Compiled by Robert MacKenzie
Maps by John Calnan
See Also:
Fall, 2003
Consultation process starts on plan to improve transit service on St. Clair Avenue West.
November 2003
City releases design study for improving transit service on St. Clair.
September 7 and 14, 2004
Public open houses on Phase 1 of the plan (Tweedsmuir Avenue to Yonge Street.)
September 14, 2004
Meetings of Toronto Transit Commission and City’s Planning and Transportation Committee approve design plan.
September 28, 2004
City Council approves the plan.
January, 2005
End of environmental assessment process.
Friday, July 14, 2005
Preparing for the project.
- Work crew trailers set up on east side of Avoca Avenue, south of St. Clair.
Monday, July 18 until Friday, July 22, 2005
Preparing for the project
- Stored rails in two centre lanes between Mount Pleasant Road and the bridge across the Vale of Avoca.
- Welding: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- No left turn from eastbound St. Clair to northbound Mount Pleasant.
Transit service:
- 74 MOUNT PLEASANT: Northbound buses diverted via Inglewood.
Monday, July 25 until Friday, July 29, 2005
Preparing for the project * Stored rails in eastbound curb lane between Spadina and Russell Hill Roads and just west of Tweedsmuir Avenue. * Welding: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Transit service:
- Regular service on all routes
Sunday, July 31, 2005
- Started accessible elevator project in St. Clair Station.
- Closed upper loop at St. Clair Station closed to streetcars and buses.
Transit service:
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - St. Clair West to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant; Streetcars - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair West Station. Service every three-to-four minutes during rush hours; every five-to-ten minutes during the rest of the week. Timed transfers at St. Clair West Station.
“Mid-September”, 2005
Formal start of phase 1 of the project between St. Clair Station and Tweedsmuir Avenue (just east of St. Clair West Station.)
Two contracts in phase 1: 1. between Avenue Road and St. Clair Station. 2. between Bathurst Street and Avenue Road.
Transit service:
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - St. Clair West to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant; Streetcars - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair West Station. Service every three-to-four minutes during rush hours; every five-to-ten minutes during the rest of the week. Timed transfers at St. Clair West Station.
Monday, September 19 until “mid-November”, 2005
- Started replacing sidewalks between Ferndale Avenue (east of Yonge Street) and Avenue Road.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - St. Clair West to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant; Streetcars - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair West Station. Service every three-to-four minutes during rush hours; every five-to-ten minutes during the rest of the week. Timed transfers at St. Clair West Station.
Wednesday, September 21 until “mid-November”, 2005
- Removed old tracks, installed new tracks between St. Clair Station and Yonge Street.
- Continued to build accessible elevator at St. Clair Station, closing upper (streetcar) platform.
Transit service:
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - St. Clair West to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant; Streetcars - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair West Station. Service every three-to-four minutes during rush hours; every five-to-ten minutes during the rest of the week. Timed transfers at St. Clair West Station.
Friday October 7 to Tuesday, October 11, 2005
- Closed intersection with Yonge Street to north-south traffic.
- Maintained one lane for westbound traffic along St. Clair. Eastbound traffic must turn southward along Yonge.
- Removed old tracks; installed new tracks.
- Continued to build accessible elevator at St. Clair Station, closing upper (streetcar) platform.
Transit service:
- 97C / D YONGE: Start and end trips at Davisville, instead of St. Clair, Station, Mondays to Fridays midday.
- 97B YONGE (to Queen’s Quay) / 320 YONGE NIGHT: Detour southbound via Davisville, Mount Pleasant, St. Clair, Avoca, Pleasant. Northbound via Pleasant, Avoca, Alvin, Heath.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Eastbound — Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Yonge and Pleasant. Westbound - St. Clair Station to Jane Station via Pleasant, Avoca, St. Clair.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Yonge and Pleasant. Westbound - St. Clair Station to St. Clair West Station via Pleasant, Avoca, St. Clair. Streetcars - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair West Station. Service every three-to-four minutes during rush hours; every five-to-ten minutes during the rest of the week. Timed transfers at St. Clair West Station.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
A court overturned the City of Toronto’s decision to replace the streetcar tracks along St. Clair Avenue West with a private right of way. Opponents of the project appealed the Ontario Municipal Board decision to approve the plan, citing an error of law.
