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Saying Goodbye to the Brill Witts (May 18, 1952)

Text by: James Bow, photos by Julian Bernard, donated by Curt Frey.

A Witt is not just a Witt. Not only are Witts distinguished between "Large" and "Small", but they were also distinguished by maker as well. While 250 (200 Large, 50 Small) of Toronto's 350 Witts were built by Canadian Car & Foundry, 50 (Small) were built by the Ottawa Car Company and 50 (Large) were built by Canadian Brill. Numbered with even numbers from 2580 through 2678, the Brills were the largest of the large Witts. They were delivered between January and May 1922. Like the other large Witts, these cars were equipped with couplers to pull trailers.

The Brill Witts were a full foot longer than the standard large Witts, and distinguished by their higher, domed roofs and windowsashes. The non-standard nature of these vehicles led them to be candidates for retirement as the Yonge subway neared completion in 1953 and the shipment of A-11, A-12 and A-13 class PCCs arrived. By mid 1954, they were retired along with all trailers and a number of Small Witts.

To remember the Brill Witts, a number of charters were organized. One such charter included a 16 mile run made by the Upper Canada Railway Society on May 18, 1952 from Birchmount Loop on the east to Long Branch loop on the west. Below are pictures of this charter...

Brill Witt Charter - May 18, 1952 Image Archive

Thanks to Ray Corley for his corrections to this web page.

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