Photos by Richard Glaze
In 1953, young Richard Glaze (21) was living in Ohio, but already a budding rail and transit fan. Based on his collection, he enjoyed a trip to Toronto on the weekend of May 30-June 1, 1953. The object of his trip was a major streetcar charter that brought out not one, but two streetcars for attendees. Large Peter Witt car #2528, pulling trailer #2909 was called up, along with A7-class all-electric PCC #4470. Judging from the slides (here and still to be scanned in), the tour took in much of the city, which still had most of its streetcar network available ahead of the launch of the YONGE subway. The tour also offered impressive access to behind the scenes to a number of TTC operations, including visits to Eglinton garage and Hillcrest shops, along with pass-throughs of St. Clair and Russell Carhouses.
Witt Trailer and PCC Doubleheader Tour Image Archive
Peter Witt car #2528 and its trailer prepare to turn right from Coxwell onto Queen. Richard Glaze took this photograph on May 30, 1953.
Taking the lead, Peter Witt #2528 and trailer #2909 head along the ladder track at the south end of Russell Carhouse. Richard Glaze took this photograph on May 30, 1953.
Following behind the Peter Witt trailer train, PCC A7-class all-electric PCC #4470 turns from Connaught onto Eastern Avenue at the south end of Russell Carhouse. Richard Glaze caught this photo on May 30, 1953.
Moving in amongst the service cars, Peter Witt car #2528 and its trailer sits behind PCC #4470 at Glen Echo loop. Richard Glaze caught this photo on May 30, 1953.
At Hillcrest Shops, Richard Glaze caught this image of PCC 4470 with ex-Cincinnati Street Railway trolley coaches #1350 and 1359.
A view of PCC 4470 along TTC flatcar W-4 and ex Cincinnati Street Railway trolley coaches #1350 and 1359 at Hillcrest. Photo by Richard Glaze.
TTC Peter Witt #2528 and its trailer and PCC #4470 pause at the north end of Spadina Avenue. This photo was taken by Richard Glaze on May 30, 1953.
Here, Richard Glaze captured Peter Witt 2528 and trailer 2909 and PCC 4470 pausing southbound on Spadina Avenue at Clarence Square.
Another shot of the charter train and PCC at Clarence Square and Spadina. A Don Massy is identified as standing on the front steps of Witt 2528.
A view of trailer #2909, looking south on Spadina Avenue at Clarence Square. Photo by Richard Glaze.
TTC Peter Witt #2528 and its trailer prepares to enter Fleet Loop, followed by PCC #4470 in the afternoon of May 30, 1953. Photo by Richard Glaze.
TTC A7-class all-electric PCC #4470 heads westbound on Fleet Street towards Fleet Loop on the afternoon of May 30, 1953. Maple Leaf Stadium can be seen in the background. This photo is by Richard Glaze.
TTC A7-class all-electric PCC #4470 prepares to follow the Peter Witt trailer train this shot is taken from, crossing Spadina Avenue on the Front Street private reservation. This photo was taken by Richard Glaze on May 30, 1953.
A shot of A7-class all-electric PCC #4470 facing south in Fleet Loop. This shot was taken by Richard Glaze on May 30, 1953.
Peter Witt #2528, its trailer, and A7-class PCC #4470 pose for photographs on York Street, facing southbound, near Front Street. This photo was taken by Richard Glaze on May 30, 1953.
TTC Peter Witt #2528 poses for photographs on Front Street, facing eastbound towards Market. Richard Glaze took this photo on May 30, 1953.
Another view of Peter Witt train 2528 and 2909 with PCC 4470 pausing on Front Street at Market. This photo was taken by Richard Glaze on May 30, 1953.