The judges agreed with the project’s opponents who claimed that the St. Clair project represented a “rapid transit project”, thanks to the fact that City and the TTC originally promoted the streetcars on Spadina Avenue and Queens Quay as such. Toronto’s official plan only called for St. Clair to receive a “surface transit improvement”. The TTC can no longer proceed with the reconstruction of St. Clair’s tracks with a private right-of-way in mind.
The TTC and the City of Toronto had fifteen days to appeal.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Transit supporters, angry that the court overturned the project on a technicality, called on residents to boycott local businesses that opposed the project.
TTC starts withdrawing the welded rails from the streets - it stores some of these inside the upper (streetcar) loop at St. Clair Station during the ongoing elevator project.
Monday, October 16 until November, 2005
Despite the fact that the project can’t proceed until the City successfully appeals the court ruling halting the project, the TTC has scheduled track work on Bathurst Street from Harbord to Bloor, including inside Bathurst Station terminal. Since the work cuts off St. Clair streetcars from their home base at Roncesvalles Carhouse, the TTC temporarily replaces all 512 ST. CLAIR streetcars with buses.
- Started work on Bathurst Street track project.
- Continued to build accessible elevator at St. Clair Station, closing upper (streetcar) platform.
Transit service:
- 7A BATHURST: to Bathurst Station, instead of St. Clair West Station.
- 33 FOREST HILL: Interline with 126 CHRISTIE.
- 90 VAUGHAN: to St. Clair Station.
- 126 CHRISTIE: decrease frequency from every 15 minutes to every 16 minutes during rush hours and from every 24 minutes to every 30 minutes Monday-to-Friday midday. Interline with 33 FOREST HILL in rush hours. Extend service to St. Clair Station Mondays to Fridays after 7 p.m. and all day Saturdays.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant. Service every two-to-six minutes daytimes; every six-to-ten minutes evenings. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina. Streetcars - Do not operate
Thursday, October 20, 2005
The City sought to have the court’s decision set aside and reheard because of a possible conflict of interest on the part of one of the judges.
Apparently, Justice Ted Matlow neglected to disclose that he had been the head of an active Forest Hill community association that had dealt with City officials before.
Friday, November 4, 2005
The three-judge panel that previously blocked construction on the project has removed itself from the case after finding an “appearance of bias” on the part of Justice Ted Matlow.
The City had filed a motion to set aside the earlier ruling on the grounds that Matlow had become publicly involved in a battle with City Hall.
As a result of the panel’s latest decision, a new set of judges would hear the case.
Monday, November 7, 2005.
- Continued to work on Bathurst Street track project; closed Bathurst between London and Bloor.
- Continued to build accessible elevator at St. Clair Station, closing upper (streetcar) platform.
Transit service:
- 7A BATHURST: to Spadina Station, instead of St. Clair West Station, via Bathurst, Dupont and Spadina.
- 33 FOREST HILL: Interline with 126 CHRISTIE.
- 90 VAUGHAN: to St. Clair Station lower platform via St. Clair, Avoca, Pleasant.
- 126 CHRISTIE: decrease frequency from every 15 minutes to every 16 minutes during rush hours and from every 24 minutes to every 30 minutes Monday-to-Friday midday. Interline with 33 FOREST HILL during rush hours. Extend service to St. Clair Station lower platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant, Mondays to Fridays after 7 p.m. and all day Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant. Service every two-to-six minutes daytimes; every six-to-ten minutes evenings. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina. *Streetcars - Do not operate
Sunday, November 27, 2005
- Ended Bathurst Street track project.
- Resumed streetcar service along St. Clair (Restored access between St. Clair and Roncesvalles Carhouse.)
- Continued to build accessible elevator at St. Clair Station, closing upper (streetcar) platform.
Transit service:
- 7A BATHURST: resume regular service to St. Clair West Station.
- 33 FOREST HILL: resume regular service.
- 90 VAUGHAN: resume regular service to St. Clair West Station.
