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Toronto Flexity Outlook LRV Gallery, 4500-4599

Text by James Bow

Bombardier finally delivered the 101st Flexity LRV to Hillcrest shops on September 17, 2018, and officially reached the halfway point of its order with the delivery of 4501 on September 25, 2018. The remaining 102 cars were delivered at a much quicker pace, with the first vehicles shipped from Kingston arriving starting with 4505.

The arrival of Flexity 4500 meant that there were now two streetcars on the TTC property with that number, since PCC 4500 retained this number after it was rebuilt. Internally, however, PCC 4500 is referred to as 4604, which conveniently is the number immediately after the last Flexity LRV to be delivered of this class (4603) — at least, until late 2023, when the first batch of another 60 Flexity streetcars arrived with 4604.

Deliveries of the early 4500 numbers continued throughout 2018, with car 4516 arriving at Hillcrest on December 14. On December 17, the first delivery of Flexities built and assembled at Bombardier’s Millhaven (Kingston) plant arrived. In February, Bombardier announced that a second assembly line would be launched at the Millhaven plant in order to accelerate delayed deliveries. The first car from this order to arrive in Toronto was numbered 4572, and the numbers 4570 to 4603 will be reserved for cars coming from the Millhaven plant.

Flexity LRV 4500-4599 Image Archive

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