Compiled by Pete Coulman
September 8, 1957 - October 14, 1957
Service begins on a special Sundays and Holidays bus service linking Eglinton subway station with Edwards Gardens near the corner of Leslie Street and Lawrence Avenue. Buses operate from Bay 10 at Eglinton subway station via north on Duplex, east on Eglinton, north on Bayview, east on Post Road, the Bridle Path and Lawrence, stopping at the entrance to Edwards Gardens. From there, buses operate east to loop clockwise around the traffic island at the Leslie/Lawrence intersection, returning west for a pick-up stop at the Edwards Gardens gate and then back to Eglinton subway station via the reverse route. Buses operate every forty minutes from 2:00 p.m. to 7:20 p.m.. Regular TTC fares and transfer privileges apply, with a zone boundary operated on the Don River bridge on Bayview Avenue just north of Lawrence.
S P E C I A L |
Sundays and holidays, 2 p.m. to 7:20 p.m. |
September 7, 1958 to October 13, 1958
Service operates again Sundays and holidays from the Labour Day weekend to Thanksgiving Monday.
May 16, 1959 to October 12, 1959
Service operates again, this time on weekends and holidays, and from Bay #2 at Eglinton subway station. No change to the route or the schedule.
May 22, 1960 to October 10, 1960
Service operates again, same as it did the previous year.
May 21, 1961 - October 9, 1961
Service operates again, same as it did the previous year.
May 13, 1962 - October 8, 1962
Service operates again, same as it did the previous year.
May 19, 1963 - October 14, 1963
Service operates again, same as it did the previous year.
This would be the last year of service. The following year, the extension of Leslie Street to Eglinton Avenue allowed for extended service on 54 LAWRENCE EAST close to the gate, eliminating the need for special service. The “EDWARDS GARDENS” route name would return in 1981 with 101 EDWARDS GARDENS