- 126 CHRISTIE: increase frequency from every 16 minutes to every 15 minutes during rush hours and from every 30 minutes to every 24 minutes Monday-to-Friday midday. All buses start and end trips at St. Clair West Station at all times of the week.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - St. Clair West to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant; Streetcars - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair West Station. Service every three-to-four minutes during rush hours; every five-to-ten minutes during the rest of the week. Timed transfers at St. Clair West Station.
Monday, December 12, 2005
The Toronto Star reported that the St. Clair private right-of-way project’s costs had escalated from $65 to $95 million.
The City of Toronto’s Policy and Finance Committee added an extra $30 million to the City’s 2006 capital budget for last-minute costs, including $15 million to bury hydro wires, $7 million for new streetlight poles and $8 million for road resurfacing and sidewalk reconstruction. None of these relate to the TTC’s initial proposal, but are part of a City effort to refresh St. Clair Avenue while construction on the right-of-way continues.
Unexpected legal fees resulting from Save our St. Clair’s efforts to challenge the project contribute $2.7 million to the extra cost.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Save Our St. Clair lost another legal battle in its fight to prevent the upgrade of the St. Clair streetcar service to private right-of-way operation. The Ontario Court of Appeal refused to hear the group’s request to reinstate the October decision to halt the project.
The group started to raise funds for another court challenge.
Thursday, February 3, 2006
Save Our St. Clair’s appeal over an earlier overturned court decision on the City’s right to construct the private right-of-way resumed.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
The Divisional Court granted the TTC the legal authority to move forward with construction of the right-of-way. In the decision, the court mentioned that the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) on January 26, 2006 ruled that, while the new Official Plan wasn’t “official” in the formal sense, it was still valid in terms of urban planning theory. The court then went on to criticize the Save Our St. Clair group (SOS), saying that they have no leg to stand on to challenge the Ministry of the Environment’s decision about the environmental assessment:
SOS had 15 days to appeal the decision.
Thursday, March 9, 2006
As the window to appeal the superior court decision reinstating the St. Clair private right-of-way project closed, Save Our St. Clair admitted defeat and abandoned its court battle.
The TTC immediately planned to adjust its current tenders to start construction on the project as soon as possible.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Phase 1 of the project formally relaunched, extending between Yonge Street and Vaughan Road, with three contracts: * Avenue Road to Yonge; * Tweedsmuir Avenue to Avenue Road; * Vaughan to Tweedsmuir.
- Continued to build accessible elevator at St. Clair Station, blocking upper (streetcar) platform.
- Replaced streetcars with buses along the entire 512 ST. CLAIR route. (Since construction blocked the upper platform at St. Clair Station terminal, the buses head into and out of the lower platform).
Transit service:
- 90 VAUGHAN: Extended to St. Clair Station lower platform via St. Clair, Avoca, Pleasant.
- 126 CHRISTIE: Regular service to St. Clair West Station Mondays to Fridays before 7 p.m. Extended service to St. Clair Station lower platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant, Mondays to Fridays after 7 p.m. and all day Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant. Service every two-to-six minutes daytimes; every six-to-ten minutes evenings. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina. Streetcars - do not operate.
Monday, June 26, 2006
- Construction underway on contract 2 of phase 1 between Avenue Road and Tweedsmuir Avenue (just east of St. Clair West Station).
- The construction confined traffic to the streetcar lanes in the middle of the road.
- Replaced sidewalks and utilities between Avenue Road and Tweedsmuir.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 90 VAUGHAN: to St. Clair Station lower platform via St. Clair, Avoca, Pleasant.
- 126 CHRISTIE: Extend service to St. Clair Station lower platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant, Mondays to Fridays after 7 p.m. and all day Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant. Service every two-to-six minutes daytimes; every six-to-ten minutes evenings. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina. Streetcars - do not operate.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Bus stops were in different places than the streetcar stops, confusing riders. Also, passengers didn’t realize that 90 VAUGHAN buses bolstered service between St. Clair West and St. Clair West Stations, so eastbound Vaughan buses leave St. Clair West mostly empty, while ST. CLAIR buses are packed.
Toronto Hydro decided to replace its poles along St. Clair at the same time as work proceeds with the rest of the project, further complicating construction.
