TTC to anticipate significant congestion at Dufferin Loop due to increased streetcar use. As a result, the TTC scheduled all 929 DUFFERIN EXPRESS buses to operate to Princes’ Gate Loop at all hours of the day, running express from Springhurst Drive to Princes’ Gate Loop. When the planned reconstruction of the KQR intersection was delayed to 2020, the announcement came too quickly to cancel the service alteration, so the extension continued. All buses are scheduled to operate to Princes’ Gate for the duration of the March-April board period, until Saturday, May 11, 2019.

In addition to this, buses on the 929 DUFFERIN EXPRESS route serve both the nearside and farside stops at Eglinton Avenue. This change is made as a result of pedestrian restrictions due to construction of the EGLINTON-CROSSTOWN LRT.







(Princes’ Gate)

Monday to Friday, daytime and early evenings

Monday, March 23, 2020

Due to the loss of ridership resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, service on this route is temporarily suspended, with resources diverted to maintaining service on the parallel local routes.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Service, cut back due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is restored to pre-COVID-19 levels.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Due to trackwork at the King-Queen-Queensway-Roncesvalles intersection diverting all 504 KING streetcar service to Dufferin Gate loop, service on this route is extended from Dufferin Gate Loop to Princes’ Gate Loop, as planned on March 31, 2019.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

New Saturday service established on this route, with buses operating during daylight hours.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

New Sunday service established on this route, with buses operating during daylight hours.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Weekend and holiday service is temporarily suspended due to COVID-19-related ridership declines and staff shortages.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Weekend and holiday service on this route is restored to October 2021 service levels.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Due to seasonal road closures at Exhibition Place, service on this route is cut back from Princes’ Gate Loop to Dufferin Gate Loop. Also, to reduce deadhead service to and from the garage, all weekend trips to and from the garage are operated as revenue service to and from the intersection of Dufferin Street and Lawrence Avenue West.

929 Dufferin Express Image Archive

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