Monday, July 31, 2006
- Started working on contract 3 of phase 1 between Tweedsmuir Avenue and Vaughan Road.
- Continued on contract 2 between Avenue Road and Tweedsmuir.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Friday, August 4 until Tuesday, August 8, 2006
- Closed intersection with Vaughan Road from 9:30 a.m. on Friday until 5 a.m. on Tuesday.
- Detoured all eastbound traffic.
- Removed old, and installed new, tracks, plus curves and switches at Vaughan.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 90 VAUGHAN: to St. Clair West Station only. Southbound detour via Kenwood, Claxton, Bathurst. Northbound regular route.
- 126 CHRISTIE: Southbound buses regular route west of St. Clair West Station. Northbound buses detour via Davenport and Bathurst. Extend service to St. Clair Station lower platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant, Mondays to Fridays after 7 p.m. and all day Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant. Service every two-to-six minutes daytimes; every six-to-ten minutes evenings. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Friday, August 11 until Monday, August 14, 2006
- Closed intersection with Bathurst Street from 9:30 a.m. on Friday until 6 a.m. on Monday.
- Maintained just one westbound lane and a lane for turning westward onto St. Clair from southbound Bathurst open to traffic.
- Diverted all other traffic - east-, north- and southbound.
- Removed old, and installed new, tracks, curves and switches at Bathurst.
- Started replacing the tracks and repairing the concrete on the west-end ramp into St. Clair West Station, and repairing the “island” stops at Bathurst Street.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 7 BATHURST: Southbound via Tichester, Heath, Spadina, Austin, Walmer, Davenport; northbound via Vaughan, Kenwood, Claxton.
- 7A BATHURST: Southbound via Tichester, Heath, Spadina, St. Clair. Northbound - regular route.
- 90 VAUGHAN: to Bathurst Station via Vaughan and Bathurst.
- 126 CHRISTIE: Southbound buses regular route west of St. Clair West Station. Northbound buses via Davenport, Walmer, Austin, Spadina, St. Clair to St. Clair West Station. Double back to extend service from St. Clair West to St. Clair Station lower platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant, Mondays to Fridays after 7 p.m. and all day Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
- 310 BATHURST NIGHT: Southbound via Tichester, Heath, Spadina, Austin, Walmer, Davenport; northbound via Vaughan, Kenwood, Claxton.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Eastbound via Vaughan, Bathurst, Davenport, Walmer, Austin, Spadina and St. Clair to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Westbound — regular route.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Eastbound detour via Vaughan, Bathurst, Davenport, Walmer, Austin, Spadina and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station. Double back to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant. Westbound - regular route. Service every two-to-six minutes daytimes; every six-to-ten minutes evenings. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina. Streetcars - Do not operate.
Starting Monday, August 14, 2006 at 6 a.m.
- Reopened Bathurst Street to north-south traffic.
- Continued replacing the tracks and repairing the concrete on the west-end ramp into St. Clair West Station.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 7 / 7A BATHURST: Regular service.
- 33 FOREST HILL: Regular service to St. Clair West Station.
- 90 VAUGHAN: to Bathurst Station via Vaughan and Bathurst.
- 126 CHRISTIE: Southbound buses regular route west of St. Clair West Station. Northbound buses via Davenport, Walmer, Austin, Spadina, St. Clair to St. Clair West Station. Double back to extend service from St. Clair West to St. Clair Station lower platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant, Mondays to Fridays after 7 p.m. and all day Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
- 310 BATHURST NIGHT: Regular service.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Eastbound via Vaughan, Bathurst, Davenport, Walmer, Austin, Spadina and St. Clair to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Westbound — regular route.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Eastbound detour via Vaughan, Bathurst, Davenport, Walmer, Austin, Spadina and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station. Double back to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via St. Clair, Avoca and Pleasant. Westbound - regular route. Service every two-to-six minutes daytimes; every six-to-ten minutes evenings. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Starting Tuesday, September 5, 2006 at 9:30 a.m.
- Ended project to replace the tracks and repairing the west-end ramp into and out of St. Clair West Station.
- Started replacing the tracks and repairing the east-end ramp.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 7A BATHURST: Regular service.
- 33 FOREST HILL: via Heath, Tichester, Bathurst and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station.
- 90 VAUGHAN: Regular route to St. Clair West Station
- 126 CHRISTIE: Regular route to St. Clair West Station at all times of the week.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Buses do not enter St. Clair West Station. Passengers transfer between buses and subway at on-street stops at Tweedsmuir and Bathurst. Service every two-to-six minutes Monday-to-Friday daytimes; every seven-to-eight minutes Monday-to-Friday evenings and every five-to-ten minutes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Friday, September 8 until Monday, September 11, 2006
- Closed intersection with Spadina Road to north-south traffic from 9:30 a.m. Friday until 6 a.m. Monday.
- Replaced old tracks; installed new tracks at Spadina.
- Continued replacing the tracks and repairing east-end ramp into and out of St. Clair West Station.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 7A BATHURST: Regular service.
- 33 FOREST HILL: Via Heath, Tichester, Bathurst and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station.
- 90 VAUGHAN: Regular route to St. Clair West Station
- 126 CHRISTIE: Regular route to St. Clair West Station at all times of the week.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Buses do not enter St. Clair West Station. Passengers transfer between buses and subway at on-street stops at Tweedsmuir and Bathurst. Service every two-to-six minutes Monday-to-Friday daytimes; every seven-to-eight minutes Monday-to-Friday evenings and every five-to-ten minutes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Formal start of contract 1 of Phase 1 between Avenue Road and Yonge Street.
Monday, September 11 until Monday October 6, 2006
- Replaced old tracks; installed new tracks in St. Clair Station.
- Continued replacing the tracks and repairing east-end ramp into and out of St. Clair West Station.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 7A BATHURST: Regular service.
- 33 FOREST HILL: Via Heath, Tichester, Bathurst and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station.
- 90 VAUGHAN: Regular route to St. Clair West Station
- 126 CHRISTIE: Regular route to St. Clair West Station at all times of the week.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Buses do not enter St. Clair West Station. Passengers transfer between buses and subway at on-street stops at Tweedsmuir and Bathurst. Service every two-to-six minutes Monday-to-Friday daytimes; every seven-to-eight minutes Monday-to-Friday evenings and every five-to-ten minutes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Monday, September 18 until Monday, October 2, 2006
- Replaced old tracks; installed new tracks in St. Clair Station.
- Closed one eastbound lane between Yonge Street and Avoca Avenue during work on the tracks inside St. Clair Station streetcar loop.
- Continued replacing the tracks and repairing the east-end ramp into and out of St. Clair West Station.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 7A BATHURST: Regular service.
- 33 FOREST HILL: Via Heath, Tichester, Bathurst and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station.
- 90 VAUGHAN: Regular route to St. Clair West Station
- 126 CHRISTIE: Regular route to St. Clair West Station at all times of the week.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Buses do not enter St. Clair West Station. Passengers transfer between buses and subway at on-street stops at Tweedsmuir and Bathurst. Service every two-to-six minutes Monday-to-Friday daytimes; every seven-to-eight minutes Monday-to-Friday evenings and every five-to-ten minutes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Friday, September 29 until Monday, October 2, 2006
- Closed intersection with Spadina Road to north-south traffic from 9:30 a.m. Friday until 6 a.m. Monday.
- Replaced old tracks; installed new tracks in St. Clair Station and at Spadina Road.
- Continued replacing tracks and repairing the east-end ramp into and out of St. Clair West Station.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 7A BATHURST: Regular service.
- 33 FOREST HILL: Via Heath, Tichester, Bathurst and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station.
- 90 VAUGHAN: Regular route to St. Clair West Station
- 126 CHRISTIE: Regular route to St. Clair West Station at all times of the week.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Buses do not enter St. Clair West Station. Passengers transfer between buses and subway at on-street stops at Tweedsmuir and Bathurst. Service every two-to-six minutes Monday-to-Friday daytimes; every seven-to-eight minutes Monday-to-Friday evenings and every five-to-ten minutes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Monday, October 2, 2006
- Finished track work inside St. Clair Station loop.
- Reopened all lanes between Yonge and Avoca to traffic.
- Continued replacing tracks and repairing east-end ramp into and out of St. Clair West Station.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 7A BATHURST: Regular service.
- 33 FOREST HILL: Via Heath, Tichester, Bathurst and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station.
- 90 VAUGHAN: Regular route to St. Clair West Station
- 126 CHRISTIE: Regular route to St. Clair West Station at all times of the week.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Buses do not enter St. Clair West Station. Passengers transfer between buses and subway at on-street stops at Tweedsmuir and Bathurst. Service every two-to-six minutes Monday-to-Friday daytimes; every seven-to-eight minutes Monday-to-Friday evenings and every five-to-ten minutes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Friday, October 6 until Tuesday, October 10, 2006
- Closed intersection with Avenue Road closed from 7 p.m. on Friday until 5 a.m. on Tuesday.
- Maintained one lane for east- and westbound traffic.
- Replaced old tracks; installed new tracks at Avenue Road.
- Continued replacing tracks and repairing east-end ramp into and out of St. Clair West Station.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 5 AVENUE ROAD: Northern route from Eglinton Station to St. Clair Station lower platform southbound via Heath, Yonge, Pleasant. Northbound via Pleasant, Avoca, Alvin and Heath. Southern route from St. Clair Station lower platform to Queen’s Park southbound via Pleasant, Avoca, Rosehill and Balmoral. Northbound via Balmoral, Yonge and Pleasant. Transfer between north and south routes at St. Clair Station.
- 7A BATHURST: Regular service.
- 33 FOREST HILL: Via Heath, Tichester, Bathurst and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station.
- 90 VAUGHAN: Regular route to St. Clair West Station
- 126 CHRISTIE: Regular route to St. Clair West Station at all times of the week.
- 142 Downtown / Avenue Rd express: regular route.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Buses do not enter St. Clair West Station. Passengers transfer between buses and subway at on-street stops at Tweedsmuir and Bathurst. Service every two-to-six minutes Monday-to-Friday daytimes; every seven-to-eight minutes Monday-to-Friday evenings and every five-to-ten minutes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Thursday, October 12 to Sunday, October 15, 2006
- Closed intersection with Deer Park Crescent from 7 a.m. Thursday until 9 a.m. Sunday.
Friday, October 20 to Monday, October 23, 2006
- Closed intersection with Vaughan Road from 7 p.m. on Friday until 5 a.m. on Monday.
- Built pedestrian crossovers on north side of St. Clair at Vaughan.
- Continued replacing tracks and repairing east-end ramp into and out of St. Clair West Station.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
- Canceled work originally planned for the intersection with Avenue Road this weekend.
Transit service:
- 7A BATHURST: Regular service.
- 33 FOREST HILL: Via Heath, Tichester, Bathurst and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station.
- 90 VAUGHAN: Detour both ways via Kenwood, Claxton, Bathurst. To St. Clair West Station only.
- 126 CHRISTIE: Regular route to St. Clair West Station at all times of the week.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Buses do not enter St. Clair West Station. Passengers transfer between buses and subway at on-street stops at Tweedsmuir and Bathurst. Service every two-to-six minutes Monday-to-Friday daytimes; every seven-to-eight minutes Monday-to-Friday evenings and every five-to-ten minutes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Friday, October 27 to Monday, October 30, 2006
City and TTC announce that construction of pedestrian crossovers would close the intersection with Bathurst Street from 7 p.m. Friday until 5 a.m. Monday.
The project would also have closed the intersection to northbound and southbound traffic from 7 p.m. on Friday, November 3 to 6 a.m. on Monday, November 6.
Unfortunately, the planned diversions do not take place due to inclement weather. Although the TTC heavily publicizes the closures for the weekend, it does not announce the fact that the diversions do not occur as scheduled, increasing local concern about the direction (or lack of direction) for the project.
Friday, November 3 until Monday, November 6, 2006
The City and TTC again reschedule the work that they canceled for the weekend of October 27 to October 30 to this weekend.
However, they have to again reschedule the work so that some preliminary work starts, instead, on Monday, November 6.
Monday, November 6 until Friday, November 10, 2006
- Narrowed roadway along Bathurst Street, just north and south of St. Clair, to just one lane north- and southbound through the intersection, delaying regular service on 7 / 7A BATHURST and 310 BATHURST NIGHT buses.
- Started building pedestrian crossovers at Bathurst.
- Continued replacing tracks and repairing east-end ramp into and out of St. Clair West Station.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service * 7 BATHURST: Regular service but delays north- and southbound at St. Clair. * 7A BATHURST: Regular service, but delays north- and southbound at St. Clair and Bathurst. * 33 FOREST HILL: Via Heath, Tichester, Bathurst and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station. * 90 VAUGHAN: Regular route to St. Clair West Station * 126 CHRISTIE: Regular route to St. Clair West Station at all times of the week. * 310 BATHURST NIGHT: Regular service but delays north- and southbound at St. Clair. * 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. * 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Buses do not enter St. Clair West Station. Passengers transfer between buses and subway at on-street stops at Tweedsmuir and Bathurst. Service every two-to-six minutes Monday-to-Friday daytimes; every seven-to-eight minutes Monday-to-Friday evenings and every five-to-ten minutes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Friday, November 10 until Monday, November 13, 2006
- Closed intersection with Bathurst Street from 7 p.m. on Friday until 6 a.m. on Monday.
- Detoured all north- and southbound traffic.
- Built pedestrian crossovers on north and south sides of the street at Bathurst.
- Continued replacing tracks and repairing east-end ramp into and out of St. Clair West Station.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 7 BATHURST: Southbound via Tichester, Heath, Spadina, Austin, Walmer, Davenport. Northbound via Vaughan, Kenwood, Claxton.
- 7A BATHURST: Regular service. (Buses only operate during rush hours, so construction does not affect service.)
- 33 FOREST HILL: via Heath, Tichester, Bathurst and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station. (Buses only operate Mondays to Fridays before 7 p.m., so construction on Bathurst Street does not affect service.)
- 90 VAUGHAN: Regular route to St. Clair West Station
- 126 CHRISTIE: Regular route to St. Clair West Station at all times of the week.
- 310 BATHURST NIGHT: Southbound via Tichester, Heath, Spadina, Austin, Walmer, Davenport. Northbound via Vaughan, Kenwood, Claxton.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Buses do not enter St. Clair West Station. Passengers transfer between buses and subway at on-street stops at Tweedsmuir and Bathurst. Service every two-to-six minutes Monday-to-Friday daytimes; every seven-to-eight minutes Monday-to-Friday evenings and every five-to-ten minutes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Monday, November 13 until Monday, November 20, 2006
- Reopened intersection with Bathurst Street to north-south through traffic.
- Continued to restrict traffic to just one south- and one northbound lane on Bathurst, north and south of St. Clair.
- Continued building pedestrian crossovers on north and south sides of the street at Bathurst.
- Continued replacing tracks and repairing east-end ramp into and out of St. Clair West Station.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 7 BATHURST: Regular service but delays north- and southbound at St. Clair.
- 7A BATHURST: Regular service but delays north- and southbound at St. Clair and Bathurst.
- 33 FOREST HILL: Via Heath, Tichester, Bathurst and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station.
- 90 VAUGHAN: Regular route to St. Clair West Station
- 126 CHRISTIE: Regular route to St. Clair West Station at all times of the week.
- 310 BATHURST NIGHT: Regular service but delays north- and southbound at St. Clair.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Buses do not enter St. Clair West Station. Passengers transfer between buses and subway at on-street stops at Tweedsmuir and Bathurst. Service every two-to-six minutes Monday-to-Friday daytimes; every seven-to-eight minutes Monday-to-Friday evenings and every five-to-ten minutes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Friday, November 17 until Sunday, November 19, 2006
- Restricted north- and southbound traffic along Avenue Road to just one lane, starting at 10 a.m. Friday and closed the entire intersection with Avenue Road from 7 p.m. on Friday until 7 a.m. on Sunday.
- Maintained one east- and one westbound lane for traffic on St. Clair Avenue.
- Built pedestrian crossovers at the north side of the street at Avenue Road.
- Work ended earlier than usual this weekend, to accommodate extra transit traffic resulting from the Santa Claus Parade.
- Continued building pedestrian crossovers on north and south sides of the street at Bathurst.
- Continued replacing tracks and repairing east-end ramp into and out of St. Clair West Station.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 5 AVENUE ROAD: Northern route from Eglinton Station to St. Clair Station lower platform southbound via Heath, Yonge, Pleasant. Northbound via Pleasant, Avoca, Alvin and Heath. Southern route from St. Clair Station lower platform to Queen’s Park southbound via Pleasant, Avoca, Rosehill and Balmoral. Northbound via Balmoral, Yonge and Pleasant. Transfer between north and south routes at St. Clair Station.
- 7 BATHURST: Regular service but delays north- and southbound at St. Clair.
- 7A BATHURST: Regular service but delays north- and southbound at St. Clair and Bathurst.
- 33 FOREST HILL: Via Heath, Tichester, Bathurst and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station.
- 90 VAUGHAN: Regular route to St. Clair West Station
- 126 CHRISTIE: Regular route to St. Clair West Station at all times of the week.
- 142 Downtown / Avenue Rd express: Regular service.
- 310 BATHURST NIGHT: Regular service but delays north- and southbound at St. Clair.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Buses do not enter St. Clair West Station. Passengers transfer between buses and subway at on-street stops at Tweedsmuir and Bathurst. Service every two-to-six minutes Monday-to-Friday daytimes; every seven-to-eight minutes Monday-to-Friday evenings and every five-to-ten minutes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Friday, November 24 until Monday, November 27, 2006
- Closed intersection with Avenue Road again, from 7 p.m. on Friday until 6 a.m. on Monday.
- Built pedestrian crossovers at the south side of the street at Avenue Road.
- Continued building pedestrian crossovers on north and south sides of the street at Bathurst.
- Continued replacing tracks and repairing east-end ramp into and out of St. Clair West Station.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 5 AVENUE ROAD: Northern route from Eglinton Station to St. Clair Station lower platform southbound via Heath, Yonge, Pleasant. Northbound via Pleasant, Avoca, Alvin and Heath. Southern route from St. Clair Station lower platform to Queen’s Park southbound via Pleasant, Avoca, Rosehill and Balmoral. Northbound via Balmoral, Yonge and Pleasant. Transfer between north and south routes at St. Clair Station.
- 7 BATHURST: Regular service.
- 7A BATHURST: Regular service.
- 33 FOREST HILL: Via Heath, Tichester, Bathurst and St. Clair to St. Clair West Station.
- 90 VAUGHAN: Regular route to St. Clair West Station
- 126 CHRISTIE: Regular route to St. Clair West Station at all times of the week.
- 142 Downtown / Avenue Rd express: Regular service.
- 310 BATHURST NIGHT: Regular service.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Buses do not enter St. Clair West Station. Passengers transfer between buses and subway at on-street stops at Tweedsmuir and Bathurst. Service every two-to-six minutes Monday-to-Friday daytimes; every seven-to-eight minutes Monday-to-Friday evenings and every five-to-ten minutes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
- Ended construction on the tracks between Yonge Street and Vaughan Road.
- Ended construction on the east-end ramp into and out of St. Clair West Station.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Transit service:
- 5 AVENUE ROAD: Regular service.
- 7A BATHURST: Regular service.
- 33 FOREST HILL: Regular service to St. Clair West Station.
- 90 VAUGHAN: Regular route to St. Clair West Station
- 126 CHRISTIE: Regular route to St. Clair West Station at all times of the week.
- 312 ST. CLAIR NIGHT: Jane Station to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant.
- 512 ST. CLAIR: Buses - Gunn’s Loop to St. Clair Station lower bus platform via Avoca and Pleasant. Buses again enter St. Clair West Station. Service every two-to-six minutes Monday-to-Friday daytimes; every seven-to-eight minutes Monday-to-Friday evenings and every five-to-ten minutes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Buses serve curbside stops east of Spadina Road and “island” stops west of Spadina.
Wednesday, December 6, 2006 until Saturday, January 6, 2007
- Restored overhead wiring between Vaughan Road and Tweedsmuir Avenue.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006 until Saturday, January 6, 2007
- Restored overhead wiring between Tweedsmuir Avenue and Avenue Road.
- Continued restoring overhead wiring between Vaughan Road and Tweedsmuir.
- Continued building accessible elevator at St. Clair Station.